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If you like your 2nd ,then you do not want Christie.........................http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2015/12/08/1...

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No one can carry a gun in NJ except criminals!

Is there some danger doughboy could become president?


Only if there is a lottery we dont know about.

BTW as far as these clowns are concerned you already are a criminal.

Embrace it

Rhodes, I highly doubt that Christie could win. But it would be a likely move for the GOP establishment to get behind him, If their top two choices do not catch fire. I think the establishment would rather have Hillary than a non progressive.Rand, Donald are the biggest threat to the progressives. I think they could get their way with Cruz if he were to win. Ted is a career politician who will drink progressive cool-aid once in office.I think Santorum would not be well received by the progressives either.

However those alternates are seen by us lets face it they are going nowhere.

The point is to just end the fear. 

One ends the fear by understanding no matter how reasonable and willing to work with others to save this mess we will always be considered a criminal element. That is the entire purpose of this crap.

Embrace it, they should be very careful what is wished.

I have no clue what you just said.


You know I wont make some long post, either one understands or one refuses it.

Notice how important the lack of individual due process is to this.

I don't think the establishment concerns lie with Cruz or Trump getting the nomination. My guess is their concern is if either get the nomination they likely will lose to Hillary and we will lose the senate also. That kind of loss is good for the establishment in pushing the point you cannot have a conservative like Cruz at the top of the ticket and expect to win and also a person like Trump who has no political leaning at all and expect to win. However, the loss becomes a continuing problem for the republicans because they are on a serious losing streak and losing streaks are very hard to turn around.

Since this the same bunch that ran McCain, Romney, and Dole... meh lets roll the dice.

Maybe they should stop punting on first down...

McCain, then Romney, Two RINO`s. And then mid terms all kinds of anti establishment get in. You think Bush can win? If Bush wins primary, the Republican Party is done.Less people would show up for general than 4 years ago And then migration to a third party starts...In mid terms, grass roots people turn out because they want real change.Not because Their love for the generic GOP.  The way of the GOP has gone over the last 100 years is done. Progressives have morphed it into something different then what it was meant to be.....At any rate, your loosing streak you speak of, is on the establishment, Not the Tea Party. The Tea Party is responsible for gaining congressional and senate seats in the mid terms.

Jack......Here is a little history about Democrats voting for a Republican...............http://spectator.org/articles/63765/are-reagan-democrats-becoming-t...




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