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Black Lives Matter ,Is Upset That Paris Is Top story In The News

To see what our Young have become is so un-nerving . Now we see the movement sweeping across this country. And now the anarchist movement is mad because the Terrorist attack in Paris has upstaged them......................................................................................................................................................... http://therightscoop.com/un-effing-believable-mizzou-protesters-are...

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http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/nov/14/mizzou-protesters-b...   ..............................................http://www.infowars.com/black-lives-matter-supporter-releases-fk-pa...     ............................................http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/11/14/mizzou-campus...                                        I could bring many more. But I just do not want to read any more of it. These 3 plus the one up top will do.

Most of it seems like what happened in the 60's. We need to expose who is behind it. Also don't take Alex Jones too seriously, he has made his fortune by being a Fear Monger that severely exaggerates any fact and also makes up quite a few opinions he expresses as facts.

I heard about this on the news so I went to the internet and found that what I heard on the news fell short on explaining just how disgusting this is. I stopped looking because I found myself getting a little to mad. Sitting in my chair, swearing at the monitor, I realized it was time to stop. I settled down after a while and threw this on the discussion board for us to try and put some kind of reasoning to this sickness that has fallen on our society.. Some how we need to package this event to show how liberalism is tearing the country apart........If we can not do it through debate and conversation, then I feel much bloodshed will be in near future...I notice myself that there is a huge difference from just a few years ago. Our countries hateful vibes are getting stronger and stronger. I can not see any handles on this situation as to grab on to try and control it. ..The anger seems to have its own out of control energy. A run away locomotive if you will. SO I ASK OF YOU ALL...WHAT THE HELL CAN WE DO ?

The best thing is to ignore them, lack of public interest will cause the media to shut down the story because it won't sell their news product. Feed the issue with more rhetoric and it grows, stop talking about it and it will go away. I personally think we are going to see a turnabout in the media reporting since ISIS has declared that DC is their next target. I would say they made a tactical blunder threatening the Progressive stronghold, and after Paris the Elites are getting nervous.

I heard on the news(fox) this morning that some of the Paris terrorists were a group of Muslim gang bangers who morphed into isis members. I wonder if some of the Black lives matter group members could do the same. Some of them seem to be fueled by enough hate to become violent....Just wondering...

When you consider that all they have been taught is hate and oppression by the Democratic Socialists who have kept them held down with welfare programs that were designed to force them to sell their votes for progressives so they could keep getting the minimum dole with all the strings attached so they could barely eke by and survive. What else would you expect to see?

M rest assured, I am very aware of Alex Jones, and how he will expand facts to make things more than what they are. But you can not dismiss the basic facts he talks of. If it was only him saying something, I would run from it...Lets face it ,even the great one Levine uses sensationalism to promote his show.I see all things in the correct lighting. Maybe not at first, but when I get into anything ,I go with skepticism....Hope your right but crossing your fingers is not really a strategy.





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