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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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America was the worlds hero till barry soetoro f++ked it up!

Unions backed Barack.


I cannot think of a single person who is or was a member of the national security team of the past 6 presidents who has openly supported Trump, democrat or republican. Consider that possibility. These are the most knowledgeable people in our country who have the real understanding of our security and the power of our enemies. Now if none of them is willing to get behind Trump what does that say about your judgment on who would protect America best?

--- Jack Ludwig ---


THE VIDEO TELLS THE HILLARY - DNC REAL LIFE TRUTH. It speaks the truth that you never hear from the lame stream "parrot" media and the ObamBot-Hillary Zombies that refuse to accept the reality of the lawless DFL Marxist's vile enormous scale of crime and corruption..


“Silence in the face of proven tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny”

Silence, why would you put my comment in front of your video link? they have nothing in common? I don't care about a chopped up video? I am not a prosecutor or a judge and I have not been subpoenaed to testify or sit on a jury for these type claims. If O'Keefe thinks he has evidence of a crime let him take it to the proper authorities. The internet servers no purpose to resolve criminal acts.

Police on lookout for DNC-DFL vandals who spray-painted supporters cars outside Trump rally in Bangor

As in many major cities, DNC-DFL vandals continue a co-ordinated plan of attack to vandalize, damage, and spray paint the cars of supporters attending TRUMP rallies across the country.

Similar acts of DNC-DFL thugs vandalizing and spray painting hundreds of cars such as the ones outside of the EXCEL Energy Center Trump Rally in Minneapolis went largely "unreported" by severely biased Left-wing NEWS organizations in Minnesota seeking to cover-up the criminal actions of paid Hillary Clinton criminal thugs.

An under cover video released this week seems to provide absolute proof that the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign may have actually ""PAID the criminal thugs to travel to Trump rallies and vandalize and to spray paint the vehicles of TRUMP supporters"" parked outside of the TRUMP rallies.


This article found here: http://bangordailynews.com/2016/10/15/news/bangor/vandals-spray-pai... By Michael Shepherd, BDN Staff * October 15 and 17 2016 BANGOR, Maine:

Police said on Sunday that, once again, as in other major cities, no one has been charged in connection with an acts of vandalism that left dozens of cars vandalized, dented, tires slashed, windows broken, and marked with white spray paint outside Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s Saturday rally in Bangor.


The Police investigation was ongoing Sunday and new information likely won’t be released until next week, Sgt. Wade Betters of the Bangor Police Department said. In a statement released Saturday, a Bangor police spokesman said that officers were “seeking witnesses and reviewing video” in the DNC-DFL "criminal mischief case" at the New York City billionaire’s us-against-them speech blasting “ a rigged election system” at the Cross Insurance Center.

Dozens of TRUMP supporters cars parked between the Bangor Raceway and Buck Street were vandalized and hit with white spray paint.

Read entire story here — http://bangordailynews.com/2016/10/15/news/bangor/vandals-spray-pai...


A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Chicago style criminal thuggery and voter fraud.


“Silence in the face of tyranny, IS YOUR CONSENT TO THAT TYRANNY”

Top Democratic Operative Resigns From Clinton Campaign After Being Exposed By O'Keefe Investigation. http://m.townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2016/10/18/dropping-like-f...

Before you vote for Hillary watch this;

I think those that are going to vote for Hillary are well aware of all these claims...but it will not change their willingness to vote for her....just like those who have no positive things to say about Hillary or Bill will ever be changed to vote for her....except of course for people like me and millions like me who understand a Trump president would be highly risky to the survival of America. Every single person of top national security experience believes that to be true. Who am I to risk the country and the the lives of millions of Americans to disregard those warnings. 


https://youtu.be/hDc8PVCvfKs   -   PART #2.

PART #DEUCE: The TRUTH about Hillary Clinton, Hillary's federal crimes, Hillary's domestic terrorism, Hillary's lawless use of paid thuggery, and Hillary's funding of expansive voter fraud, all naked, unfiltered, and fully exposed for the world  and the brain-dead ObamaBot Zombies to view.


A view of lawless criminality that the brain challenged DNC and ObamaBot Zombie Hillary supporters, absolutely CAN-NOT-DENY, or cover up with untruths, utter wild-ass fabrications, outright despicable bald-faced lies, or wish-it-didn't-happen head-in-the-sand thinking.

