We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
The later part of the 20th century saw its share of odd financial bubbles. There was the real-estate bubble, the stock market bubbles, and the dot com bubble, just to name a few. In each instance of price inflation people paid exorbitant amounts for things that shouldn’t have been worth anything like the going price. And each time people stood around afterwards and said “What were we thinking?”

One has to believe that the same thought occurred to the Dutch in the 17th century when they settled down after their bout with tulipomania, wherein the humble tulip bulb began to sell for prices to make New York Realtors blanch.

As much as the tulip is associated with Holland, it is not native there. Rather it was introduced in 1593 by a botanist named Carolus Clusius, who brought it from Constantinople. He planted a small garden, intending to research the plant for medicinal purposes. Had Clusius’s neighbors been morally upright, the tulip might still be a rare exotic in the gardening world. Instead they broke into his garden and stole some of his bulbs in order to make some quick money, and in the process started the Dutch bulb trade
Just sayin!

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Jack needs to see the video since he said he did not see where Hillary was lying. Of course Jack does serve the purpose of verbalizing the Democratic Left viewpoint quite well.

Cloward-Piven Strategy

By James Russell


Have you ever heard of the Cloward-Piven Strategy its goal is to collapse the fiscal solvency of the Republic with demands for welfare unemployment benefits, and high health care costs so the federal government can move in and take over. This accomplished with high unemployment and demands for health care welfare, and permitting a crisis or series of crises to tax the economies of the states to the breaking point. Then the federal government can seize control of those functions that was states responsibility in the name of national crises to save the country.


They are doing this to create a progressive take over of the nation. The first successful use of the strategy was in the early 1960s when the AFL-CIO retired members made a run on their company provided health care benefits resulting in the near bankruptcy of the big three auto manufactures. This prompted the federal government in 1965 to create the Medicare System.


Another Progressive test case for using society's poor and disadvantaged people as sacrificial “shock troops,” in accordance with the Cloward–Piven strategy, was demonstrated in 1975, when new prospective welfare recipients flooded New York City with payment demands, which may have contributed to the bankrupting of the state government during what was perceived as the weak Presidency of Gerald Ford. However the plan failed when President Ford Bailed out New York state and prevented any move by congress to nationalize the welfare programs of the states.  It then became the goal to elect as many pro socialist progressives into congress as possible so that they would be able to move more swiftly and could override any veto power that the minority party or President may have.


The reason our liberal congress men and women can sleep at night is they believe that they are creating “Social Justus” a society where everyone receives a fair and equal income, free health care, free education Pre School- Collage, and fully paid retirement benefits.  The biggest stumbling blocks to this plan is our Constitution primarily article one section eight, the tenth amendment and fifty state governments and now the Tea Parties who are working to over through the progressive movement  and restore a more fundamentalist government based on Constitutional principles.


The argument against this movement besides being unconstitutional would be the required redistribution of wealth to flatten out incomes, the tremendous amount of taxes required to pay for all the benefits with out bankrupting the government, and the breakdown of profit based incentives that motivates innovation and creativity. Not to mention that even in the best Orwellian solidity human nature will lead to corruption greed and feudalistic slavery to governmental overloads.  


 The question I like to bring to debate; Is Social Justus a reasonable tradeoff for our freedom and liberty?

"The reason our liberal congress men and women can sleep at night is they believe that they are creating “Social Justus” a society where everyone receives a fair and equal income"

Has anyone asked the Dem's why their receptionist is not making the same income as they are???


After the inauguration in 1993 the Clintons fired the white house travel office employees allowing their wealthy Hollywood friends to take over the

lucrative travel business. This led to investigations by the FBI DOJ GAO Oversight Committee and the whitewater independent counsel the Clinton’s claim the firings were due to financial misdeeds that the employees were cleared on all counts. Hillary Clinton allegedly played a central role in the firings yet in her sworn testimony she claimed she was not involved the independent counsel found this to be factually inaccurate and that she made actually statements the Clintons were forced to remove their friends and reinstate the previous employees.


Vince foster the longtime friend and companion of Hillary Clinton was significantly involved in several Clinton scandals due to the strange circumstances surrounding his death in 1993 and investigation and suit before the police arrived Clinton staffers illegally removed boxes of

documents on whitewater and presumably Travelgate nuisance issues president


Clinton put his wife in charge of the most expensive program in the country national outrage that the unelected unqualified person lady was going to design America's health care system in a 1993 interview Hillary Clinton admitted I am NOT an expert on health care I'm not somebody who has studied it Hillary Clinton kept the Presidential Task Force on national health care reform shrouded in such secrecy that a federal judge threatened to hold the administration in contempt.   The health care plan was a one thousand three hundred and forty-two-page nightmare including gatekeepers’ health alliances purchasing cooperatives new and higher taxes and restrictions on choosing doctors physicians hospitals large and small businesses insurance companies Democrats Republicans and the general public rejected the program and it failed disastrously the general accounting office put a price tag of 32 million dollars on Hillary Clinton’s healthcare fiasco for dishonesty


