We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Constitutional Rights Threatened Yet Again by NY Atty. Gen.

In my humble personal and political opinion;

The corrupt Democrats are again trying to take the teeth out of the Constitution. They no longer believe it overrules their state laws and Supreme Court decisions, or they would cease and desist trying to make end runs around the Laws of the Land and ignoring/disrespecting the Supreme Court Decisions.

If the Corrupt Democrats are successful in enacting their .Hidden Masters. desires to eliminate the 2nd Amendment, they will eventually discard the entire Constitution. Look up how many Constitutional laws and Supreme Court decisions which do not follow their hidden masters desires they have already ignored, despite clearly worded caveats against those actions.

This Anti-2A Constitutional Rights Lefty Judge persecuted by prosecution, a man who had rightly believed Constitutional Law, and that same law by the way is complemented by the ATF Regulations allowing people to construct their own firearms for personal use, was in effect.

Watch the Video and think very hard about what would most likely happen if those hidden masters get their way and the corrupt Democrats outlaw/confscate guns.

History shows us Every time the Government disallows weapons to the public, the same Government becomes the dictatorial bully and abuses their citizens. This type of action has gone on from ancient historical times, up to today.

If you don't believe, look at Russia after WWI, Germany under Hitler, China after Mao, In fact look at what is happening in Australia right now.

When only the government has the guns the citizens have and will always become slaves to that government.

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