We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
The later part of the 20th century saw its share of odd financial bubbles. There was the real-estate bubble, the stock market bubbles, and the dot com bubble, just to name a few. In each instance of price inflation people paid exorbitant amounts for things that shouldn’t have been worth anything like the going price. And each time people stood around afterwards and said “What were we thinking?”

One has to believe that the same thought occurred to the Dutch in the 17th century when they settled down after their bout with tulipomania, wherein the humble tulip bulb began to sell for prices to make New York Realtors blanch.

As much as the tulip is associated with Holland, it is not native there. Rather it was introduced in 1593 by a botanist named Carolus Clusius, who brought it from Constantinople. He planted a small garden, intending to research the plant for medicinal purposes. Had Clusius’s neighbors been morally upright, the tulip might still be a rare exotic in the gardening world. Instead they broke into his garden and stole some of his bulbs in order to make some quick money, and in the process started the Dutch bulb trade
Just sayin!

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M ,I agree with your view of Islam. Yes some of the main stream Islamic teachings call for one Religion. There are a good portion of moderate Muslims who have modified their beliefs within to allow other religions in their version. Far to many of us think it is a small percentage of Muslims want a one world religion.There is a much bigger Percentage, and political correctness is in the way of seeing the truth of it....Political correctness is a tool of the devil.

Like the preverbal camel who’s nose has found its way into your tent.  Islam may be a religion of peace until they become the majority.

I also think that theory is very plausible...Did I say very..I meant to say VERY VERY PLAUSIBLE.

F Islam


Perfect sense. Scum a tracks Scum. Probably to keep her from ratting.

I think her nickname will be Sleezy Schultz.....So now we have Crooked Hillary... Criminal Kane...and Bug Eye Sleezy Schultz.

New York State Ads in North Carolina Face Complaints

New York’s advertising campaigns promoting the state’s economic-development opportunities have faced criticism for their high costs and meager returns in job creation. Now they have encountered another challenge.

The American people of the 21st century are too ignorant of the long-term impact of their ill-considered public policy desires. Our rights of private property will always be sacrificed on the altar of democracy. If the masses can confiscate the wealth of the few through the use of government under the color of “social justice,” “economic justice,” “environmental justice,” and “shared responsibility,” they will.

The senate was supposed to be populated with disinterested statesmen of integrity and honor–closer to Franklin than Franken. The civic knowledge landscape of the American electorate and the elected is not a pretty picture. The Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s (www.isi.org) reports for the last few years present a dismal, horrifying dumbing down of Americans. We’ve gotten to the point where someone like me, just a common man, could now be seen as an elitist.
Just give the people their bread and circuses (panem et circenses) In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the creation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace.

The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the common man (l'homme moyen sensuel).and the individual rights and liberties of others can be trampled without notice or concern to the long-term detriment of all. With the Senate now focused on satisfied on the needs of the voters and the needs of special interest groups and not necessary the best interest of the state or the Constitutionality of the bills brought up from the house. It becomes increasingly important that the term of office for a US Senator be short if not by term limits then by vote.   



The DNC aided and abetted two illegal aliens on Monday night during the nationally televised DNC Convention 2016 in Philadelphia.  Thus, according to the law, the DNC twice violated Section 8 U.S. Code 1324.

At 8:04pm local time, the DNC invited an illegal alien to accompany her daughter to tout Hillary Clinton for president. During her speech, which was televised on national TV, the daughter explicitly said her mother is in the United States illegally.  Minutes before the mother and daughter team took to the stage, the DNC played a video showing the daughter communicating with Hillary Clinton during one of her tour stops in Nevada.  It was then that the daughter (Karla) admitted to Hillary Clinton that her mother (Francisca) received a government issued letter of deportation.  Clearly, the mother is ignoring the deportation order, and so to is the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

Following the mother / daughter act, another illegal alien took to the podium at 8:09pm local time.  Her name is Astrid Silva, and she said in clear english, “I came to America illegally with my mother when I was 4-years old.  We crossed the river [Rio Grande] on a raft.”

Aside from illegally harboring two illegal aliens, it would be interesting to learn how the illegal aliens traveled to Philadelphia and who paid for the travel arrangements?  Furthermore, where are they staying this evening and who paid for the lodging?

WHEREAS, Secretary of State John F. Kerry has suggested that air conditioners are as big a threat as ISIS, and

WHEREAS, it is the duty of our elected and appointed government officials to lead by example,

THEREFORE, we call upon the U.S. Department of State to remove air conditioning from all property that the Department owns, rents, or otherwise employs, including but not limited to embassies, consulates, office buildings, etc., all vehicles owned and/or operated by the Department, and any other property, real or movable, owned, rented, or otherwise employed by the Department.

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