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Donald Trump

Businessman Donald Trump (New York)
Campaign Site: DonaldJTrump.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump
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Jeb Bush

Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)
Campaign Site: Jeb2016.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JebBush
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Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
Campaign Site: BenCarson.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrBenjaminCarson
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Chris Christie

Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey)
Campaign Site: ChrisChristie.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Chris Christie
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Ted Cruz

US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas)
Campaign Site: TedCruz.org
Government Site: Office of US Senator Ted Cruz
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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
Campaign Site: MarkForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarkForAmerica
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Carly Fiorina

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
Campaign Site: CarlyForPresident.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarlyFiorina
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Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
Campaign Site: GilmoreForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JimGilmore
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Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Political Site: LindseyGraham.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Lindsey Graham
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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
Official Site: MikeHuckabee.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeHuckabee
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Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
Campaign Site: BobbyJindal.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Bobby Jindal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BobbyJindal
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John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Campaign Site: JohnKasich.com
Government Site: Office of Governor John Kasich
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JohnRKasich
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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
Campaign Site: GeorgePataki.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovGeorgePataki
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Campaign Site: RandPaul.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Rand Paul
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RandPaul
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Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
Campaign Site: MarcoRubio.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Marco Rubio
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarcoRubio
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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RickSantorum
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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“People come to this country to pursue their dreams. Sometimes they start without speaking English, but they learn English, and they add vitality to our country.”

They do not add vitality they add crime and burden on tax payers.....like all the other Bush idiots he is New World Order.

Ted Cruz, other GOP candidates weigh in on Kim Davis’ arrest

image: http://cdn.redalertpolitics.com/files/2015/09/ted-cruz-kim-d...

ted cruz kim davisTed Cruz certainly lets you know what he is thinking. On Thursday, Kentucky law clerk Kim Davis was held in contempt of court and sent to jail for refusing to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Davis referred “God’s authority” as her reason for not granting the licenses.

That same day, Cruz sent out a press release “Cruz: I Call Upon Every Believer, Every Constitutionalist, Every Lover of Liberty To Stand With Kim Davis.” He made it clear that he stands with Davis, “unequivocally.”

Cruz was not the only candidate to speak on the arrest.

On CNN Rand Paul said it’s “absurd to put someone in jail for exercising their religious liberty.” He also believes that the move will backfire and “sets their movement back” for supporters of same-sex marriage.

Mike Huckabee, also speaking to CNN, believes the incidence “removes all doubt of the criminalization of Christianity in our country.” He said he was “proud of Kim for standing strong for her beliefs.” He also called it “a reckless, appalling, out-of-control decision that undermines the Constitution of the United States and our fundamental right to religious liberty.”

Huckabee also announced on Friday on his campaign website that he will be holding a rally for Davis. The rally will be on Tuesday, and is known as “#ImWithKim Liberty Rally.”

Appearing on CNN, Rick Santorum expressed what he thought about Davis. He referred to her actions as “civil disobedience”and said “that’s sometimes what it takes.” He also said he “commend[ed] her for actually standing up for her principles.”

Scott Walker expressed his views during the end of his segment on Laura Ingraham’s radio program. Walker focused on how “the Constitution is very clear that people have the freedom of religion.” He also spoke of “the balance that you gotta have to have in America, between the laws that are out there, but ultimately ensuring that the Constitution is upheld.”

Donald Trump told MSNBC’s Morning Joe that, in light of the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage, he’s “a believer on both sides of the picture.” He also added “I hate to see her put in jail. I understand what they’re doing, it would be certainly nice if she didn’t do it but other people in her office do it.” He did emphasize “we are a nation of laws.”

Carly Fiorina had previously mentioned following the law when it came to the legalization of same-sex marriage. She did come out against the arrest on Twitter though.

Read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/09/04/ted-cruz-gop-candidates-weig...

Hackers put 32,000 of Hillary Clinton’s emails on sale

image: http://cdn.redalertpolitics.com/files/2015/09/Clinton-Emails-Legal-...

FILE - In this Aug. 26, 2015 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks in Ankeny, Iowa. Could Clinton or her aides be in legal jeopardy if they sent classified information over unsecure email while she was secretary of state? Experts in government secrecy law see almost no possibility of criminal action in the Clinton case, given the evidence that has so far been made public. Clinton’s case appears to differ markedly from those of other prominent government officials who got in trouble for mishandling classified information, including former CIA director David Petraeus, who gave top secret information to his paramour, and former CIA director John Deutch, who took highly classified material home with him. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall, File)

FILE – In this Aug. 26, 2015 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks in Ankeny, Iowa. Could Clinton or her aides be in legal jeopardy if they sent classified information over unsecure email while she was secretary of state? Experts in government secrecy law see almost no possibility of criminal action in the Clinton case, given the evidence that has so far been made public. Clinton’s case appears to differ markedly from those of other prominent government officials who got in trouble for mishandling classified information, including former CIA director David Petraeus, who gave top secret information to his paramour, and former CIA director John Deutch, who took highly classified material home with him. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall, File)

It looks like Hillary Clinton may not have been able to wipe her entire server clean because hackers have come forward with 32,000 of her private emails for sale for $500,000.

