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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Sanders sides with Obama in opposing no-fly zone in Syria

Greg Nash
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says he opposes implementing an American no-fly zone in Syria — a move that puts him in line with President Obama and at odds with Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton.
“I oppose, at this point, a unilateral American no-fly zone in Syria, which could get us more deeply involved in that horrible civil war and lead to a never-ending U.S. entanglement in the region,” Sanders told the Washington Post.
The Democratic presidential candidate said U.S. involvement in the conflict could end up making things worse.
“We must be very careful about not making a complex and dangerous situation in Syria even worse,” Sanders said. 
“I support President Obama’s efforts to combat ISIS in Syria while at the same time supporting those in that country trying to remove the brutal dictatorship of Bashar Assad.”
A growing chorus of Democrats is joining the GOP in calling for a no-fly zone in the war-torn state, a move the Obama administration has adamantly opposed.

Of course Communist stick together.

Fiorina touts tech-savvy plans for White House

Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina is making a case for herself as a tech-savvy candidate who can usher Washington into the 21st century.
Speaking to a crowd of conservatives at the Practical Federalism Forum in Hooksett, N.H., the former Silicon Valley CEO said that as president, she would hold weekly national polls through a smartphone app. 
"On a weekly radio address, I’m going to say, ‘Fellow citizens, please take out your smartphones. I’d like to ask you a question. Do you think it’s important that we know where every dollar of your money is being spent? Press 1 for yes, 2 for no,’ ” Fiorina said, suggesting the polls would put pressure on Congress.
The GOP candidate proceeded to poke fun at voters who still use outdated “flip phones.”
"By the way, if you have a flip phone, please upgrade,” Fiorina said. "Seriously, it won’t work on a flip phone. You have 15 months to do this. I know there are a lot of flip phones here in New Hampshire. I’ve seen them."
Fiorina has surged in the GOP primaries after strong performances in the first two presidential debates. 
Along with real estate mogul Donald Trump and neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Fiorina is part of a charge of “Washington outsiders” who are looking to replace elected officials.
Speaking about the Founding Fathers, Fiorina noted, "There was this other idea that ours was intended to be a citizen government. When did we get to the point where we thought that, ‘Gee, only politicians can run for office.’ It is not how our nation was founded. 
“Our nation was founded by men who did other things in their lives and then stepped forward for a period of time and served and then went back home,” she added.
The three outsiders currently sit at the top of the GOP primary field, according to a RealClearPolitics national polling average.
Trump leads with 23.3 percent support, followed by Carson with 16.3 percent and Fiorina with 11.8 percent.
Fiorina also suggested she would play hardball with Iran, threatening to tear up the controversial nuclear agreement the Obama administration struck with the Iranian government.
"The message is this: New deal. I don’t care what deal you signed with President Obama. New deal," Fiorina said.
"Until you open every military and nuclear facility to real — anytime, anywhere — inspections by our people, not yours, we, the United States of America, will make it as difficult as possible for you to move money around the global financial system. We can do that, we don’t need anyone’s permission."

I don't trust her!

you mean there are those you do trust???

Neither do I  !!!

Why don't you trust her? 


Biden to announce 2016 decision within days: report

Getty Images
Vice President Joe Biden is expected to announce whether he will run for president in the next seven to 10 days, according to CBS News.
Two of the three sources CBS News cited said the vice president is leaning toward running.
Several Democratic donors who have met with Biden also told CBS News they came away with the impression that he would run.
The sources say Biden will sit out the first Democratic primary debate Oct. 13 even if he announces his candidacy before then.
A spokesperson for the vice president did not comment to CBS News on the report.
A poll released earlier this week found Biden would be the most popular Democratic candidate if he entered the race.
Forecasters say Biden would likely take more support away from front-runner Hillary Clinton than surging candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), tightening the race for the Democratic nomination.
The vice president has questioned whether he has the emotional stamina to make a White House bid following the death of his son, Beau, in May.
An investigation into Clinton’s private email server held while she was secretary of State has weakened the Democratic favorite, leaving the door open for Biden, who has unsuccessfully run for the office twice.

Here comes another puppet. This one has his foot in his mouth.

put my foot in my mouth sometimes i manage to get both of them in ...




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