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George Pataki

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Rick Santorum

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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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I wonder why Trump just simply bypass the LaRaza orgainization, and talk with the regular, middle class Latinos themselves. Not those who pretend to speak for them. 

The E-mails and Benghazi

While Hillary Clinton’s public (and, for that matter, her private) life has been marked by one big scandal after another, no incident, event, or happening so completely captures the essence of who she really is -- incredibly incompetent, bereft of the slightest trace of judgment, and ready to engage in any act of deceit (even criminal) to cover over those fundamental deficiencies of character and competence – as her involvement with Benghazi, a tragedy in which, thanks to her failure to act, four Americans needlessly lost their lives. Now, thanks to an unbelievably stupid comment by Kevin McCarthy, formerly the leading contender to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House, Benghazi has senselessly been made more of a political football. McCarthy, in an apparent effort to demonstrate Hillary Clinton’s vulnerability, pointed out that the House Committee to investigate Benghazi has had a dramatic effect on Hillary’s poll numbers -- the implication (unintended, I’m certain) being that that somehow played a role in the Committee’s creation.

The committee was created for the sole purpose of finding out what happened at Benghazi, i.e. why these four Americans died, and why nothing was done to prevent such a tragedy -- all on Hillary Clinton’s watch as secretary of state. And obviously, because the tragedy happened on her watch, it could certainly have an effect on her political aspirations. But to imply, as McCarthy moronically did, that such an effect played an instrumental role in the committee’s creation was a non sequitur. That said, the Clinton folk, as is their bent, wasted little time in jumping on McCarthy by informing the public that his comment was not an act of terminal stupidity, but rather an inadvertent slip of the truth. The consequences of the McCarthy blunder were several and severe, i.e. they:

  1. were an unbelievable gift to Hillary’s cause,
  2. almost cut Trey Gowdy off at the knees in his already difficult task of accessing the truth from an uncooperative Democratic Administration, and
  3. almost assuredly contributed to McCarthy’s dropping out of the speakership race (clearly, on the basis of this comment alone, the job was above his pay grade).

Failing to quickly quash the matter, since Benghazi had legs, Hillary went into the Clintons’ obfuscation mode -- a mode that they have become quite accustomed to, given their questionable track record for veracity. The steps to be taken go something like this:

  1. Deny; if that doesn’t result in calling off the dogs, then lie; if that doesn’t do it,
  2. stonewall, i.e. say little or nothing, and if that doesn’t work
  3. slow walk the matter, i.e. let things out in dribs and drabs
  4. (preferably on a Friday night to attract as little media attention as possible).
  5. Finally, if the foregoing doesn’t end the matter, assert that
  6. that the opposition’s continued  pursuit of the truth is either old news and/or a witch hunt.
  7. When all of the above fails, and you are called to account, brazen it through, i.e. go on the offensive.

The last step was brilliantly executed -- thanks to the customary amount of Republican cowardice -- when Hillary went before the Senate Committee looking into Benghazi. You may recall Hillary’s brazen response to a question from Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson: “What difference, at this point, does it make?” whether the tragedy was caused by a planned attack by terrorists or just by some guys out for a walk who decided to kill some Americans? Here we have the Clintons’ back-to-the-wall approach, i.e. the best defense is a good offense. Ron Johnson cowered and beat a retreat. Instead, he could have done what was called for, to wit: first, angrily inform princess Hillary that it made all the difference in the world to the people seated behind her -- i.e. the loved ones of the deceased; and, second, in response to her follow up point that what was important was to make sure that it never happened again, Johnson should have made the obvious point that how do we prevent it from happening again if we don’t know how it happened the first time? In short, Clinton succeeded in bludgeoning her way out of a tight spot by taking advantage of Republican ineptitude.

