We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



Democrat presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke tells reporter that if elected he will MANDATE that every AK-47 and AR-15 be sold to the government by way of issuing an Executive Order, one that violates the Constitution, one which I would immediately denounce and ignore. Typical of a deep state traitor (one who has NO chance of getting the nomination much less being elected President). Democrats detest the Constitution, and consider it an "outdated and irrelevant" document designed for the time it was written, and see themselves as the ultimate power over We the People, effectively seeing themselves as gods. They don't seem to understand what started the Revolutionary War in 1776. Unfair taxation and the Boston Massacre were contributing factors to hostilities but the revolution actually started when British soldiers were sent to Lexington and Concord to confiscate guns from colonists. The shooting started at Lexington where some 20 or so colonists met 700 or more soldiers and refused to be disarmed. The war ended 7 years later with the largest and strongest military in the world at that time being defeated defeated by farmers who refused to surrender their guns and live under tyranny. The federal government, under the control of globalist tyrant wanna-be's has steadily violated the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution by limiting civilian ownership of weapons and now seek to totally disarm We the People so they can run rampant even more over a totally defenseless society, like other dictatorships around the world. O'Rourke and his deep state allies in both wings of the New World Order Socialist Party will find that We the People are only willing to tolerate so much tyranny. If he or any of his ilk think they can disarm us they will find our what the British found out, that disarming American patriots is easier said than done. The 2nd Amendment says, without exception or caveat, that the peoples' right to keep and bear arms "shall not be infringed". What it DOES NOT say is "except when politicians and bureaucrats think it is a good idea". The political ruling class has so denigrated the Constitution that it has very little meaning today. Likewise, the 10th Amendment was obliterated when the Confederacy lost the Civil War. Federal politicians and judges override every decision the states make if it goes against their tyrannical plans.

Mass murders are committed by liberals seeking the destruction of our nation, not by patriots who have guns for self defense from criminals and tyrannical political rulers. We the People will fight them with everything we have. If banning guns was the solution Chicago would be the safest city in America rather than the murder capital it actually is. I am 69 years old and disabled from a stroke but I will not bow to tyranny. I would rather die fighting tyranny than die bowing to it, as will millions of others. As I have said many times before, the problem isn't guns but rather a nation that has turned its back on Almighty God, the creator of all things. Government has bowed to satanists and removed God and any reference to Him from the public forum and His blessings have been withdrawn as a result. Many who call themselves Christians have joined in the flight from Almighty God and decided to turn away from Him in order to find acceptance in the sight of Godless liberals. As the Israelites did many times in the Bible, many Christians have turned to false gods like secular humanism (the worship of self) and greed for personal gain. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us what we must do to heal our nation and make it great again. Make America Great Again is a great campaign slogan for President Trump but to do so we MUST turn to God. He will be with us if we obey him and victory will be ours because He will deliver our enemies into our hands if we allow Him to go before us. There is no other way. Every time the Israelites repented and turned to God He delivered them from their enemies and We the People can learn from the history in the Holy Bible and would be wise to follow the instructions given by God.

The fact that an executive order mandating that civilian owned guns be turned over to the government is unconstitutional is ignored by those seeking to implement a Nazi style dictatorship in America. Sadly, there are enough citizens who will agree with them and/or willing to bow to tyranny that the danger is real. Too many people are willing to sacrifice their liberty for the illusion of safety. One of our founding fathers, I think it was Benjamin Franklin, said "those willing to give up their liberty for temporary safety will soon have neither". I am one who is not willing to sacrifice liberty for an illusion of safety that will never happen. Germans, Russians, Chinese, Cubans, and many others found out that sacrificing liberty for safety ended in subjugation, poverty, and death. One only has to look at the plight of blacks in America to see the result of liberalism. Blacks have voted for democrats at a 98% rate for almost 60 years and one doesn't have to look hard to find the devastating results of those votes. Rather than being elevated by democrats, blacks have become dependent on handouts from politicians and bureaucrats, the black family system has been destroyed, and democrat supported abortion has killed millions of black babies since 1964. The only people democrats hate as much as Christian patriots are blacks who jump the reservation and gain middle income status or better through their own hard work and initiative. Democrats absolutely despise anyone who will not bow down to them. Patriots and self-motivating, industrious black people are at the very top of their list. Military people and veterans tend to be more mindful of the Constitution they swore to protect and defend so they are high on the list also.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

September 12, 2019

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