Hillary Clinton and others were fined four hundred and fifty thousand dollars or cost to taxpayers for $725,000 in 1996 with Hillary Kerr fresh in their minds Americans voted both the Senate and the House into republican hands for the first time in over four decades in 1994 president Clinton’s attorney general Janet Reno initiated an investigation focusing on fraud accusations against the Clintons regarding their real estate venture whitewater development corporation co-owned with their friends Jim and Susan McDougal Hillary Clinton was the central figure in the probe revealed pervasive conflicts of interest between the rows bob learned where Hillary Clinton was partner and its client Madison guaranty owned by Clinton business partner Jim McDougal Hillary Clinton claimed billing records subpoenaed and critical to the investigation we're lost it is presumed they were stolen from Vince foster's office the night he died 19 months later following the Clintons acquittal many of the missing records reappeared in the Clintons residence as they were covered with Hillary Clinton’s fingerprints she fell under suspicion of obstruction of justice their business partners Susan McDougal refused to testify against the Clintons ensuring they were not charged Susan McDougal went to prison for her silence but was pardoned by President Clinton 15 Clinton associates were convicted a forty federal crimes related to whitewater the independent counsel's report highlighted the president abundant and calculating lies under oath obstruction of justice and abuse of power during this case many other alleged abuses were uncovered the four and a half years expanded investigation cost taxpayers one hundred and forty five million dollars.


Hillary Clinton’s trades and cattle futures real suspicions of improprieties as her very first rate of $5,000 quickly turned into over four hundred and ninety thousand dollars she refused to release her tax returns for the years’ in question Hillary Clinton insisted that she made all the investment decisions herself the investigation proved her trades were actually place by her friend James Blair for the brokerage firm REFCO James Blair was outside counsel for Tyson Foods the largest employer in Arkansas which is state regulated. The perception was missus.  Clinton received preferential treatment and incredible financial returns as a win to garner favor with her husband then governor of Arkansas REFCO was investigated and pay the largest finds in the history of the exchange.


The Clinton administration improperly requested and received FBI background reports on nine hundred republican officials Hillary Clinton allegedly initiated the request to add data to her enemies list leading to three separate investigations in 1996 in testimony the white house

personnel security director refused to name Hillary Clinton as the source of the request and he was forced to resign Hillary Clinton claims she was guiltless and was called a congenital liar in the New York Times. A fund was established so individuals or companies hoping to garner favor with the president could help pay the Clinton endless legal bills.


In 1996 the justice department investigated campaign fundraising abuses and covered by the Clintons in connection with an effort by China to influence administration policies in violation of USC law agents for the Chinese government and military funneled billions into president Clinton’s reelection campaign the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC the DOJ report stated fence suggest a level of knowledge within the white house including the president and first lady offices concerning the injection of foreign funds into the reelection effort the Clintons were accused of using the IRS to her rest their enemies including republican politicians the white house travel office the NRA Judicial Watch the heritage foundation and other conservative organizations a senior IRS official admitted that Clinton opponents were singled out for tax on it's also audited were bill Clinton’s female accusers including Jennifer flowers Paula jones 22 Broderick and Elizabeth Ward Grayson.


As he was leaving office in January 2001 President Clinton pardoned four hundred and fifty people for crimes ranging from cocaine trafficking to kidnapping and terrorism several pardons personally benefited Hillary Clinton and were investigated for direct times to her New York Senate bid Park Ridge billionaire fugitive both the government over one hundred and sixty million dollars and was charged with tax evasion wire fraud racketeering and treaty with Iran's riches ex-wife Denise rich a close friend of the Clintons donated over $600,000 to the Clinton Presidential Library just prior to the party missus rich also gave $14,000 to the Clinton legal defense fund and $135,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign the new square for elders of a Republican voting Hasidic community convicted of defrauding the government of millions of dollars. Clinton met with their grand rabbi Hillary Clinton received their votes and the New Square for received their part and Hillary Clinton claimed I did not play any role whatsoever in the pardons Hillary Clinton’s brother lawyer


Hugh Rodham charged high fees to use his family influence to obtain presidential pardon Carlos Colley a Los Angeles drug lord paid Rodham over $500,000 and his sentence for cocaine trafficking was commuted a scam artist paid Rodham over $250,000 and was pardoned for defrauding senior citizens of millions of dollars fighting for Porto Rican independence the FAL and exploded 138 bombs in New York City Chicago and Porto Rico during the reign of terror 13 innocent people were killed and over eighty remained New York city councilman Jose met with Hillary Clinton proposing party members in return for Puerto Rican support in her Senate race president Clinton part 16 FAL and these pardons were condemned by Democrats and Republicans the house and senate FBI the USS attorney the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Fraternal Order of Police another probe into Clinton wrongdoing in suit when congress requested additional information president Clinton claimed executive privilege preventing anyone involved with the pardons testify.


