We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
The later part of the 20th century saw its share of odd financial bubbles. There was the real-estate bubble, the stock market bubbles, and the dot com bubble, just to name a few. In each instance of price inflation people paid exorbitant amounts for things that shouldn’t have been worth anything like the going price. And each time people stood around afterwards and said “What were we thinking?”

One has to believe that the same thought occurred to the Dutch in the 17th century when they settled down after their bout with tulipomania, wherein the humble tulip bulb began to sell for prices to make New York Realtors blanch.

As much as the tulip is associated with Holland, it is not native there. Rather it was introduced in 1593 by a botanist named Carolus Clusius, who brought it from Constantinople. He planted a small garden, intending to research the plant for medicinal purposes. Had Clusius’s neighbors been morally upright, the tulip might still be a rare exotic in the gardening world. Instead they broke into his garden and stole some of his bulbs in order to make some quick money, and in the process started the Dutch bulb trade
Just sayin!

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The Group of people  this video talks about that actually set policy behind the scenes in the EU is known as the Bilderberg Group..This video is a great find.

Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe’s borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Soros is one of the Main belderberg powerful elite.They are coming out from behind the curtain a lot more now. This is because so many know about them more and more. The light of good always flushes out evil. Works every time.Keep shinning the light. Keep bring the issue front and center. God it feels so good to have finally arrived at a time that people like us do not get called crazy anymore. I feel very vindicated. It is great.

Allen West concedes Congressional race to Patrick Murphy

Devastating Report Exposes Patrick Murphy's Lies
Privileged Patrick Murphy made his way into Congress by lying about his entire past.
June 23, 2016

Kuuleme Stephens / August 19, 2012

Kuuleme T. Stephens

I found this article written in 2008 and I just had to feature it here! It is some interesting reading, and I do encourage others to do research and look forthemselves!!! I was “born” into the Democrat Party, most of my family members are Democrats! It was not until later on (after I joined the military, and was out on my own in the real world) that I began to hear things about the Republican Party and began to research who was actually for the Black Community , Ending Slavery, and the Civil Rights Movement and who was not. I think it is very important that people expose themselves to and know accurate history, not just the stuff that you have been spoon fed from the Left, other family members, and friends. If people would educate themselves, this Country wouldn’t be going down the drain so fast! I hope you enjoy the article and please share this with any and every Liberal friend (Black, White or Any Race) that you may have, so they might have a chance to  learn accurate history and educate themselves as well!

The KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.May 15, 2008 at 1:01 pm | Posted in Democrat Party, K.K.K  |  18 Comments

Our nation’s top historians reveal that the Democratic Party gave us the Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws and other repressive legislation which resulted in the multitude of murders, lynchings, mutilations, and intimidations (of thousands of black and white Republicans). On the issue of slavery: historians say the Democrats gave their lives to expand it, the Republicans gave their lives to ban it.

The  Democrats:

  • Democrats fought to expand slavery  while Republicans fought to end it.
  • Democrats passed those  discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws.
  • Democrats supported and passed the  Missouri Compromise to protect slavery.
  • Democrats supported and passed the  Kansas Nebraska Act to expand slavery.
  • Democrats supported and backed the Dred  Scott Decision.
  • Democrats opposed educating blacks and  murdered our teachers.
  • Democrats fought  against anti-lynching laws.
  • Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia,  is well-known for having been a “Kleagle”  in the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West  Virginia, personally filibustered the Civil  Rights Act of 1964 for 14 straight hours to keep it from  passage.
  • Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil right laws enacted by  Republicans.
  • Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican, because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks.
  • Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, reintroduced segregation throughout the federal  government immediately upon taking office in 1913.
  • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first appointment to the Supreme Court was a life member of the Ku Klux Klan, Sen. Hugo Black, Democrat of Alabama.
  • Democrat President Franklin D.  Roosevelt’s choice for  vice president in 1944 was Harry Truman, who had joined the Ku Klux Klan in  Kansas City in  1922.
  • Democrat President Franklin D.  Roosevelt resisted Republican efforts to pass a federal law against  lynching.
  • Democrat President Franklin D.  Roosevelt opposed  integration of the armed  forces.
  • Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd were the chief opponents of  the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
  • Democrats supported and backed Judge  John Ferguson in the case of Plessy v Ferguson.
  • Democrats supported the School Board of  Topeka Kansas in the case of Brown v The Board of Education of Topeka  Kansas.
  • Democrat public safety commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor, in Birmingham, Ala., unleashed vicious dogs and turned fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators.
  • Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox  “brandished an ax hammer to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant.
  • Democrat Governor George Wallace stood  in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963, declaring there would be  segregation forever.
  • Democrat Arkansas Governor Faubus tried  to prevent desegregation of Little Rock public schools.
  • Democrat President John F.  Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr.  King.
  • Democrat President John F. Kennedy, had Dr.  King wiretapped and investigated by the  FBI.
  • Democrat President Bill Clinton’s mentor was U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat and a supporter of racial segregation.
  • Democrat President Bill Clinton interned for J. William  Fulbright in  1966-67.
  • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
  • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright joined with the  Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964.
  • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright voted  against the 1965 Voting Rights  Act.
  • Southern Democrats opposed desegregation  and integration.

