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It seems to me too many cops over react and end up killing inocent people to often.....

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Ok , better than loosing on more person on that piece of crap!

Very true, But I would like to hear what he said after being interorgated .Some one had to know this guy was ripe for going off. I do think that they will find out his connections. But it will take time.I feel that he was connected to The New Black Panther Party..And he might have been able to supply some names at some point.Plus I do not want our society to devalue life so much that it is ok to Put Trowels into Crime scene clean up supplies. Just seems like that is not the right direction the God would want us to take.   The next thing would be the use of Drones. The hell with trials. I really think we need to not go down that path.


Ask yourself this set of questions about the perp and the increasing violence;

1. Was he a Democrat? That's not as silly as it sounds because it could be a factor in the uptick of violence to feed the agenda to take the guns. Many Democrats are radicals prone to such excesses in blindly sacrificing themselves to further the Liberal causes.

2. Why is there more agitation today concerning Racial matters than there was 15 years ago, and why has the tone of race relations been shunted back to the venue of the 60's riots?  This is not as racist as it sounds, but there has been a dramatic uptick in racial violence since Obama brought the officer and professor to the White House and blatantly took the professors side while shaming the cop sending subtle signals on where he stood.

3. Is Obama furthering Soros's plan to encourage ever more violence to scare the public into demanding the Government take away even more of our freedoms thus causing irreparable damage to the United States and drive it down into ruin, and could the uptick in violence dovetail with the world wide plan to disarm every citizen except the ones that will do the Elitists dirty work of holding the public in fear of their lives?

4. Have you looked at the over coverage on the gun violence by citizens and the downplaying of it for Islamic terrorists and illegal immigrants?

5. How does the media hype play into both the increasing violence and into the Liberals plans to restructure the US into a Socialist workers paradise?

M, you have some theories there. But what does that have to do with vaporizing the guy.


It all ties together as violence begets more violence, and when you throw in the irritants originated by the Puppet Masters to their political and media minions you have murderously oppressive actions waiting in the wings. For a clearer view look up the Russian Revolution and see the parallels between what Lenin did and what Stalin did then compare it to America today. Vaporizing the guiy is just another step in desensitizing the public to outrageous actions by the Government. The first step was militarizing the police agencies.

I do not want to sound like I have even a little sympathy for the piece of shit . But I just feel we should not be going down the path of using bombs.It devalues life. Now you can spin conspiracy`s about how Soros wants that. But to start using that in the argument will loose support. We have just started to get the world to open their eyes to the NWO and the shadow government of the Bilderberg group. I think keeping the argument simple using God`s will , will get support. I agree that Soros is one of the top evil forces behind the whole deal. We can push for legislators to direct law as to stop law enforcement from using bombs. But we can not bring the conspiracy to the table.Having that conversation in this forum is OK , because that is what we do here. .And I might add that I think we do a good job of exposing many different angles that most people would not think of.

The strength of unions to day fucking up so much of Ameica , yet libs are all in!

Government drops "the ball" again!

MESQUITE, Texas (AP) — The Dallas sniper had been sent home from Afghanistan after being accused of sexually harassing a female, and was described as a loner who followed black militant groups on social media.


So once again mental health is the unnamed culprit. Guess who let all the crazy's out to roam the streets?

They try to blame it on Reagan of course.

I will guess that that Cop killer, had connection to New Black Panthers... Not sure but it would be an avenue to investigate. It would be nice to be able to question him. 

New Black Panther Party has arrived in Baton Rouge....Here we go...This is not good




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