We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Critical Warning From The American Liberty PAC

Dire warning from the American Liberty PAC;


Remember the bad old days when Barack Obama and Harry Reid lorded over Washington? 

For six years, Obama and Reid worked hand-in-glove to ram through ObamaCare, pass the failed trillion dollar stimulus package and schemed to force a national gun registration through Congress. 

You and I could be set for a nightmare replay if Chuck Schumer and the Democrats seize control of the United States Senate. 

And with the Republicans defending 24 seats, compared to the Democrats 10, it's not hard to imagine Schumer ascending to the perch of Majority Leader

Already, millions of dollars are being funneled into key races in states like Kentucky, New Hampshire, Ohio and Wisconsin to fund misleading TV ads to push Democrats across the finish line. 

I'm worried the Democrats' under-the-radar plotting could pay dividends if Republicans train their sights on who succeeds Barack Obama and lose track of who is running the Senate. 

If you agree Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer rising to power would be a disaster for America, I hope you will agree to help me fight back. 

I'll give you a link to join me, but first let me take a few moments to explain what is at stake in November. 

Imagine Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer confirming radical pro-abortion Justices to the Supreme Court. 

Imagine Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer tag-teaming with President Hillary Clinton to smother America with trillions of dollars in new taxes and government boondoogles. 

Imagine Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ratifying the U.N. "Small Arms Treaty" and gutting our Second Amendment rights. 

Hillary Clinton is campaigning on completing Barack Obama's third term, and she needs a Democrat Senate to make it a reality

Mike, with Republicans being forced to defend a host of seats in blue states where turnout is likely to explode during the Presidential election, the Republican Majority rests on a razor's edge. 

Stopping Chuck Schumer and the Democrats from snatching power in the Senate is going to require IMMEDIATE action. 

END American Liberty PAC Article.


The gun control issue is not the only issue we face if the Democrats take over the Senate and Possibly the House giving them another Super Majority. We face many problems regardless of which Candidate wins the Election in November. If Hillary wins we face Socialist Upheavals that we won't be able to block. If Trump wins we will face upheavals from the Republican Establishment Leadership which will probably try to sabotage a Trump Presidency. We could even face problems from Foreign Governments that might lead to an open shooting war because Trump does not have any expertise in International Relations other than through Business and that is a whole different breed of cat than Political give and take between governments. Remember what happened between Iran and the Jimmy Carter administration with the embassy hostages?


Our only lifeboat in the coming troubled times will be for the American People who believe in a more conservative approach to government will be for them to fully Vett the candidates they can vote for in their States and Precincts. We need to seriously take this election as our probable last best chance to start restoring the Republic and reconstituting the checks and balances from the original intent of the Constitution as intended by the Founders. 

 To do that, the Conservative leaning Constitution loving voting public, needs to get to the polls enmasse in November, and focus on electing the best most Conservative leaning and Constitution championing candidates that are running. This needs to be done for the Congressional Elections, State Legislature Elections, even Local Office Elections. Doing that will give America a semblance of insurance against the turmoil that is coming after November. If it's not done, we may very well lose everything we stand for and have that supplanted by the agendas of the Progressive Elite's and Socialist Factions.

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The possibility that many GOP and Conservative leaning voters will stay home in November is a chilling possibility. Even though it would be a repeat of the 2012 election that put Obama in again, this election will have far reaching consequences to the future of our now faltering Republic. As I have been harping on over the last months, We need to go to the polls knowledgeable in the backgrounds through the Vetting process we ourselves have done, and vote for the most Constitutionally Oriented and Conservative leaning candidates from the ones that are running. I know in many instances it will become a choice between the best of the worst since in many instances only the ones we consider the worst will be running. I urge you to think of it as Not holding your nose and voting, but removing the Worst of the Worst from office.

We need to get as many Conservative Leaning and Constitutionally oriented candidates into office in Congress, State Legislatures, and Local Offices as we can. It doesn't even matter which party they hail from as long as their verifiable background shows them to be the closest to the Support of Constitutional Law, and are the most Conservative Oriented as proven by their long term voting records and bills supported or rejected. In short, how they have consistently comported themselves in their Political Careers to date.  Think of what happened during the Obama administration when the Democratic Socialists had a Super Majority. I won't list the severe damage to our Nation because it would take too long. However I do know that things in politics have lined up for a repeat of that fiasco should people stay home because of a distrust or disgust of the candidate/s  running for President this election. It's not about who wins the Presidential Prize, it's about who we put in power as our representatives/Lawmakers.

I will go as far as saying if we don't get every registered voter to the polls to stop the destructive agendas of the Elitist controlled Progressive Socialist Liberals, we are making a Deal with the Devil, not the Devil/Satan we were taught about in church, but the real life Devils of Human Greed and Avarice. Evils generated by the Elites to support and aggrandize the ultra rich men and women who only care about amassing ever more power and wealth for themselves. In fact in concert with the hidden controllers world wide, who want to create a world wide Oligarchy with themselves at the top.

M, The American voting conservative will easily vote for Trump. The politicians who say they are conservative will hope the American voting conservative will stay home...Think of this...The most conservative people you know. Who are not that  political. Will they stay home and let Hillary win....Read the tea leafs. Stop listening to the so called experts.It is common sense that they will vote for Trump. ..It is only the ones who have liked the rigged system that will want Trump to lose.


The very people you speak about are the ones we have to reach out to and convince them they have to go and vote. Especially for Congress,State Legislatures, and Local Offices. If they do we still have a chance to rescue and restore the Republic down the road because this is only the barest of starts. If they don't we will lose all for many many generations until the masses have once again had enough and revolt like America did against King George. Strangely enough, we are again going against a King George again. George Soros fancies himself a King, and wants to eventually deify himself as a God. 

It is hard for people to see what politicians are career selfish minded , or Patriotic minded.You take those who oppose Trump. They obviously do not care what the people say through voting. When they act like Paul Ryan, and put party politics ahead of the people`s wishes ,then he must go.. To many vote straight ticket ,because of the division that exists in party politics. And guys like Ryan, are party minded more than America minded...As long as we play along with party politics, they will keep the volley going. Trump is playing for the peoples party, and that is why I like him. He is the one who takes on both sides for the people...Like Charles said, HE IS A MAVERICK.




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