We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

From Karen Bracken;

The link says it all....no need for my commentary.  Thanks to K D for sending this link to me. Unfortunately this link is being blocked by Big Tech.



The COVID blog - this is a very interesting website that captures death and injury caused by COVID vaccine and so much more.  This website provides real facts and truth about COVID, COVID vaccine, Ivermectin, HCQ and much more.  It is a new site so please share with others.  Thanks to Al D. for sending this link to me.



Are you or members of your family or friends under the belief that the vaccine will protect you from getting COVID?  Learn the FACTS the NIH, CDC, WHO will not tell you but they are the facts non the less. You have to go out and search for the facts yourself because they are out there they just won't put it out on the MSM.  They keep it quiet hoping no one is paying attention or digging for the facts.  Sadly, most people are not digging for the facts or the truth.



The communist left has taken down every conservative voice on social media and you tube.  Now they are going after conservative news stations.  Personally, FOX and Newsmax are not my go to for truth or facts.  They both have to some degree have swallowed the kool aid but they are not left enough for the communists now running this country.  Basically they will either follow the communist propaganda or they will be taken off the air. Sadly, I believe they will cave.  I hope you see what is happening here.  This is the work of Chinese Communist Party.  They run this country and they now own the White House.  The definition of Truth is now disinformation.  



Another attack against whites.  This is not inclusion but the complete opposite.  Like I try to tell people whatever the left says or labels something it means totally the opposite.  Inclusion now means exclusion.



Even some on the left are seeing the destructive nature of the Biden administration.



What disturbs me the most from this article is 1. how many people they say are willing to get a vaccine passport 2. how many do not see what this is really all about and where it will lead.  



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More from Karen;

karen.bracken@reagan.com <karen.bracken@reagan.com>

Thu, Feb 25 at 9:04 AM

Voter and election fraud is so obvious and the truth will eventually one day be made known in a court of law but here is one example of the truth coming out.  Of course when it is too late to put the rightful President in office.  

Michigan SOS confesses to 500K ineligible voters 


Please contact your US Rep and US Senators and ask them to vote NO for the Biden Covid Stimulus Bill.  We need to put people back to work and the Biden Administration is using COVID to pay off the debts of their political donors and buddies. 


Only 5 percent, or less than $100 billion, of this multi-trillion bill will be spent in the current fiscal year.  The rest will be spent through 2028, long after the pandemic has subsided.

Please demand that your Representative vote against this wasteful and excessive spending bill.

The Congressional Budget Office recently reported that the economy will return to pre-COVID-19 levels by the middle of this year without a new stimulus package. Spending almost $2 trillion more is simply not needed to get our economy back up to speed. It will instead increase inflation and dramatically slow down any economic recovery.


Planet Lockdown Film Trailer


Meet your next Attorney General and it ain't good


Meet your next Secretary of HHS - he will reshape America in the im...


Eventually Democrats eat their own in order to get ahead.  They need to realize the election/voter fraud they implemented to steal elections from Republicans will come back to bite them too.

Press Conference calling for criminal charges against Cuomo


Cuomo accused of unwanted sexual advances


Journalist says he was terrorized by the Cuomo office


Isn't karma a beautiful thing??


Above is attached a short video from Prager U regarding wind and solar.  The only assumption any person with a grain of common sense could make regarding solar and wind is that it has NOTHING at all to do with saving the environment or climate.  But believe me there are a ton of people making bundles of cash from this scheme.  Thanks to Mike O. for sending this to me.




"The problem is not civil disobedience; the problem is civil obedience"




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