Democrats opposed:

Republicans gave strong bi-partisan support and sponsorship for the  following legislation:

The Republicans:

  • Republicans enacted civil rights laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s, over  the objection of Democrats.
  • Republicans founded the HBCU’s (Historical Black College’s and Universities) and started the NAACP to counter the racist practices of the Democrats.
  • Republicans pushed through much of the ground-breaking civil rights  legislation in Congress.
  • Republicans fought slavery and amended the Constitution to grant blacks  freedom, citizenship and the right to vote.
  • Republicans pushed through much of the groundbreaking civil rights  legislation from the 1860s through the 1960s.
  • Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sent troops into the South to  desegregate the schools.
  • Republican President Eisenhower appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the Supreme Court, which resulted in the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
  • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, was the one who pushed through the civil rights laws of the 1960’s.
  • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois wrote the language for the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
  • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois also crafted the language for the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which  prohibited discrimination in housing.
  • Republican and black  American,  A. Phillip Randolph, organized the 1963 March by Dr. King on  Washington.

The 1964 Civil  Rights Act Roll Call Vote: In the House, only 64 percent of the Democrats (153  yes, 91  no),  but 80 percent of the Republicans  (136  yes, 35  no),  voted for it. In the Senate, while only 68 percent of the Democrats endorsed the  bill  (46  yes, 21  no),  82 percent of the Republicans voted to enact it  (27  yes, 6  no).

Thaddeus Stevens, a Radical Republican that introduced legislation to give African-Americans the so-called 40 acres and a mule and Democrats overwhelmingly voted against the bill.

During the Senate debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, it was revealed that members of the Democratic Party formed many terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan to murder and intimidate African-Americans voters. The Ku Klux Klan Act was a bill introduced by a Republican Congress to stop Klan Activities.

History reveals that Democrats lynched, burned, mutilated and murdered thousands of blacks and completely destroyed entire towns and communities occupied by middle class Blacks, including Rosewood, Florida, the Greenwood District in Tulsa Oklahoma, and Wilmington, North Carolina to name a few.

History reveals that it was Abolitionists and Radical Republicans such as Henry L. Morehouse and General Oliver Howard that started many of the traditional Black colleges, while Democrats fought to keep them closed. Many of our traditional Black colleges are named after white Republicans.

After exclusively giving the Democrats their votes for the past 25 years, the average African-American cannot point to one piece of civil rights legislation sponsored solely by the Democratic Party that was specifically designed to eradicate the unique problems that African-Americans face today. As of 2004, the Democrat Party (the oldest political party in America) has never elected a black man to the United States Senate, the Republicans have elected three.

*** Update***

Since the writing of the article back in 2008, the numbers of Black Americans in our House and Senate are as follows:

During the Reconstruction Era(1863-1877)

  1. 22 Republicans in the House of Representatives
  1. 2 Republicans in the Senate
  1. 0 Democrats in the House of Representatives
  1. 0 Democrats in the Senate

During the Modern Era(1877-present)

  1. 5 Republicans in the House of Representatives
  1. 1 Republican in the Senate
  1. 99 Democrats in the House of Representatives
  1. 3 Democrats in the Senate
  1. 1 Independent in the House of Representatives

As you can see, the party that the Blacks started off in was indeed the Republican Party. It was only after the Reconstruction Era ended and the Modern Era was issued in that the Black Community flocked to the Dixiecrat (Democrat) Party. Why did this change over occur for the Black Community to go from being Republicans to Democrats???? There is all kinds of speculation on that! My belief (which may not be yours) is that the Democrat Party and the Klan saw that they had to do something. It was essentially a power-grab that they intended to win. They were loosing power fast and they didn’t want to lose all of their power. Knowing that the majority of Blacks were still fairly uneducated (especially when it came to politics), they did the only thing they could do! They ripped off their sheets, introduced the words “help” and “free” into the picture, and off and running was the Democrat Party for the Black Community. The Democrat Party only saw the Black Community as a bunch of  “useful idiots” and their ticket to power!!!! Think about it……………

AHH YES. Hillary Clinton`s dear friend Robert Byrd

Even the Liberal Left Young Turks see the truth of Hillary`s feeling about Black people. She is the ultimate LIAR.

