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Breaking NewsMUST READ: This Is Why the Democrats are So Afraid of a Valid Audit in Maricopa County – the Results Are Insane.

Source; https://conservativesunity.com/must-read-this-is-why-the-democrats-...

We knew it was garbage when Arizona was called for Biden by FOX News on Election Night.  There are numerous reasons why this was unreasonable and unbelievable.  Here are some of the more obvious reasons.

We knew Biden was not going to do well in Arizona on Election Day.  There were numerous signs.  One was the attendance at an event less than a month from the election where both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were in Phoenix.  There was nobody there.  The news reporter even told her audience there was no one there:

This was consistent with events before the election for Biden across the country.  Trump had more than 1.1 million attendees and Biden had less than 2,000 attendees between Labor Day and Election Day.  Trump had massive crowds while Biden had a few people in circles:

There were close to zero attendees at the Biden – Harris rally in Phoenix but Trump rallies were massive, even when he wasn’t there.  On one occasion a Trump car rally in Arizona was estimated at 96 miles long.  Unfortunately, Twitter took down the related tweet with a video.

This is why it was shocking to see the results showing Biden won Arizona.

In regards to Arizona as a whole, Biden was the first Democrat Presidential candidate to win Arizona since Bill Clinton in 1996.  Biden won the state according to CNN by a mere 10,457 votes.

Biden also was the first Democrat Presidential candidate to win Maricopa County in 72 years since Harry Truman did in 1948.  Biden won Maricopa County, which is approximately 60% of the total vote in the state.

But it’s even worse than that.  In 2016, President Trump won Arizona by 91,234 votes according to CNN.  Trump also beat Hillary in Maricopa County by 44,454.  Therefore, Arizona swung by 100,000 votes in Arizona as well as Maricopa County.

The total number of votes in Arizona in 2016 between Trump and Hillary was 2,413,568.  There were a total number of votes between Trump and Biden of 3,333,829 votes.  The number of votes increased in the state by 920,261 or nearly a million more votes.  This was an increase of nearly 40% from 2016.

But somehow Biden, who couldn’t pay someone to come to his rally in Arizona, increased the number of votes over Hillary by 500,000 votes in the state or 44% more votes than Hillary.  This would suggest that thousands of more people were excited about Joe Biden in Arizona when compared to Hillary Clinton.

There is simply no evidence to support this.

In Maricopa County, Biden won nearly 50% more votes than Hillary Clinton.  Biden increased the number of votes from 2016 by 48%.  What information supports this?  Again, he couldn’t fill a parking lot less than a month before the election.

Trump too increased his votes by 33% in the state by about 400,000 votes.

The only way Biden could beat President Trump in Arizona and in  Maricopa county was a miracle or to cheat. 

That is why the Democrats do not want a valid audit performed in Maricopa County.  This is why they are so scared.

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So, what was the outcome of the re-count?

 Landel aka Bullheaded Texan

It's not over yet Landel. you can watch the live feed from the Arizona Recount at; 





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