We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Reprinted with permission of the Author; The Tradesman

America is at a Dangerous Crossroad;
America is at a crossroads. We are about to lose our Constitutional Protections because of a group of self styled Democratic/Communists, who only have their own interests in mind, want to change the rules to suit their agendas. They have been trying to slowly remove the 2nd Amendment's protections since the FDR Administration. They have almost succeeded.
They're doing it because they KNOW the 2nd is NOT ABOUT hunting, NOT about target shooting, NOT about personal protection. The primary reason it was placed right after the protected rights of Free Speech, Free Press, and Free Religious Persuasion. It's the TEETH of Constitution. It gives the people the tools and capability to stand up against their Government, should that Government ever decide to ignore it's proper place of serving the people. That is why the Liberal Communistic/Socialists want the people disarmed. Even Dictators like Mao Zedong admitted that political power came from the barrel of a gun, and then forbade Chinese citizens from having firearms. When they were collected he started killing off the opposition with little to no danger to himself. Remember that.
The fact that Americans can legally keep and bear arms in the crux of our Self Governance. Remember the Founders had just came through a period where the King was going to confiscate all their personal weapons. The Founders put it there, for the time they foresaw our government overstepping. Since then our Government has been overstepping a little at a time, by creating regulations that require extensive background checks and large tax stamps, essentially a Government police permit to keep and own certain types of firearms. Now the Democratic/Socialists want to do that with all Civilian firearms. The entire reason that the Second amendment exists in the first place was to give Citizens an equal footing with the military might of their Government.
As I said before it's there because it gives the people the means to fight back against the government, and it was intended to allow the citizens to have all the same weaponry the government has. Many people on the Left want you to believe that the Founders only meant Flintlock Muzzle Loaders and such they had during the Revolutionary War.. They conveniently ignore Cannons and other period arms. So only types they had during the Revolutionary War. How about the Cookson repeater 1690.The Kalthoff repeater 1600's, The Belton repeating musket 100 ordered by Washington/Congress, Puckle gun 1718, Nordenfelt 10 barrel rifle-caliber machine gun 1783 are those types allowed too? The Gun Grabbing Democratic/Communists or 'Socialists' if you prefer, are openly lying when they say modern style arms were never intended, nor were Military Assault style weapons. Ask yourselves this; Did the Gun Grabbers not know the arms they were talking about WERE the Military Assault weapons of the period? The Gun Grabbing Democrats have stolen our Second Amendment Rights under the color of the law.
Every Law that's been passed against guns and other weapons, since the Ratification of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, has INFRINGED on that specific protection the 2nd Amendment granted. The politicians saying it's to protect people is a line of HORSE SH*T, and they know it. It's to protect them from angered abused citizens who would finally come after them to end the excesses they have rained down on us.
Now not only do they (Democratic/Socialist Party) want to take away our guns, they want to rip the Constitution to shreds so they can become the Dictatorial Rulers who only care for their continued Power and Positions, and who can change the rules at a whim. It must stop, and we must stop it using the provisions the Founders left with us to hold the Federal Government in check! The Vote, and Article V to propose Amendments that will keep Congress honest. After the Bill of Rights, EVERY SINGLE AMENDMENT has been proposed by Congress. Many of them were embedded with Stealth provisions that would only serve the Congress and increase the power and scope of Federal Government. Three come to mind. the 14th, 16th, & 17th.
The 14th had a stealth bomb within it that actually flipped the power structure to the Central Federal Government by curtailing the power of the States and the People. It contained three toxic words; "No State Shall" It's amazing how three words took the power from it's rightful owners and invested it in the Federal Government when the Constitution was intended by the Founders to be the Legal Chains on the power of the Federal Government. The 16th which some thing was not properly ratified Changed the portion of the Constitution that Apportioned taxes and installed a privately owned bank over the Treasury of the United States. the 17th stripped the Equal Representation the States had in Congress by allowing the direct election of Senators by the people. Now, instead of owing fealty to their State Legislatures like was intended, the Senators only owe fealty to their own political party. That is why we are in this mess today. Look up the Connecticut Compromise and find out why there were only two Senators per State, and how they were chosen.
I fail to see why the American People have allowed those Evil Incarnate Misanthropes in Congress to reign supreme, and hold unchecked positions of power. They are not our Rulers, they are our Hired Hands. If they don't do the job we tell them to do, then we must fire them ASAP. The Sooner the Better I say. I also believe, if we don't wake up soon, and eliminate those who put themselves above the good of America for personal gain, we will soon be incapable of doing it. Then we will far down the road to becoming enslaved to the Socialist Masters, and to their whims of governance.
We now come to one of the reasons we are so split up. to do that we must return in time to the aftermath of WWI, when Lenin and the Red Army controlled the Russia/Soviet Union. The Educational system was deliberately infiltrated by agents of Lenin pushing Communism as the newest wonder of the world. That infection has spread and grown to the proportions we now see threatening American Freedom and Liberty. In fact I believe it has twisted the minds of the Left and gained control of the Democratic Party completely.
We must stop and reverse that trend to defend our Constitution and the Freedoms & Liberties it protects. To do that effectively, we must purge all the infiltrators who have infested the Educational Systems Colleges beginning with identifying those Communist Agents Lenin sent to start corrupting the History & Political Establishments in America, followed by Stalin's pogrom against Freedom & Accurate History. Then we must trace the infection down through the decades which followed until we reach the present.
First lets get a little timeline going so we are all on the same page. Lenin started it out by infiltrating professors who had been co-opted by the false promises of the Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. These agents began to chip away at the foundations of America and it's history using it's strengths as weaknesses to be exploited. It became a popular agenda during the 1930's Great Depression, and under the FDR administration began it's first inroad into corrupting American Politics. I firmly believe It extended that Depression to further entrench the idea of Socialism as a benign adjunct to personal prosperity under a collective life style. From there it continued through the Decades infecting teacher colleges, and now it has descended into kindergarten. It's now replete with all the perverse Agendas promoted by the Progressive Democratic/Socialists and championed by the Weaponized Political Correctness attacks.
To even begin to reverse the process we have been living under for over 100 years, we must start as they did with the Educational System. If we want an even chance of succeeding we will need to end the Federally controlled Department of Education. Return the control of the schools to the States and their subdivisions, and reinstate actual history and civics classes in place of the Propaganda now being taught.
Private and Parochial schools are a start to ending the hydra like effect the Dept. of Education has had on the American school system. That system has been turned into a propagandizing tool of the Democratic/Socialist Left, to finally attack and destroy every good American tradition of Liberty & Freedom, along with Morality and Common Decency to further weaken America.
The Tradesman

