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Chris Christie

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Ted Cruz

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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
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Carly Fiorina

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Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
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Lindsey Graham

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Mike Huckabee

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Bobby Jindal

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John Kasich

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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
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Marco Rubio

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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Yeah I do admire him. They are going to keep kicking the crap out of him because the media is used to ruling everything. I guess he will keep kicking back I do not see him taking it. He knows up close and personal what they are doing.

He is on to them.

At the moment I think MSM is trying to build up the leftist pope as the savior of the world.....so maybe he can replace Trump in popularity. I don't think it will work.

The Pope is loosing respect around the world for his involvement in the NWO. 

I agree Debra, and people,  all people need to be speaking out against his agenda because it aligns  very well with the communist agenda.

Fiorina once backed ObamaCare insurance mandate

She supported the controversial provision in a CNN clip unearthed from 2013.

Thanks for posting I am so not impressed with Fiorina!

Trump leads tight race in Florida, says new poll

Five candidates draw double-digit support in the Sunshine State.



Indeed it looks like she did. Here’s the lowdown from Jeffrey Lord:

The Federal Election Commission records that Ms. Fiorina was a donor to the Technology Network (Technet) Federal PAC. The FEC documents that Technet’s “In Kind Contributions”—represented by the provision of goods or services in lieu of actual capital—included nine separate donations to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign, as well as one contribution to her presidential campaign in 2007.

Well, so has Donald Trump! He’s given actual donations to Hillary Clinton, you might say. And it would be true.

However as Lord points out, Trump has been honest about all of this whereas Fiorina has taken a different tact. This is what she said in the first debate:

I didn’t get a phone call from Bill Clinton before I jumped in the race. Did any of you get a phone call from Bill Clinton? I didn’t. Maybe it’s because I hadn’t given money to the foundation, or donated to his wife’s Senate campaign.

Well maybe she hadn’t given money directly to the campaign, but via the Technet PAC she did.

But wait, there’s more!

As Lord points out, WAPO’s Ruth Marcus had something interesting to say about Fiorina just over a month ago:

It was May 2008, close to the end of the long primary battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and we were discussing the two Democratic contenders.

At which point Fiorina, then a campaign surrogate for presumptive GOP nominee John McCain, offered some unprompted praise for Clinton: If Fiorina hadn’t been backing McCain, she told me, she would have been for Clinton.

“That’s off the record,” Fiorina immediately added.

Well that’s certainly interesting.

And still there’s even more. Click over to Lord’s article to read it.

Now you might say Fiorina has had a change of heart from those days. Indeed, that’s possible, but I haven’t heard her say anything of the sort. It was only on the BillO show last night that the world heard that she praised Clinton back in 2008 as an intellectual hero and said she had great empathy for Clinton. Of course she played it off as saying nothing we know now about Hillary with regard to Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, the email server, etc, had happened back then. BillO let her take that out.

But Hillary was a known entity even back then. She would have been a disaster for this country. So I’m not sure I buy what Carly said about it.

But at the end of the day, my take is this. While Carly may be good on some issues and against certain foes, I think she would sell Conservatives out to the Republican Establishment. I think she would gladly side with the Boehner/McConnell crowd instead of pushing the Republican Congress to the right on important issues such as immigration. She’s clearly not the fighter that Ted Cruz has demonstrated himself to be and because of this I just can’t put her in my top tier of candidates.

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/carly-fiorina-donated-to-hillary-clinton/#...

As I recall, back in May 2008 even Rush Limbaugh was calling for everyone to vote for Clinton. Why? Obama was the favorite already, and Rush wanted to stop Obama at all costs. Even back than I didn't blame Rush and understood his motivation.

I wonder how many Tea Party people today wish that HIllary had won the nomination back in 2008.  


Careful what you wish for!

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/oh-no-carly-fiorina-supported-the-individu...

Now that former HP CEP Carly Fiorina is gaining in the polls, the media and others are beginning to dig through her closet for skeletons, and they’ve found a set of bones with Obamacare marked on them.

Watch below:

In case you didn’t catch it, she says she supports an individual mandate to force Americans to buy insurance.

From CNN:

“Now there is a requirement for people to take responsibility, which you know most people have insurance,” Cutter said. “So do you agree with the mandate idea? That is a Republican idea, came out of the Heritage Foundation, one of our co-hosts, Newt Gingrich, was behind it. And the ban on preexisting conditions? Do you agree with those two provisions?”

“I actually do agree with those two provisions,” Fiorina said. “And I think Obamacare remains an abomination, and let me tell you why. First of all, I think no one should be denied health care because of pre-existing conditions. And I think there are many more efficient ways we could have dealt with this other than Obamacare.”

Yeah, so that’s a problem.

She still calls Obamacare an “abomination,” but I think most conservatives would not like her position on the individual mandate.

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/oh-no-carly-fiorina-supported-the-individu...




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