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Donald Trump

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Jeb Bush

Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)
Campaign Site: Jeb2016.com
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Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
Campaign Site: BenCarson.com
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Chris Christie

Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey)
Campaign Site: ChrisChristie.com
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Ted Cruz

US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas)
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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
Campaign Site: MarkForAmerica.com
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Carly Fiorina

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
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Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
Campaign Site: GilmoreForAmerica.com
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Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Political Site: LindseyGraham.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Lindsey Graham
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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
Official Site: MikeHuckabee.com
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Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
Campaign Site: BobbyJindal.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Bobby Jindal
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John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Campaign Site: JohnKasich.com
Government Site: Office of Governor John Kasich
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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
Campaign Site: GeorgePataki.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovGeorgePataki
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Campaign Site: RandPaul.com
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Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
Campaign Site: MarcoRubio.com
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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Her fear is she will not be able to continue to fool all the USEFUL idiots and end up behind BARS where she already SHOULD be.

Watch Crazy Leftists Explain Why They Support Bernie Sanders (VIDEO)

Bernie Sanders Supporters CNN

CNN recently attended a Bernie Sanders event in Colorado and asked attendees why they support him. The responses were exactly what you would expect.

One supporter said:

“I believe that he really does have everybody’s best interests in mind.”

Another supporter said:

“Bernie has been so good about making sure that people know where his money is coming from, making sure that we know who he’s accountable to.”

At the beginning of the video, Bernie himself claims:

“You’re looking at the only non-billionaire major candidate for president.”

That’s a total lie but the crowd cheered anyway.

To their credit, CNN did point out that the crowd was almost completely white.



New Report Claims Barack and Michelle Obama DON’T WANT THE CLINTONS TO WIN

This news isn’t surprising if you remember how ugly things got during the Democrat primary of 2008. At the height of that contest, the Obamas and the Clintons hated each other.

It doesn’t look like much has changed.

Michael Gartland of The New York Post reports that the Obamas want Joe Biden to run in 2016 with former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick:

The Obamas don’t want the Clintons back in White House

President Obama’s endorsement of a Joe Biden White House run will be conditional on having a “final say” over his choice for vice president, according to Ed Klein, author of the Hillary Rodham Clinton biography “Unlikeable.”

“Barack Obama would like to see Deval Patrick, the former governor of Massachusetts and an African-American, run on the Biden ticket,” Klein told John Catsimatidis on AM 970 radio Sunday.

Patrick, who served as assistant attorney general under then-President Bill Clinton, grew up in Chicago, Obama’s former stomping grounds. He succeeded Mitt Romney as governor of Massachusetts.

Klein said that the first family is “behind” the Draft Joe Biden movement and that they’ve given him “permission” to use Air Force Two to fly across the country promoting his possible presidential run to African-American groups, gays and unions.


Five things to watch in Tuesday night’s Democratic debate

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LAS VEGAS —  It’s showtime for Democrats.


After two Republican debates in which businessman Donald Trump commanded much of the attention, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and the rest of the Democratic field will take to the stage Tuesday night in a Las Vegas casino for a two-hour encounter.

The clash has been getting fight-style billing from CNN, which will broadcast the event.

Here are five key things to watch.

Does Clinton go for the Bern? 

Clinton and Sanders have dominated the Democratic contest so far and will be the main protagonists in Las Vegas. 

Sanders has shocked much of the political world by emerging as a real rival to Clinton, but Tuesday’s debate will be the first time the two former Senate colleagues will meet on stage.

Don’t expect a ton of fireworks, observers say.

Sanders has repeatedly said he won’t engage in personal attacks on Clinton, and she also isn’t expected to hit Sanders hard, insiders say.

“She has more to lose than to gain by attacking him,” said Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons.

By taking on Sanders head-on, Clinton risks antagonizing the liberals who have backed the Vermont Independent.

Clinton is courting those liberals hard, including through her newly-declared opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal negotiated by the Obama administration.

Clinton is known as a decent debater. Behind the scenes, she’s been studying briefing books for days and working aides, including her longtime policy staffer, Jake Sullivan.

Bigger goals for Clinton on Tuesday night include defining her campaign and showing Democratic voters why they should pick her.

“People know she’s smart and capable but what they’re unsure of is whether or not she’s relatable enough,” said one former official who worked on Obama’s 2008 campaign. “I think her main goal is to prove that she’s authentic and likable.”

That means Clinton will work to emulate the same tone she has taken on the campaign trail so far, in which she’s largely ignored Sanders, not assailed him.

How much will Clinton’s emails come up?

Clinton’s campaign has struggled for much of the year as it has dealt with the controversy surrounding the candidate’s use of a private email server as secretary of State.

Republicans have hammered Clinton over the issue, but her Democratic rivals could face some risks in bringing it up — particularly in front of a partisan crowd.

Sanders appears unlikely to raise the topic given his pledges to abjure personal attacks. But former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, who is looking for ways to stand out, could take a different tack.

He’s raised the subject in the past — and he has nothing to lose, since he is currently commanding the support of less than one percent of Democrats nationwide, according to the RealClearPolitics average. 

Last month, O’Malley said there are “legitimate questions” that Clinton needed to answer.

“That’s why we need debates,” O’Malley went on to say. “Otherwise our party is being defined by Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.”

You can also bet that O’Malley will bring up the subject of more debates, a growing source of tension for Democrats.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, this week said she was disinvited from Tuesday’s debate after complaining that her party was scheduling too few of them.

A spokeswoman for DNC chief Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) disputed that account, saying Gabbard was welcome to attend as long as she wasn’t a distraction.

Will Joe Biden cast a long shadow?

One person who will not even be present at the Wynn Las Vegas on Tuesday will command a whole lot of attention: Vice President Biden.

