We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Published on Mar. 20, 2009, 10:21 PM Last Update: 4 minutes ago by theguyfromplt
Tags: Alex Austin Center counterterrorism CTIU DPS Fusion Jones MIAC Militia Modern Movement Terrorism Texas
Written by: J. Mark Foreman II (03/20/2009)

I heard Alex Jones mention this document on his show today (similar to the infamous MIAC document titled "The Modern Militia Movement") - just wondering how many on RTR know about this document? It is a Publicly available Pamphlet from 2004 titled "Terrorisn - What the Public Needs to Know". (Available to the Public, but I've NEVER once until today heard mention of it!) It is another document that generalizes MANY honest people here in my home State as a potential Terror Suspect. I mean stuff like:

-People who have a lot of clothes ESPECIALLY LEVI jeans
-People who use large amounts of cash to buy Security Cameras, GUNS, Cigarettes/Alcohol, and get this--BABY FORMULA(?!!)
-People who possess Identity documents (IT CITES REAL OR FAKE) such as a Passport, Driver's License, Social Security Card or Birth Certificate
-People who take photographs
-People who have a "NICE-GUY" look about them and avoid confrontations with Police
-People who attend Public Rallies, Demonstrations and private meetings sponsored by support groups
-People who possess or purchase a GPS system
-People who attend or participate in and practice spiritual indoctrination, self-defense courses, and SCUBA training
-People who are driving in a car with use a cell-phone, email or SMS Text messaging services
-People who posses Posters, leaflets, are affiliated with websites or possess "underground" press publications (whatever the scope of that implicates)
-People who purchase items with cash that a "normal" citizen might use a credit card for (I have NO credit cards)
-People who are Team-Oriented and very disciplined
-People who are committed to and focused upon their cause (whatever that may include)
-People are "normal" in appearance
-People who are walking, bicycling, or walking near any structure or area without a valid reason (can anyone say Gestapo?)
-People who are traveling in the company of a mixed group of men, women, and children of varying ages, who are unaware of the subjects purpose



This document also warns against those who possess handheld radios (including emergency radios), pre-paid cell phones, and prepaid calling cards. What's more, it instructs all citizens who read this document basically spy on their neighbors and report activities listed above to the Texas DPS, which produced this document under the CTIU (Counterterrorism Intelligance Unit)-which basically names the DPS office in Austin, TX as our "Fusion" center for TX. The biggest problem I see with this document is that it is outdated. LOTS of Texans have been buying guns like crazy for fear of Rahm Emanuel and Obama violating their Second Amendment Rights - and if they were paid for with cash, that makes a great number of these honest citizens potential Terrorists when, in truth, they are hardworking people who do not seek violence but instead feel obligated to defend their property and families.

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