Radar Online reported that the information came from someone claiming to be a computer specialist who set the half-a-million dollar price tag, but will relinquish the emails to the highest bidder.

An “insider” tell Radar that whoever erased Clinton’s messages forgot to clean out the emails that were in her sent box.

The topics of these emails range from Benghazi to the Algerian hostage crisis, according to the subject lines released by the hacker.

“H Libya security latest. Sid (with attachment),” one subject line reads.

“H Algeria latest French Intel on Algeria hostage Sid.”

“H HIGHLY IMPORTANT! Comprehensive Intel Report on (with attachment).”

Don’t worry, I’m sure none of the emails had classified information on them.

The insider warned Radar that these emails are so explosive they will finish off Clinton’s presidential campaign, as well as put U.S. national security at risk.

Read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/09/03/hackers-put-32000-hillary-cl...

Jeb struggles to recreate 'inevitability' of Romney run

Greg Nash

Jeb Bush is still the GOP establishment favorite, with loads of campaign cash and a top-notch political organization.

But he certainly doesn’t have the same air of inevitability that Mitt Romney had in 2012.

Even some of Bush’s biggest fans in the Beltway are privately wondering whether the former Florida governor has what it takes to out-muscle current frontrunner Donald Trump and emerge next summer with the GOP presidential nomination in hand.

Bush is still grappling with the legacies of his brother and father, two former presidents, in a year where voters are rallying behind outsiders. The 17-candidate GOP field is much larger and stronger than what Romney faced in 2012, with popular sitting governors and senators challenging Bush in the polls.

And instead of directing all his fire at Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, Bush has had to go mano a mano with Trump, the hotel mogul who's attacked the Spanish-speaking Bush as soft on immigration.

“I do think he has a shot at pulling off the nomination, and I think he is probably one of the [top] candidates best equipped to actually govern if he is elected,” said a top GOP lobbyist in Washington of Bush. “But due to factors such as these, I’m not sure you can view his nomination as an inevitability — at least not in the same way many viewed Romney as inevitable four years ago.”

One longtime Bush family friend was even more blunt when asked to compare Jeb and Mitt.

“Jeb is not Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney used his inevitability as a tactical weapon. He was very effective at conveying inevitability without seeming arrogant,” said the family friend. “It is very clear that Jeb, so far, has not created any sense of inevitability.

“Jeb’s campaign is run by very smart, capable people,” the source continued. “So far they haven’t found a formula that has enabled them to counter the impression Trump has created that he is a lackluster, lackadaisical, lack-of-energy candidate.”

Some of Bush’s staunchest defenders acknowledge Trump’s ascent has made it difficult to predict the outcome of the primary race.

But they say the former Florida governor is well positioned for a long, drawn-out primary battle. They just want him to be more aggressive with Trump, who one Bush backer dismissed as a “flamboyant demagogue appealing to people’s fears and raw emotions with the complicity of the of media.”

“The fact remains that Gov. Bush is the most qualified person to lead this country of all the candidates running for president on both sides,” said Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.), one of three Cuban-American House members from electoral-rich Florida who have endorsed Bush.

“He is also the best prepared for a long, difficult campaign,” the Miami-area lawmaker said.

The Republican Party has a long history of nominating establishment favorites — Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush, Bob Dole, George H.W. Bush. In June, when Jeb Bush jumped into the 2016 contest, he was seen as the candidate who would carry the establishment mantle.

But the opening months of the “Jeb!” campaign have been anything but smooth sailing. This summer, Jeb, heir to the Bush political dynasty, fumbled questions about whether the unpopular and costly Iraq war — launched by his older brother, George W. Bush — had been a smart decision.

And in nearly every stump speech, the bombastic, loud-mouthed Trump has dissed Bush as “low energy,” evoking memories of the famous Newsweek cover story about his father, George H.W. Bush: “Fighting the ‘Wimp’ Factor.”

It’s not just Trump who’s been giving him fits. A new national Monmouth University poll out Thursday showed Bush slipping four points to 8 percent, tied for third place with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a Tea-Party favorite who's caused countless headaches for GOP leaders in Washington. Trump was far ahead with 30 percent, trailed by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, another GOP outsider, with 18 percent.

