We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/doing-something-sensible-abo...

Article Source; https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/bailey-it-isnt-racism-that-keeps-...

Bailey: It Isn’t Racism That Keeps Americans From Doing Something About Guns, It’s Something Far Worse.

The person who wrote this piece has taken on the subjective leftist mindset that, "Anything that IS Not proposed by them is Automatically Wrong, and, anything that IS proposed by them is Automatically Right. Leaving no room for logical compromise."
There are many ways to protect children and ourselves that does not require using the Holy Grail of Leftist desires for total confiscation. We must be realistic and see  when it comes to nut job serial shooters in schools and public places, it takes a gun to stop a serious shooter. Lets get that clear in everyone's mind. It takes a person with a gun, who is trained and prepared to stop wanton shootings, and the lunatic shooter. Notice I said STOP. I did not say kill! Another undeniable fact is; The time it takes the police to respond to an active shoter, is the time responsible for an unacceptable loss of innocent life.


In schools this leads to many innocent children and brave teachers losing their lives when confronted by an armed lunatic. We have seen that at Sandy Hook, and too many other locations over the last decades. There are several logical measures that can be taken to minimize the loss of innocent lives, but only if you reject the flawed logic of the pompus self serving spokespersons for the elites and government officials, who are pushing gun control/confiscation for their own nefarious reasons.


Simple Solutions;

During class time keep perimeter doors locked, and have a secure and controlled way to allow for legitimate in and out traffic.

Have an active shooter plan in effect, similar to fire drills for students and teachers to train with.

Have an automatic hotline to police and fire departments in a limited and controlled access main office that are designated by Blue for Police and Red for Fire.

Have bullet resistant classroom doors that are equipped with locks that can be locked from the inside.

Have curtains that can be drawn over exterior windows to prevent shooters on the outside from seeing into classrooms.

Train Deputize and Arm Volunteer Teacher/First Responders who would act within well defined guidelines pre-established before the armed teachers/responders would be authorized in schools.

For teachers who are not willing to train to carry a firearm, allow them the option of a taser or stun gun, again with rigid guidelines on the situations for it's legal/legitimate use. 

We as a nation must get over the idea that the police can and will protect us. we must stop listening to well meaning but foolish pleas to have unworkable and deadly gun free zones which only allow nut jobs a safe for them environments to operate unopposed, and free from being shot themselves. Notice I did not say shot and killed, since it is always preferable to shoot to stop instead of shooting to kill. It also lessens the trauma for the defending teacher and the students if the perp is arrested, goes to trial, and subsequently is locked up. this creates closure, and a lesson to any other lunatics who may want to emulate serial shooters.

The Tradesman. 



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