Eventually Hillary grudgingly accepted responsibility for the Benghazi tragedy, but, as is typical with the Clintons, she was not held accountable for the fiasco. How do you have responsibility without accountability? It’s a favorite of the left; I did it, I’m sorry, so let’s move on. Typically, in the private sector, there are consequences for failing to act appropriately where your actions do damage to the operational entity. Not so much in the governmental sector, even less so where lefties are involved, and never where those lefties are the Clintons.

Now how do we get from Benghazi to Hillary’s sagging poll numbers? Simple: the email scandal. When the House Committee was created to look into Benghazi, the public (and the Committee) was unaware of Hillary’s use of a private server. As details with respect to her emails began to be dragged out of the administration, this transgression was uncovered. As it continued to be endlessly slow walked before the public, her polls began to sag with every lie that was revealed.

And make no mistake -- Hillary Clinton is a liar; actually, Bill Safire flattered her when, in 1996, he called her a “congenital liar.” There is no need to go through the parade of Hillary’s lies – Travelgate, Filegate, Whitewater, the Rose law office billing files, her act of Wall St. alchemy etc., etc. Hillary’s entire life is a lie.

And, more to the point, her current effort to take advantage of McCarthy’s blunder is just another case of her dishonesty. But who can blame her? Her back is to the wall, and McCarthy offered up an escape hatch.

The E-mails and Benghazi

Toooooo Funny!

Biggest CNN Dem Debate Winner? DONALD TRUMP Gains 70,000 Twitter Followers, More Than Any Dem Candidate

The biggest winner in the Democratic CNN debate last night was Donald Trump.

The billionaire businessman gained 70,000 new Twitter followers more than any Democratic candidate.

Bernie Sanders was next with 46,000 followers.
Hillary Clinton gained 10,000 new followers.
Martin O’Malley gained 5,200 followers.
And Jim Webb and Joe Biden gained 3,000 followers.

I bet they are all gnashing their teeth over that! LOL

So True!

Trump: Obama Won’t Provide Secret Service Protection “Because I’m Republican, They Don’t Give a Sh*t”

Donald Trump said the Secret Service should be giving him protection.
trump security
(Top Right News)

Trump told The Hill, “They’re in no rush because I’m a Republican. They don’t give a shit,”
The Hill reported:

Donald Trump on Tuesday said the Secret Service should be giving him protection — and he suggested partisan politics might be why the agency isn’t providing it.

In a 90-minute interview with The Hill, the Republican presidential front-runner pointed out that he has attracted large crowds just like Barack Obama did eight years ago as a White House candidate and that by this point in the 2008 cycle, the Illinois senator had Secret Service protection.

Trump doesn’t, and he’s not happy about it.
“I want to put them on notice because they should have a liability,” he said. “Personally, I think if Obama were doing as well as me he would’ve had Secret Service [earlier]. I have by far the biggest crowds.”

Obama was given Secret Service protection on May 3, 2007. At the time, law enforcement officials acknowledged it was unusually early in the presidential cycle to grant a presidential candidate protection, but also said it was not based on specific threats.

Pressed on details, Trump asked one of his private security officers to describe the discussions the Secret Service has had with his campaign. The talks were described as preliminary, and the Trump camp says the Secret Service had not provided a definitive answer on when — or if — the billionaire businessman will receive government protection.

“They’re in no rush because I’m a Republican. They don’t give a shit,” Trump said jokingly.


I am glad he has the money to DOUBLE up on body guards!

Rand Paul Snaps: Shows Frustration

After 'Dumbass' Day-Long Campaign Stunt

Elections | Derek Hunter

Candidate shows frustration after complete day of broadcasting

CNN Commentator: 'For Some Reason, That Word 'Socialism' Is A Trigg...

Elections | Steve Guest

Sanders is 'a Democratic Socialist, a fancy way of saying he's a real liberal'

DONALD TRUMP Calls Sanders a “Maniac” “Communist” at Richmond Rally (Video)

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump campaigned in Richmond, Virginia Wednesday night.
trump sanders communist

Five thousand supporters turned out for the rally.