Other serious, policy-minded candidates who are earning praise from the GOP establishment include Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Bush’s protégé who was elected Speaker of the Florida House when Bush was governor; Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker; and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a former House Budget Committee chairman on Capitol Hill.

“Kasich, Rubio, Carly Fiorina, they all have potential to appeal to Americans outside the GOP base,” Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), co-chairman of the Tuesday Group, a coalition of centrist House Republicans. He has not endorsed in the race. “There are others who can compete with Jeb Bush legitimately on their policy chops, their resumes and their experience.”

During the 2012 cycle, Romney struggled to quickly put away the nomination as voters auditioned former Speaker Newt Gingrich, then-Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, then-Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), businessman Herman Cain, and former Sen. Rick Santorum for the leading role.

However, many establishment Republicans at the time were confident the party faithful would eventually rally around Romney. In much of August and September of 2011, polls showed Perry in first place with Romney always hanging tough in second.

Now, Bush is tied for third, and a Fox News poll last month put him in fourth place.

Of course, it’d be foolish to write Bush’s obituary at this early stage in the game. With the barrage of attacks raining down from Trump — his latest insult was telling Bush not to speak Spanish in America — the governor has stiffened his spine and begun to engage.

And Bush’s super PAC, Right to Rise, is expected this month to spend some of its massive $100 million war chest on pro-Bush TV ads in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina in a bid to tout the governor’s conservative record and win back his narrative.

Those ad buys should give Bush a slight bounce in the polls this fall. Establishment allies aren’t bullish on his chances, but they’re not writing him off, either.

Bush “will be in the discussion when the race starts to narrow,” said a former House GOP leadership aide. “He’s been spending his time getting organized on the ground in states that matter. That is the smart thing to do when voters and the polls are fickle.

“There is a little bit of concern” about Bush, the source said, “but he needs to change a few things. It’s not like he can’t win this thing at the end of the day — he just needs to do better.”


Donors hedge their bets in 2016

Some of the biggest donors in the Republican presidential primaries are sending six figure checks to multiple candidates, despite the fact that they are arming these candidates to compete against each other. 

Billionaire Houston Texans owner Robert McNair, for example, sends $500,000 apiece to super-PACs supporting Republicans Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas), and Lindsey Graham (S.C.).

Nebraska billionaires Joe and Marlene Ricketts are spending $5 million on candidate Scott Walker, while sending $10,000 apiece to super-PACs supporting former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Cruz, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie,  Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio, and Graham, according to the mid-year FEC reports. 

Interviews with nearly a dozen major donors, fundraisers and political operatives, as well as analysis of professional ties and donation histories help explain why donors do something that might seem counterintuitive to others. It boils down to four main reasons: 

  • Longstanding personal relationships and professional ties.
  • Wanting to give oxygen to the ideas expressed by the unpopular candidate, even if that person has no hope of becoming president, while at the same time wanting to support the likely nominee.
  • Wanting to ensure access to the winning candidate.
  • Supporting career politicians when they’re at their most vulnerable, is a “cheap way to buy loyalty,” as campaign finance reformer and current presidential candidate Lawrence Lessig puts it. 

The motivations of the largest givers are opaque, as all these donors tend to avoid the media, and none of the largest multi-contributors in the 2016 cycle agreed to comment on the record about why they support multiple candidates. 

Graham, currently registering slightly above 0 percent in polls, is a magnet for many of these “multi-donors”, with large checks sent his way to help air his hawkish foreign policy views, in the full knowledge that, as one donor puts it, he has “no chance in hell” of ever becoming the Republican nominee. 

Donors spending six figures on Graham while supporting other candidates include leveraged buyouts billionaire Ronald Perelman, who gave $500,000 apiece to Graham’s and Bush’s super-PACs and billionaire investor Len Blavatnik whose company spent $500,000 on Graham and $1 million on Scott Walker. 

A donor who plans to support both Rubio and Graham said he, and some of his donor friends, were supporting Graham despite knowing he has “zero chance” of becoming the GOP nominee. 

"You want to have support for ideas that you think are important,” the donor said. “A number of Lindsey Graham donors have said to me: ‘I don’t think Lindsey has a chance of winning but I’d like to have a serious foreign policy person in this race and Lindsey Graham brings foreign policy to the debate table.' 

“I’ve got a friend who adores Jeb Bush, just adores,” the donor added, “but he doesn’t think Bush is strong enough on foreign policy so to get more foreign policy in the race he just gave a significant gift to Lindsey Graham.”

While heavyweight political donors have always given to multiple candidates, what's new is the scale of this spread-out giving, which has only become possibly since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision that paved the path for unlimited corporate and political spending in American elections. 