This DID HAPPEN, so if you are a Hillary enabler, learn to love the SUCK, embrace the SUCK, wear the SUCK on your sleeve, and be willing to proudly share the despicable, vulgar, lawless ""Hillary Clinton bought and paid for criminality and gutter corruption"" far and wide on all forms of social media for all in the world to see and to absorb. Absorb that DNC-Hillary Clinton STINK onto yourself, that will NEVER wash off.


Learn to love the SUCK that is Hillary Clinton...Take pride in the SUCK that is Hillary Clinton.

Sing the praises of the Criminal Enterprise that is Hillary Clinton. Become one with PURE EVIL.



I think those that are going to vote for Hillary are well aware of all these claims...but it will not change their willingness to vote for her....just like those who have no positive things to say about Hillary or Bill will ever be changed to vote for her....except of course for people like me and millions like me who understand a Trump president would be highly risky to the survival of America. Every single person of top national security experience believes that to be true. Who am I to risk the country and the the lives of millions of Americans to disregard those warnings. --- Jack Ludwig ----

Learn to love the SUCK that is Hillary Clinton...Take pride in the SUCK that is Hillary Clinton.

Sing the praises of the Criminal Enterprise that is Hillary Clinton. Become one with PURE EVIL.



10/19/2016 breaking news:


Top Democratic Operative Resigns From Clinton Campaign After Being Exposed By O'Keefe Investigation.


Second Veritas Video: DNC-DFL Operatives Admit They've Rigged Elections for Half a Century


“Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny”


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUBrZItwVy4                        PART #4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEQvsK5w-jY                            PART #3

https://youtu.be/hDc8PVCvfKs   -                                                   PART #2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY&feature=youtu.be   PART #1

PART #THREE: The TRUTH about Hillary Clinton, Hillary's federal crimes, Hillary's domestic terrorism, Hillary's lawless use of paid thuggery, and Hillary's funding of expansive voter fraud, all naked, unfiltered, and fully exposed for the world  and the brain-dead parrot ObamaBot Zombies to view.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUBrZItwVy4                        PART #4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEQvsK5w-jY                            PART #3

https://youtu.be/hDc8PVCvfKs   -                                                   PART #2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY&feature=youtu.be   PART #1

A view of lawless criminality that the brain-dead DNC and ObamaBot Zombie Hillary supporters, absolutely CAN-NOT-DENY, or cover up with their B.S. untruths, utter wild-ass fabrications, outright despicable bald-faced lies, or wish-it-didn't-happen head-in-the-sand thinking.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUBrZItwVy4                        PART #4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEQvsK5w-jY                            PART #3

https://youtu.be/hDc8PVCvfKs   -                                                   PART #2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY&feature=youtu.be   PART #1

This ALL DID HAPPEN, so if you are a Hillary Rod-Em-All Clinton enabler, learn to love the SUCK, embrace that SUCK, wear that SUCK on your sleeve, and be willing to proudly share the despicable, corrupt, vulgar, lawless ""Hillary Clinton bought and paid for criminality, SCUM, and gutter corruption"" far and wide on all forms of social media for all in the world to see and to absorb. Absorb that DNC-Hillary Clinton STINK onto yourself, that will NEVER wash off.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUBrZItwVy4                        PART #4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEQvsK5w-jY                            PART #3

https://youtu.be/hDc8PVCvfKs   -                                                   PART #2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY&feature=youtu.be   PART #1

Learn to love the SUCK that is Hillary Clinton...Take pride in the SUCK that is Hillary Clinton.

Sing the praises of the Criminal Enterprise that is Hillary Clinton. Become one with "PURE DEMONIC EVIL".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUBrZItwVy4                        PART #4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEQvsK5w-jY                            PART #3

https://youtu.be/hDc8PVCvfKs   -                                                   PART #2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY&feature=youtu.be   PART #1

If you support the DNC and Hitlery Rod-Em-All Clinton, then learn to love the SUCK that is Hillary Clinton...Take pride in the SUCK that is Hitlery Rod-Em-All Clinton. It is on display, right here, in FOUR PARTS!

Be willing to Sing the praises of the TAX EVADING CRIMINAL BRIBERY ENTERPRISE that is Hillary Clinton.

Be willing to become "one" with "PURE DEMONIC EVIL SCUM" when physical evidence proves 100% "PURE EVIL"..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUBrZItwVy4                        PART #4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEQvsK5w-jY                            PART #3

https://youtu.be/hDc8PVCvfKs   -                                                   PART #2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY&feature=youtu.be   PART #1

“Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny”





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