I watched Hillary last night with, “We’re gonna give this. We’re gonna give this.” The poor woman she’s got to give everything away because this maniac that was standing on her right is giving everything away so she’s following. That’s what’s happening. This Socialist slash Communist. OK. Nobody wants to say it.”
At one point radical Black Lives Matter disruptive protesters were dragged from the rally.

Donald Trump called Bernie Sanders a “Communist.”


Rush Limbaugh: Democrats Promise More Free Stuff – It’s Christmas in October!

rush santa democrats

Rush Limbaugh weighed in on the Faux debate last night in Las Vegas.
The Democrats openly trash capitalism today and are no longer ashamed to be called Socialists in public.

And, of course, they’re promising more free stuff – even to illegal aliens.
Via The Rush Limbaugh website:

RUSH: First up is a montage here from the debate last night. Bernie Sanders, Hillary, Lincoln Chafee, and they’re all talking about all the free stuff. College and health care and whatever you want. If you’re an illegal immigrant, it’s all yours. All you have to do is show up.

SANDERS: Make every public college and university in this country tuition-free.

HILLARY: Anyone to go to a public college or university tuition-free.

SANDERS: We’re all gonna have medical and family paid leave.

HILLARY: Make sure every child gets health care, including undocumented children and others.

CHAFEE: Funding education, funding infrastructure, funding health care.

HILLARY: Enhance the benefits for the poorest recipients of Social Security.

SANDERS: We should be putting money into education. I want Wall Street now to help kids in this country go to college, public colleges and universities.

HILLARY: I know we can afford it because we’re gonna make the wealthy pay for it.

RUSH: (laughing) We can afford it ’cause we’re gonna make the wealthy pay. We are $18 trillion in debt. Now, you can afford anything if you ignore that, and if you don’t think that’s a problem and if that number is irrelevant, the money never has to even be serviced or paid back, then of course you can afford anything. But the truth is, we can’t afford anything. We can afford maybe, what, what’s the number that we drag in by tax revenue every year? The numbers are confusing, but $3 trillion whatever we can afford every year, but we so exceed that. We have exceeded it for so long. We’re already paying for things we can’t afford. And these people just want to lap more and more on top of it.


Gun control group bashing Sanders, Chafee

A prominent gun control advocate is bashing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and other Democratic presidential candidates for their ties to the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said he is even more concerned about Sanders’s record on guns following the debate.

Sanders “mirrors the talking points of the gun lobby,” said Gross, who praised Hillary Clinton and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley for hammering the senator on the issue.

“Last night, it was summarized as, ‘Don’t vote for Sanders, because he sides with the corporate gun lobby over the American people.’” Gross said.

Gross also expressed concerns to a lesser extent with what former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee and former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb had to say about guns.

Chafee suggested he would bring the NRA to the bargaining table over gun violence, but Gross called it an unrealistic pipe dream.

"This is not a negotiation with the NRA,” Gross said. “We don’t negotiate with terrorists."

By contrast, Democratic frontrunner Clinton and former Gov. O’Malley have both made gun control a focus of their respective campaigns.

Neither was shy to fire back at Sanders over gun control.

Sanders came into the first Democratic presidential debate with a mixed record on guns, and he did little to ease the concerns of gun control advocates. 

He talked about respecting the right of hunters in rural communities to own guns, which is in line with arguments from the NRA. But Gross said this “perpetuates the myth that sensible gun laws are at odds with hunters and supporters of the Second Amendment.”

“We take exception to anyone promoting that myth,” Gross said. “We need to get past it."

Sanders is also taking heat over legislation he supported in 2005 that shields the gun industry from lawsuits. Though he switched his position during the debate, gun control advocates remain wary. 

They’re also upset that Sanders voted against the original law requiring background checks before gun sales in 1993. However, he more recently switched positions and voted in 2013 for expanding background checks to cover all gun sales.





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