One of the top donors to Bush’s super-PAC Right to Rise, who spoke on condition of anonymity to protect his relationship with the Bush family, says he doesn’t understand the psychology of giving big to competing candidates. “I have friends that are doing more than one,” he said. “I know people who've given $100,000 to more than one candidate. It doesn't make sense to me.” 

Asked about the trend of sending huge checks to multiple candidates, wealthy investor Foster Friess said, “I think some of those donors might just want to make sure for business reasons they have access.” 

“Others of us, however, who give mainly because we share the ideology of the given candidate… ‘spread the love’ out of a sense it is good for our country,”  Friess said in an email. He spent more than $2 million on Rick Santorum in 2012, taking the longshot surprisingly close to the Republican nomination. 

“We present a woman, a black, two Hispanics, and a governor from Indian descent,” Friess added. “It's good for the American public to know the diversity the Republicans represent.” 

Friess has yet to announce a six or seven-figure donation for 2016. “While I am clearly in Rick Santorum's corner, he has encouraged me to support other candidates and it's most likely I'll do that when friends of mine ask me to do so,” he said.  

Joe and Marlene Ricketts, who have contributed to seven candidates so far, could not be reached for comment but relationships have likely played a part in their donations.

The Ricketts have friendships and political relationships woven throughout this group of candidates. One of their sons, Todd Ricketts, was appointed co-chair of Walker’s national fundraising efforts. Another son, Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, benefited from Christie’s support and stump speech as the New Jersey Gov. lent his backing last year as chairman of the Republican Governors Association. 

Texas is a magnet for many of these donors, who have sent checks to one or more candidate with ties to that state. 

The most prominent example is Robert Mercer, who runs a $25 billion Long Island hedge fund and has already spent $11 million on Texas senator Cruz, along with $250,000 on Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and – in an unusual diversion through a pro-Cruz super-PAC – a $500,000 donation to businesswoman Carly Fiorina

Others have multiple loyalties in Texas from ties going back, in some cases, decades. Nobody understands these competing relationships better than Austin Barbour, the senior adviser to former Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s super-PAC. 

“[In Texas] you have the longest serving governor in the history of Texas in Rick Perry, then you have the current U.S. senator in Ted Cruz, then you have the former governor and former president of the United States, George W. Bush’s brother Jeb Bush, and you have Rand Paul whose father was a congressman from Texas for a long time,” Barbour said. 

“There’s obviously some number of people in Texas who say ‘I got relationships with, you know, two of these people, three of these candidates, four of them.” 

“Texas has so much wealth,” Barbour added. “And what I have come to find is that people are really generous, too.”


They puppet masters are adamant! They want a PUPPET in office.

That unfortunately is so true. :( The thing I like about Trump is he is refusing to take donations and wants what we want. The way he talks he  is really looking forward to building the wall and I am for sure looking forward to seeing a wall on the border.

I like Trump too.I cannot say HOW refreshing it is to not  have him begging along with all the others for my money. :-)

Feel the Bern… Sanders Leads Hillary by 9 in New Hampshire

Socialist Bernie Sanders jumped ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire.
The Vermont Socialist now leads the embattled former Secretary of State by 9 points.
sanders free stuff

NBC News reported:

Bernie Sanders has jumped out to a nine-point lead over front-runner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, and he’s gained ground on her among Iowa voters in the Democratic presidential race, according to a pair of brand-new NBC News/Marist polls.

In New Hampshire, the Vermont senator gets the support of 41 percent of Democratic voters, Clinton gets 32 percent and Vice President Joe Biden gets 16 percent. No other Democratic candidate receives more than 1 percent.

Back in July’s NBC/Marist poll, Clinton was ahead of Sanders in the Granite State by 10 points, 42 percent to 32 percent, with Biden at 12 percent.

Without Biden in the race, Sanders’ lead over Clinton in the current survey increases to 11 points, 49 percent to 38 percent.


This is so funny. I am sure Biden with foot in mouth with be jumping in soon. He is such a Bozo

Hillary Clinton Rips Trump… Trump Rips Her Gigantic Black TelePrompters

Hillary Clinton lashed out at Donald Trump yesterday during a campaign stop in New Hampshire.
hillary prompters

Donald Trump lashed out at Hillary’s big black TelePrompters.

No emotion and No truth–

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Hillary Clinton made a speech today using the biggest teleprompter I have ever seen. In fact, it wasn't even see through glass, it was black

Hillary said such nasty things about me, read directly off her teleprompter...but there was no emotion, no truth. Just can't read speeches!

Hillary trails Socialist Bernie Sanders by 9 points in New Hampshire.


Black like her soul.




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