Hillary Clinton claimed no involvement and prior knowledge of the decision former Democratic President Jimmy Carter hold these shameless part in disgraceful the largest political fundraiser in USC history became the largest election fraud in history in the year 2000 the fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's New York Senate raised was attended by 1300 people including the Hollywood elite and the democratic leadership in violation of federal election statutes and individual Peter Paul finance the entire event Peter Paul was also a convicted cocaine trafficker in violation Hillary Clinton was involved with the solicitation of funds and the coordination of the gala in violation Hillary Clinton requested in writing an additional one hundred and fifty thousand dollars from Peter Paul in untraceable securities the Clinton campaign filings with the federal elections committee stated the event only cost $500,000 the actual price tag was 1.5 million Senator Clinton was fined over $50,000 for purposely underreporting the cost of the event in another campaign finance fraud Hillary Clinton ignored FBI warnings and accepted over $900,000 from scam artists and felon Norman Hsu


Hillary Clinton Senate tenure was undistinguished in 7th year she introduced only three minor bills which became law including the naming of a post office she helped secure millions in federal assistance for a New York developer, ethics questions arose when the businessman donated over $120,000 to the Clinton Foundation.


Senator Clinton did not support English as the official language of the United States government and she enthusiastically voted for the Iraq war resolution Hillary Clinton ignored Senate rules and reporting requirements for the hiring of staff and not paid violence breaking the Senate code of official conduct and hiding multiple conflicts of interest she was investigated by the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. Clinton’s long history of campaign finance abuses continue to Jeffrey Thompson and other fundraising bundlers for her failed 2008 presidential campaign pled guilty to conspiracy and campaign finance law violations in the primaries. Democrats nominated the little-known junior Senator Obama over the well-known but scandal-ridden Hillary Clinton In 2009.


President Obama nominated Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in 2014 the State Department spokesperson was asked to identify one tangible achievement from Hillary Clinton’s four years as secretary of state she responded I am certain those who were here at the time who worked hard on that effort could point out one secretary Clinton's tenure had no signature doctor and or diplomatic breakthrough it was however, four more years of scandals the Clintons State Department wasted eighty million dollars on Pashtuns conflict in northern Afghanistan which will never be completed under Clinton’s name the Foreign Service gather details on foreign diplomats and officials at the UN including Internet user names email addresses credit card numbers fingerprints frequent flyer account numbers and work schedules the


Clinton State Department lost approximately six billion dollars due to improper filing of contracts the FBI CIA and the DOJ requested that Boko Haram be designated as a terrorist group so the agencies could pursue them Secretary Clinton declined and the group continued its reign of terror including the kidnapping of three hundred schoolgirls in Nigeria a special investigator for the State Department claims probes into illegal acts by the Diplomatic Security Service and ambassadors were influenced manipulated or simply called off under Hillary Clinton these include sexual assaults by state department security officials in Beirut and Demek engagement of profiting by Hillary Clinton’s security detail drug use by state department contractors and Baghdad solicitation of child male profiting by USA ambassador to Belgium Secretary Clinton spokesperson claimed Hillary Clinton had no knowledge of any of the scandals in her state department we learned a bit from the media and don't know anything beyond what's been reported


 the United States mission in Benghazi Libya was attacked on September 11th 2012 as Hillary Clinton was secretary of state at the time she is at the heart of the cover-up investigation when she finally testified to Congress for months after the attack she famously stated the fact is we had four Dead Americans was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans what difference at this point does it make Hillary Clinton testified that she submitted all documents requested by congress 20 months later and only through a Freedom of Information Act request 41 new documents were released including changes to Ambassador Susan Rice is talking points more documents are still being withheld the presidential Records Act allows restricted access to documents for twelve years after leaving office now fourteen years later the Clintons are still withholding thousands of records from the public over 300 Freedom of Information Act requests have been ignored suggesting a more damaging revelations about the Clintons


It is difficult to separate the Clinton’s personal and political financial ventures from those of the Clinton Foundation the New York Times expose a on the Clinton Foundation details moral and physical chaos shameless fundraising and calls it mired in conflicts of interest run by old Clinton friends it has been grossly mismanaged and despite the enormous donations ran multi-million dollar deficits already rife with conflicts of interest the Foundation's offices are now shared by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign Americans can give $2300 to presidential candidates but there are no limits on donations to foundations


Hillary Clinton cannot legally accept campaign donations from foreigners but no restrictions apply to foundations Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Moscow and pressed the Russian government to purchase planes from Boeing two months later contract in hand and Boeing donated $900,000 to the Clinton Foundation the foundation support from foreign interests hoping to influence policy is a grave concern foreign donations to the foundation increased by 70% when Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2008 Saudi Arabia Finance has an abysmal women's rights record and punishes homosexuality by death and yet but Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the largest supporters of the Clinton Foundation in a Clinton co-presidency every large donation raised suspicions improprieties or influence peddling and lead to non-stop investigations many qualified and deserving politicians’ democrat and republican women and men are waiting to leave this country




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