We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/biden-steps-aside-harris-ste...

Let's not get too smug.........
The British probably thought the same thing about the uppity Americans and once we took over our stewardship over this land wasn't all that stellar.................
Our founding fathers had slaves, we fucked the Indians out of their land and took it, we had a Civil War over State's Rights and Slavery, and now our own government is bending us over and screwing us up the ass!!!!!!
But if we are to save the Republic our fore father's tried to give us I believe it will not be pretty....... I would like to describe but am fearful that the Internet is not a safe place to air what needs to be done...... if you get my drift!!!!
What needs to happen is we need to shore up the vulnerable voting precincts and the electronic precincts that can be hacked.  If this isn't done before the election process has begun we are once again "toast"!!!
So, my fellow Patriots....... if you know anyone in the questionable "SWING" districts you need to highly encourage them to get involved in overseeing the voting in their areas!!!!! 
If not we will suffer the same defeat as we did in 2020 and 2022...... we need not only the Presidency but both the House and Senate.  And even with that we will need to hound those still occupying those offices to actually do something positive FOR "WE THE PEOPLE" THEY REPRESENT!!!!!
We have less than 100 days to get this shit together so we better get on it or we may never get another chance!!!!!!

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