CNN will reportedly have a lectern reserved for Biden but no one realistically expects him to appear behind it. 

“He’s looming over the debate,” Simmons said, adding that Biden is in an “enviable position.”

Biden could make news if he announces his candidacy before the debate takes place — or immediately afterward. Simmons said it would be a “clever thing to do” in the hours before the debate because it “busts up the news cycle.”

“He would become the story,” the strategist said.

Will the Dems embrace Obama? Or refute him?

Biden isn’t the only absent figure who the candidates will have to keep in their thoughts.

President Obama remains beloved by much of the Democratic base, even as his approval ratings in the nation at large are tepid. 

Clinton has broken with the president in some areas, most notably the TPP. She has also come out against the Keystone XL pipeline, on which Obama has yet to announce a decision.

Clinton’s position on TPP could leave her open to the charge of flip-flopping, given that she praised the TPP as the “gold standard” of trade agreements while in the administration. Sanders can legitimately paint himself as to the left of Obama, perhaps hoping to capitalize on progressive unease with the president on subjects such as civil liberties and national security. 

However, there are complications for Sanders, too. He has struggled to win support from black Democrats and any strident criticism of the nation’s first black president could backfire badly.

“The fact is that, to rank and file Democrats, Obama is still respected and, in many respects, revered,” said Tobe Berkovitz, a Boston University professor who specializes in political communications.

Can an underdog break out?

Of the five candidates on the stage, three have nothing to lose — and that makes them unpredictable, and perhaps dangerous, for both Clinton and Sanders. 

O’Malley, former Sen. Jim Webb (Va.) and former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee have such lowly standing in the polls that there is no downside to them trying something dramatic or spectacular.

While Chafee’s candidacy is widely regarded as a somewhat eccentric undertaking, Webb and, particularly, O’Malley will want to improve their standing.

O’Malley has been critical of Clinton throughout the campaign, and his team has thrown some jabs at Sanders, too, notably asserting he is “no progressive when it comes to guns” in a campaign ad back in June.

There are plenty of political insiders who dismiss the idea of O’Malley or Webb breaking through. But one example from the other side of the aisle suggests the possibility should not be entirely discounted.

“No-one was talking about Carly Fiorina until the Republican debates and now, all of a sudden, she’s a player,” said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon. “One of them has to do the same things she did to get on the radar… There’s no reason why O’Malley can’t.”


Love it!

Trump to live-tweet Dem debate

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will live-tweet the first Democratic presidential debate, the real estate tycoon announced Tuesday.

"At the request of many, and even though I expect it to be a very boring two hours, I will be covering the Democrat Debate live on twitter!" Trump tweeted.

Trump is a prolific voice on the social media platform, where he has more than 4 million followers, with tweets jabbing presidential rivals often generating headlines.

The businessman has suggested that the Democratic debate Tuesday night in Las Vegas will be a mediocre show without him on stage.

"I think people are going to turn it on for a couple of minutes and then fall asleep," Trump said Monday on "Fox and Friends," referring to the debate hosted by CNN.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will be among the five candidates on stage.

At the request of many, and even though I expect it to be a very boring two hours, I will be covering the Democrat Debate live on twitter!


GO DONALD it will be the only excitement with this dull line up of puppets.

LOL sounds good to me.

Details for November GOP debate released

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The fourth GOP presidential debate will be held Nov. 10 in Milwaukee, Fox Business Network, which is hosting the debate with The Wall Street Journal, announced late Monday.

November's Republican debate will focus on economic issues, including jobs, taxes, the health of the economy, along with domestic and international policy issues, according to the network.

The debate at the Milwaukee Theatre will be the fourth debate for the GOP field, which has been the most crowded in recent memory and currently includes 15 candidates.

Republicans have four more opportunities to debate before the Iowa caucuses in February, including a debate in Colorado later this month, along with debates in Nevada and Iowa.


The  majority of the candidates do not understand money nor the use of money. 

Ryan keeps colleagues in suspense

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Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is signaling he’s in no hurry to end the House GOP conference’s suspense.

House Republicans are waiting on tenterhooks for Ryan to decide whether he’ll run for Speaker and fill a gaping leadership

Ryan is under immense pressure from fellow Republicans to step up to the plate, but his spokesman signaled on Monday that Ryan’s colleagues shouldn’t hold their breath on a decision.

“Before you ask, nothing has changed and I don't anticipate any news this week,” Brendan Buck, the communications director for the House Ways and Means Committee, wrote early Monday morning on Twitter.

“Enjoy your Columbus Day,” he added. 

Ryan is spending this week’s recess in Janesville, Wis., with his family.

National media have descended on the city of 63,000 hoping to get a glimpse of Ryan and find out if the reluctant Ways and Means chairman can be convinced to succeed Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

Ryan has repeatedly signaled he’d rather avoid the job and keep his position as Ways and Means chairman, but that’s done nothing to stem the tide of those urging him to help his party.

Some Republicans are thinking up creative ideas to try to coax Ryan on.

“They are running a ton of stuff up the flagpole to see what works,” said one former GOP leadership aide.

Because Ryan would rather keep his current job, some have speculated he could be convinced to be Speaker on a “caretaker” basis through 2016 — an idea derided by others.

Another idea is to appoint a deputy to the Speaker who could fundraise so that Ryan could spend more time in Janesville with his family.



NYT: Breitbart, Drudge, Levin, ‘Far Right’ New Media Stop Paul Ryan

The New York Times reports on the role of conservative media representing the grassroots–and how these “far-right” sites and talk radio hosts have prevented a simple coronation for Paul Ryan, the establishment choice for Speaker of the House.

We better be able to do better than Ryan, he will be another disappointment.




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