We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


I have written many times about the importance of repentance and prayer to the future of our nation and will do so again, here and more times in the future, in the hope that people will respond accordingly and give God a reason to  spare us of the judgment the nation deserves and is asking for.  One of my favorite Bible verses is 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."     I have included this verse in several previous articles, asking people who call themselves Christians to not only pray this verse but to live it also.  Turning from our wicked ways is repenting of our sins.  Repentance means to turn around and a total turnaround is what is needed, spiritually, physically, and practically.  I don't know how much longer God is going to tolerate the attitude of those running the government but I do know He will run out of patience, and likely very soon.

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Jack was removed for cause on Feb 26, 2017 and blocked from coming back.


M,  thanks for letting me know, I wasn't aware he had been removed since his posts still show up.

When the government fears the people. .

Hm............... Bible Thumpers again.

So, "I don't know how much longer God is going to tolerate the attitude of those running the government but I do know He will run out of patience likely very soon."

No doubt by the end of the week?

We are indeed blessed to have those who are on intimate terms w/the mind of the Almighty; in our very presence.!!!!!

hmm omnipotent atheists again, how cock-sure they are about everything

Maybe God wants us to just VOTE the bums out!!! You know they say he works in mysterious ways!!! I can say that came really clear to me when I saw Hillary making a speech this morning on one of the news stations, and as she was getting done with her shrill nasty voice, a huge down pour came down upon her head drenching her!!!!  Now that did bring a tear of glee to my eye, or was it just another sign, viewers choice...

I think this is it you decide..LOL


Published on Nov 5, 2016

Hillary Clinton concludes Florida rally in the pouring rain

Just as it was getting started, Hillary Clinton's speech in Florida was stopped by a torrential downpour.

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    How many want to listen to this shrill nasty voice for 4 maybe 8 years I don't. !!!

interesting Hank how you have the unique ability to pick out those who might be atheists.

yes, it is always a blessing to have people of faith to cover for the ignorant anti-God fools.  your sarcasm towards God shows you for the fool you are.  God will not be mocked and one day He will show you, but by then you will likely be on your way to the Lake of Fire with other non-believers!!!!!  God ran out of patience with the entire world and destroyed all but Noah and his family, then ran out of patience with Sodom and Gomorrah and saved only Lot and his family from a firey death.  He ran out of patience with Israel more than once and delivered them into enemy hands.  Don't think the USA is exempt because it isn't. I and my family will be okay because Jesus Christ is Lord in my house. And it is better to be a "bible thumper" than a minion of satan!!!!!

Bob you need to be more specific to the person you are addressing....I do not use sarcasm towards God and I am not a fool. If it is not me you are referring to, I still think you have some explaining to do for judging others. God does not favor such actions.

Uninterested in engaging in a urinary contest w/this trivial but noisy Bible Thumping buffoon; yet the epithet,"ignorant and anti-God fool" begs for a reasoned retort.

Decades ago, Russell Kirk wrote a masterful treatise for the Heritage Foundation in which he articulated several core Conservative Principles; among them the nostrum that Conservatism is a body of behaviors, impulses and sentiments regarding human nature which is neither dependent on nor derivative of ideology, politics or religion.

Further, there exists for Man, an enduring Moral Order derivative of the Natural Law and captured in the 75 words of the Ten Commandments; whose precepts and truths are enduring and permanent.

Religion, necessarily, has a 'not of this world' focus and vision. As Jesus Christ implied; Man is neither a perfectible creature in this life nor is paradise possible on this earth. 

Conservatives understand that we are mere dwarfs who see as far as we do, only because we stand on the massive shoulders of the Giants of Antiquity who created Western Civilization; a notion articulated by Bernard of Chartres.a Roman Catholic Archbishop, in the 12th century.

Yet these eternal precedents are held in contempt, if they're even understood by moderns and the Bible Thumpers remain oblivious.

Since the deadly secular heresy labeled the French Enlightenment metastasized, culture/society has been in thrall to the mind set of the 'reformer type'; be it Rousseau, Diderot, St.Just, Marx, Engels and the rest of these zealots.

Their hallmark has always been closed mindedness, humorlessness intolerance and self-righteousness, as only they know the right way and have the answers. Sound familiar???

The Bible Thumpers are cut from the  very same cloth and both share a similar vision; perfecting Man for his own good!!! That's the message be it on Page 37, Paragraph 6 of Das Kapital or Page 877, Chapter 3, Verse 53 of the Book of Lamentations. So you better pay attention, wise up and quickly!

We sought and captured our freedom from the British Crown some 225 years ago and it was the catalyst and driver for our creativity . So too, freedom was the driver of the astounding achievements of Greece and Rome.

We hardly need Bible Thumpers, needy of attention, insisting that they know what's best for our own good.



Yes all that is a valid argument. However we are beset by Luddites who are fanatical Religious Zealots for Islam. I remember when the proper term was Mohammedanism in our catechism books used during Religion class. Seems every Religion has gone through that I am the only one that is right and you will act as I tell you or i'll force/kill you phase. Why can't the Religions of the world just teach a derivative of the universal truths about morality simplistically, like say, the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That encapsulates the essences of the moralistic teachings whether they be religious or secular in nature.  Taken from strictly a secular perspective even the Ten Commandments boiled down to their essence as a moral yardstick, are nothing less than a blueprint for a workable society.What the Religions forget to tell people it is simple and a matter of faith. Either you believe, don't believe, or don't know. That makes it a personal decision. Religions do have a purpose of instructing in making moral decisions if they themselves are moral and that is the catch. I know some good muslims who are horrified by what the Jihadists have done and are doing but they have no ,more of a chance to change them than you or I have of influencing the Pope to allow abortions as a method of population control. To me the bible thumpers are the guard rails on the highway of life in that they keep us focused for one reason or another. Like the Muslim we can no more influence them than the Muslim can influence the dedicated Jihadist. Both seem to be in it for the power,money,and acclaim they get out of using the Bible as a tool to further their agendas.

In short I believe we all should voluntarily live according to the Golden Rule as a reasonable basis for real morality and I also know I despise fanaticism for any reason and in any guise. but that's just me.

M, true enough and clearly articulated.

Your reference to Islam is on the mark. As Kipling, who lived among the Muslims of India some 150 years ago, understood; it's a cult masquerading a a religion and worships at the altar of death and suicide; its identity since 632 AD.

Our political jackasses eternally seek the Muslim moderate who is less real than the Unicorn. There are only two types of Muslims.

Dumb and dumber! 




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