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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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I would use the word malicious over criminal, given they have set out to criminalize everything...

but exactly, the aim is for the government to control everything and dont get caught between them and making a buck. Almost like the mafia is running this isnt it.

Crony Capitalism thieves thrive under Tyrannical Governing. Career politicians know how to use this power for Corporate donations.Politicians like Rand Paul would make sure that We The People will not get duped.Business as usual in Washington must stop.Those who think that Trump does not know of these things and will be looking out for the little guy are being fooled because he takes no donations. This way he will control Crony Capitalism as he sees fit.(IMO)..Leopards do not change their spots..

Feel better?


.........LIVING UNDER TYRANNY...SICK BASTURDS.....This video is from 12/5/15...

This Video is very telling of how Federal Politicians use their insider information to enrich themselves their family and their Crony Capitalistic Friends...Guys like Harry Reid and his son Rory should be tar and feathered...JMHO...

...Congressman speaks out about The situation in Oregon

..Lou Dobb`s interviews the district #2 Congressman about his speech.

Congressman Walden certainly is not a progressive...Sounds like a good man . But his problem is he is frustrated and can not figure out the evils with in the situation. He is a useful idiot. He needs to realize that there are criminals with in his beloved political industry that he loves.. Some one needs to slap him and wake him out of fantasy land.. MR WALDEN....FOLLOW THE MONEY...EVERYTHING HAS A MOTIVE.....His citizens have probably been telling him of the things going on ..He spoke of them in his sreech.  Why the frig cant he see what the problem is. It is very plain to me. He is either very stupid (useful idiot) or he is crooked. ..I do not think he is evil. Maybe he is a good man that has been bought. Maybe he could not resist. He has been in congress for a long time. Yup, I think he got caught up with the greed of the industry and compromised his principals..It gets them all....Its the old skeleton in the closet syndrome......Now that was just a ride through my thought process...Scary huh.

Dont allow them an excuse.

Never allow them to explain away their actions. 

Take the actions at face value folks. 

We cannot require every one to either be for us or else counted against us, that would be false to the reason of liberty, but we must know the enemy.

Had these people not "gone too far" would anyone be interested in what happened?

Not this clown for sure.

I know I promised Kevin I would not comment on this thread again, but after lessening to these two short videos, I believe Mr Walden has presented the clearest and most compelling argument against the federal government that I have heard so far. It is clear to me that an injustice has been done to the two men who have been sentenced as well as the citizens of that county. It is also clear to me that the necessary corrective action can be achieved and the American people would support all the efforts. The militia actions certainly brought national attention but I am afraid their actions did nothing to help the cause or Mr Walden's efforts. That is why I said there is a right way and a wrong way to approach any problem. I would stand with the ranchers in their fight but never if it is done in a forceful way. Again I apologize to everyone on this forum for breaking my promise. I will try once more to keep my mouth shut.

But we are not the ones serving five years for the crime of running a ranch the govt wants.

Imagine five years of your life lost, perhaps the entire rest of your life, for running a ranch. The injustice does not warrant compassion to the feds, any of them elected or not.

Let us temper that into our opinions.

Of course under the thumb of federal government lawfare who among us will not cave? I certainly wont gainsay either the Hammond family or the protesters.  

I do not preach violence but let us remember that when peaceful redress is made impossible only the violence of revolt remains. Peaceful change became impossible long ago it is surprising things have not taken more serious forms to date. I am unsure if that bodes well or ill.


Are you sure it's the Government and not some politician who wants the land to make a profit off of.




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