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Democrats Organizing major protests across the country

.This will destroy any chance of the Democratic Party making a come back....I wonder how many of these protest will become violent.http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/312000-sanders-dem-leaders-urg...

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When our representations swore in to uphold the Constitution I do not think it also included inciting riots.
An investigation into whether they are being paid or influenced by foreign powers or billionares with an agenda would be wise.
Money from Saudis is the first thing I would check.
Put Soros in jail and outlaw unions.

“Approximately two million bikers are planning to arrive in Washington, D.C. by January 20, 2017. The patriotic bikers are volunteering to attend President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration to enhance safety during the event. The bikers have stated they want to thwart efforts by “libtards” to ruin the Donald Trump’s inauguration and they plan on “using the only language these liberals understand.”

Dang that's good news. I was thinking we need to hire them to be present during BLM protests to protect property in a non violent way.

The Democrats organizing these protests will put a bad light on their party. Many of the citizens of our country will see this as a bad thing for our country. Only the anarchists will rally to this call..Many moderate Democrats in the middle of the country will turn against the left wing progressives. This is about controlling the narrative. The Republican Party can make hay by simply staying on message to show the contrast of the two parties. Most people can figure it out.These actions by the left will ensure States like Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa New Hampshire and even Pennsylvania will turn more and more red. For elected officials to reach out and organize such divisive actions, during a time when the country needs to unify, is disgusting. We should do all we can to calmly point it out. People are ready to unify. They do not want what the liberals are dishing out..

Frankly I hope they have a lot of protests, all filmed and recorded. They will make a good campaign issue against the liberals and the dems.

The worse the protests are, the worse off the dem party will be.

Many know it. But the liberals will not allow Trump to take office without a lot of noise.

If so many people travelled in thousands to attend Trump's rallies, all enthusiastic and happy to support him, those same ones will show up for the inaugoration, and by sheer numbers will wind up protecting Trump.

True colors will shine through. We need to just sit back and watch. And certainly control the narrative. MSM is done for , cooked , finished. I am a Republican only because I want to restore liberty to our land. I will destroy a RINO when I can to clean up the R Party. I do not see a tea party type fashion in the D party. The D party is in a rapid downward spiral. I am concerned that that checks and balances could be thrown out of wack if the D party destroys itself to much.I think a good opportunity to rid ourselves of RINO`s could be on the horizon in 2018. We need to unload the cronyism out of the R party. ..It is not about just beating the D`s. To Make America Great Again will not mean having one over powering party..Unity is the means of Greatness. The RINO`s in the R party will try to keep us divided to keep their own greedy power structure. President Trump will lead from the center. That is a winning posture IMO.

To GOP "Keep Your Promise No Matter the Cost"
Where is WikiLeaks when you need them?
Ah ha!
The media is corrupt!


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ونم البريين : ١...ر...٢........................................ وقم٠ الملف : .......................... التاويح : .......................... للرنفات :يدول.
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نحيطكم علما بموافقة صاحب السمو الملكي ولي العهد نانب رنيس مجلس ١لوزراء وزير الداخلية على نيارة المراسل الخارجي لحاة (CNN) الاخبارية السيد/ Nic Robertson للعملكة (في حال متابعته للطلب الذي سبق ان تقدم به لوز١رة الثقافة والإعلام) ، وان يتم ذلك وفق الضوابط المنظمة المعتمدة لذلك والتي تشمل وجود مرافق إعلامي معهم، وإشعار كافة الجهات العفية بموعد وصوله لترتيب ما يخصها ٠ن برنامج زيارته. نامل الاطلاع والإحاطة. اطيب تحياتنا.

Can you believe this scht?




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