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Arms, as used in the common vernacular and general understanding of the period in which the Second Amendment was created; 

Definitions from the era when the Constitutions Second Amendment was created, Expands the Meaning & Intent of what the Founders meant, when they specifically used the Word 'ARMS'. This transcends & expands the modern definition Justices and Politicians place on the Word 'ARMS'.

The 2nd A, says"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This is not only relegated to pistols and rifles, the meaning and intent as then defined, meant all Military Weapons.

Modern Day Jurists, and an Anti-Constitutional Political Party, through the auspices of Partisan Judges has clouded and unconstitutionally reduced the original intent and meaning of what American Citizens were allowed when the Founders considered and created the 2nd Amendment.

Arms, as used in the common vernacular and general understanding of the period in which the Second Amendment was created, meant to the reasonable and prudent man, ALL Military Armaments. Therefore the Debate is ridiculous. American Citizens Weapons Rights were protected by 2nd A.

Therefore, a case for the repeal of any weapons laws should be considered, to declare those laws Unconstitutional, because of the specific wording of the Second Amendment as taken in context and common definition of the times and the situation it arose out of. IMHO.

excellent post...the shredding of our Constitution has been in the works for sometime now, and what is most sad is that the stealth maneuvering has been done for all to see, yet no one cared to really look, and of those who did andd called it out were quickly dismissed as wacko alarmist and was shut down quickly. 

The history of disarmament of true citizens is the start, and it has started.... we must hinder this at every turn or we will be lined up and made to surrender to the Radical Socialist Progressive Left and I for one refuse to do so. As with most actions of the RSPL's, they throw so much shit at the wall to see what will stick, it's like being placed in front of a tennis ball machine and trying to hit each ball as it is shot at you at high speed that is impossible to do and keeps one off balance.... that is their means of operation for as long as I can remember, with the MSM as the long arm of the Propaganda Storm Troopers of the RSPL's, it has made it almost impossible to cut through the noise and get and find facts that truly tell of the issues at hand.... this too is now hindered by FB, Instagram, Twitter and others as they block and make blind the accounts of anyone who dare oppose the chosen ideology and info that is allowed to get out...... Our Founders faced the same issue, if they got around the same type of INFO WAR, then we too can and have to do a better job at it,,,,sometimes going back to the basics can be an aid, but much more needs to be done.

Education was lost sometime ago, indoctrination has been the chosen method for so long, our youth now knows nothing else and it is getting uglier by the day.  Parents, burdened to provide under the administrations of oppression with nanny state demands and to hit the purses of those still able to work picked to pay for it all, even basic education got away from the care of parents and local schools that as far as I am concerned, we have at least 2 lost generations of minds fed nothing but irrelevant nonsense and lab rats for the next new "PROGRESSIVE" educational styles that would make the thinkers of tomorrow better.... that was nothing but a big fat lie and for the most part provided automatons for the RSPL to drag along like animals on a leash with Big Tech and devices the collars onto which with leash is hooked to....

Parents, take a look in the mirror and ask this question.... what did I miss and when did I miss it....with that said..... know that it is too late to change the past...... yet...... get a grip on those kids both young and those who think they know everything, grab them hard and move forward had for the following generations to have a chance to live.

As M's post indicated Private and Parochial schools are fine, BUT VET THEM ALL CAREFULLY.... many of those institutions have been infiltrated and will solve nothing....... Home school and on line are options and the idea that the student is isolated is crap... many on line and home school programs have group meetings and trips in the area..... YMCA has programs for a phys ed type of program to keep moving and interested.... local community colleges too have home school programs to use labs or community access to lectures and Library's too offer concerts and lectures for group participation of Home School students.... If you can't be the teaching assistant on line or Home Teacher, there are some home school parents that will take a near by student close to their own child's age...... and too... Get to the School board meetings and cut them off at the knee, to busy?  Bull Crap... pack a picnic dinner grab the fam and get you ass to those meetings and to the meetings at school.... if you have time to sit with your phone or lap top after work and dinner, get you hair done or you medi/pedi done.... for go that and hit the school and board meetings and College parents do the same!!!!


Go out and get a nice big copy of the Constitution and frame it and hang it where all can see... add too the Bill of Rights.... copy of the Federalist Papers..... Search for young readers of patriotic themes and historical info.... there are many but you have to look for them.... schools and some libraries won't shelve them so YOU must........

For some... it's to far gone..... the rest.... there is a chance.... add this to everything else Conservative Citizens, Christian Citizens, Hebrew Citizens and others who DO NOT adhere to the RSPF's pressure and control grab have to face and still work and care for family...... it's a wonder.... at least in my case... I'm so GRAY in the head.... Yet I am proud of every strand I have and earned them with the fight to keep Me, my Family and my Country the Constitutional Republic it will stared out as and will Always Be!!!!!





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