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It seems to me too many cops over react and end up killing inocent people to often.....
I find it disturbing that neither one of the officers who shot and killed the victims have been charged and taking in to custody. That is making this whole thing smell bad.Another disturbing fact is .Why did these officers shoot so many times. And why were they left to bleed out. That is what is creating the problems.When you get the bad cop, they need to treat him like a common criminal.
I can answer you're first question..Why did these officers shoot so many times. All firearms training military or otherwise is taught around center mass , shoot to kill.
Second part i would imagine is based around procedure. That's just my opinion.
The robot mentality that I have said before. So many police are not the smartest to start with. And then you teach them and micro manage them. That is why they go for the individuals who do not think for themselves. They can micro manage them.
Kevin in all honesty would you be a peace officer if you were told in defending you're self to shoot to wound?
Just sayin.
Sounds like there is a lot of corrupt departmental policy going on there too. Kevin.
BTW, you have to micro-manage an armed group that has authority to use Deadly Force and limit it to specific instances when you can fire on someone.
In my old department, one of the caveats was there had to be an overt act by a perp before I could fire on them. Example someone pointing a gun at me ( I come from the generation where Revolvers were the arm of choice by cops and criminals alike) just having a perp point a gun at me was not considered an overt act. the overt act was either cocking it or pulling the trigger if it was not cocked. ( you have a very short time to move when you first see a finger tightening on a trigger, lots of guys were wounded and some killed if they did not move fast enough.) Police were never supposed to be cast in the role of a military force even though their definition is Para-Military. Over the last two decades the police have become too similar to the military, and instead of keeping the peace, they have become actively militaristic. that is what's so bad.
They are not necessarily corrupt. But they are wrong in their thinking. Being wrong and being corrupt are 2 different things... everyone thinks that putting a bomb on the robot was good. But I was thinking we could have used some sort of stun gun or tranquilizer. I am kind of happy that the scumbag got vaporized, but he might have had some value to been kept alive. Plus vaporizing him just seems a little over the top.
Problem with stunguns is they are limited in range. Tranquilizers take time to work. Flash Bangs might have worked but even that is iffy since you only have 1 to 3 seconds where the people are stunned by it's blast. Remember this, anything you see on TV or in the movies usually don't work in the real world for various reasons.
M, I am not taken in by movies because I do not watch them. My life has been dedicated to 24 hour News cycles and with breaks on Discovery, history and national G channel`s. But through much watching of the channels I dedicate all my time too. Tells me that there is tings we can use rather than a bomb. How about a direct blast of tear gas. Then if he comes out shooting .you unload. Shepard smith reported that there was not enough left of him to do a toxicology report, to show if he was on drugs. We are talking trowels used for clean up. I mean like sorry we had to kill your kid. And then you hand the mother a mayo jar with his name on it.
I do not know if you remember me talking that this is my last election cycle. That is why I dedicate myself to knowing all about the truth of things. After this year maybe I will watch some movies .I am not sure . But I promised myself that I will not allow myself to keep going up against the establishment via elections.
Tear gas don't always work, and cheap gas masks can be bought on the net for $15. I don't like the idea of a bomb either. they do have armed robots they could have used to go in and shoot him possibly not killing him. Why didn't they do that?
M, It does not seem like you have watched the news cycles....They were talking to him via robot that was 2 feet from him. They had a visual.
I believe they exploded a device he was carrying.
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