The central conflict in Our Republican Constitution is between these two opposing views, the Democratic Constitution—” first comes government, then come rights”—tied to Rousseau’s notion of the General Will, which Barnett eviscerates, the premise of the Republican Constitution: “first come rights and then comes government.” 

“Were the founders really against democracy? You bet. They blamed the problems in the states under the Articles of Confederation on an excess of democracy.”

Differentiating between both sides’ views of popular sovereignty, which one can acknowledges are both consistent with the idea of representative government, Take for example slavery in the United States, Democrats defended slavery as a form of socialism, as against a capitalist view that slaves were property, Democrats argued, slaves are cared for from cradle to grave. Where as the capitalist would keep slaves only as long as they were profitable making slavery expensive and impracticable.

“Given the sovereignty of the people as individuals, can the people be ‘presumed’ or ‘supposed’ to have confided in their legislature any power to violate their fundamental rights.” The answer is No.

Not according to Democrats, who of course, who believe that a majority of the people gets to speak for everyone (President Martin Van Buren’s idea of democracy, was close to Rousseau’s: “He ‘seems to have conceived of the democracy almost as a unified body with a single true will’).  “And the majority, if it wishes, can even authorize the enslavement of the minority!”

At the start of each new Congress, the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate are sworn into office. This oath-taking dates to 1789, the first Congress; however, the current oath was fashioned in the 1860s, by Civil War-era members of Congress.

The Constitution specifies no details for the oath of office for Congress:

  • Constitution, Article 6 - Debts, Supremacy, Oaths

    The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

The first Congress developed this requirement into a simple, 14-word oath:

  • "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States."

The Civil War led President Lincoln to develop an expanded oath for all federal civilian employees (April 1861). That July, when Congress reconvened, "members echoed the president's action by enacting legislation requiring employees to take the expanded oath in support of the Union.

This oath is the earliest direct predecessor of the modern oath." (cite)

The current oath was enacted in 1884:

  • I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
by David Harsanyi June 24, 2016 12:00 AM @davidharsanyi
Congress members pose as heroes of civil liberties while pushing an authoritarian measure.
Nothing stirs the passions of Democrats these days quite like the prospect of gutting the Constitution. In an unprecedented act of pretend political bravery, House members held a catered sit-in, demanding that Republicans allow a vote to strip away protections of the Second, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments of the Constitution. It was quite the scene. There were the selfie-happy Democrats singing “We Shall Overcome” while demanding passage of a bill that those right-wing nutjobs over at the American Civil Liberties Union have “strongly” argued would undermine civil liberties. As of this writing, no participant has been beaten down by the cops or thrown into a dank cell, although iPhones were probably getting perilously low on juice for those who’d forgotten their chargers. Sit strong, heroes! The message was clear, though. If we recklessly cling to the presumption of innocence, the terrorists have already won. If we fail to let bureaucrats create extrajudicial secret government lists that deny Americans their right to due process, we are, in essence, selling ISIS weapons of mass destruction. Civil rights–era heroes like Representative John Lewis, who lent his considerable legacy to this vacuous grandstanding, was once on the terror watch list himself. He didn’t know how he got on it. He didn’t know how to get off it. Yet today he believes this Kafkaesque system is a sound way to deny his fellow citizens their rights. This is the Democratic party of 2016. Engaging in emotional blackmail and demagoguery, and waving pictures of the victims of Islamic terrorism to push an unrelated bill that would not have saved a single one of those lives and will never pass, all the while lying about guns. Lying about the laws that govern guns and refusing to vote for, or even discuss, a compromise measure Republicans forwarded in the Senate. It’s been far more important to gin up anger and moral outrage for political gain.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437059/congress-sit-in-democr...

A Conservative is a person of his or her word. They take serious their responsibilities as a citizen of the United States of America. They realize that freedom that they enjoy comes to them from the Constitution a binding contract between the government and themselves. This contract limits and restricts the governments imposition on the liberties of the people that it governs, while qualifying how the government will protect their rights as human being.   Some say that these rights are granted by God what that statement means that there is no authority on earth that has the right to restrict your freedom to life, liberty, and your pursuit of that which brings joy to your life except you.  You have power and responsibilities, the primary of which is to protect the rights of others.




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