We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Are we better off now after seven years of a racist, non-Christian POTUS?
Who is safer walking the streets at midnight a black man in a white neighborhood or a white man in a black neighborhood?
Who is uncomfortable with this conversation and why?
Name one shopping mall shut down due to the behavior of white citizens.
Why have we allowed the unions, the media. and the Democrats (all the same thing) keep segments of our population under-educated and ill-informed?
Is this not what MalcolmX warned about in his "Chickens" speech?
Why is this not taught in public schools?

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No, but lets not blame the symptom and miss the disease.

The black guy of course but wouldn't want to be either.

Damned near everyone, conditioning.

Cant have a race war, any war really, without ignorance can one.

I guess it could be seen that way if one attributed any powers of prophesy to either Malcolm or the Koran. Doesn't take genius to know acts have consequences though that seems all too rare now days.

You are kidding right?

Want to really make people uncomfortable?

Point out how much of the Turner Diaries has actually begun. 

Frankly it gives me the willies at times.

There is a blatant disregard for ethics and law by the opportunists in our government. They are aided by the union-controlled media and get away with (in Hillary's case) murder.

Oh there is enough blood to go around for every hand in DC and Wall Street as well as every voter that put them there and not just in our times either.

Hilldabeast is just the current scapegoat of the day for it though, so folks can point and say see there is justice... possibly... maybe... perhaps?

The narative coming out of MSM is not because of the unions. It is because the owners of the media are members of the elite Bilderberg Group. They have a Global agenda because they think it is the right thing for the world.They will do any things even if it goes against their nature because they feel the end result will justify the path to it.That is basic human thinking when one gets to full of themselves and feel they do not need God....The ones closest to Hitler saw it as this (IMO)

Let me add that just hating someone because they are a member of the Union is the Divisive trap. Please do not let that trap hold you.Yes Unions have gotten to be selfish and greedy. That is why you feel like you do. But they too are good people trapped in a trap of selfish greed.Hating them will fix nothing. Loving them will fix everything.Now I will not bring scriptures, because I am sure you can bring some Eye For An Eye script to combat my script. I respect the Bible too much to do that. I am just talking the common sense that that the Bible teaches on a whole. JESUS IS LOVE...THIS WE KNOW WITH OUT DOUBT.

Hey Kevin answer the message I sent.

Why are we making up holidays!
Kwanzaa: Fake Holiday Created by a Felon

Fake is what all the Black History is, the Civil War only about slaves? Give me a break. Lincoln overstepped his authority, period.Not many southerners had enough food to eat, let alone slaves. Today, they make it sound like every white person had slaves. There were not enough to go around and you could not afford to feed them. Poor Southerners would not have gone to war so rich men could keep slaves. They went to war because they were threatened by the kind of tyranny we face today. Once again minorities are uneducated by design, per MalcolmX, and used as pawns by the aholes.

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
From the crime bill to welfare reform, policies Bill Clinton enacted—and Hillary Clinton supported—decimated black America.

Kevin, you cannot work for radio, tv, or newspapers without becominga union member and toeing the line. The Bilderbergs are controlled by the AFL-CIO. The AFL-CIO is the world shadow government. They unionized Iraqi oil-field workers after that occupation. Those workers netted the AFL-CIO 8billion in dues and government subsidies and grants. Multiply this by Mexico, Syria, et al. Yes, the people are innocent sell-outs to the system. The system is corrupt. They want you to subscribe to theories where the actions of people cannot be calculated or measured. I submit that one simply apply some critical thinking. Anytime you are researching something that is not kosher, research its connection to the unions. One example is the Occupy Movement. Unions love scapegoating and using hate, violence, and race-baiting. Anyway, what would Bilderbergs be if not mafia? Exactly what unions are as described in history texts.

The union members in Radio are only in the tech side of that industry. They are not involved with the narative of what MSM reports.To think The bilderbergs are controlled by the unions is very laughable Hank. The leaders of the unions understand the herd mentality of the elite powers. They just make demands of wealth ,for their support of the herd. The unions are for sale and do not stand on principals.They are just one of the herds.

Dig deeper my friend. All actors, talking heads, even Bill OReily are union, compulsory. You are blinded by loyalty. unions destroyed ding dongs and Twinkies.





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