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George Pataki

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Rand Paul

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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Kevin: why "incredible"?? If you look only at WHAT he says, not how he says it, his positions match those of the people in their kitchens rather well. Otherwise, why would they flock to his speeches in huge numbers? 

You talk as if you expect Joe to announce he is entering the race.You think he will? I have no idea, but if he does, Hillary will lose the attention and the press will exhaust everyone's patience by talking about Trump vs. Joe. 

I am not on the Trump band wagon, but I am honest with how I view him. He is the reason why so many are tunning into these early debates. That is easy for me to admit. The thing I do not like about him is how he admitted buying off politicians. To live like that is ok, bothers me. I have always thought of people who would do things like that ,to be sleezy. But the hard truth of it is he does get it done. EX: He wanted CNBC to keep it at a 2 hr. time limit, and he got it. He just has a certain knack. He is not my first choice but I will get on his team , because he does not have a progressive agenda. I do believe him when he says he wants to make America Great again. As far as Joe getting in . He will, but he knows the attacks are coming.I see Trump changing a little over last couple weeks. He is starting to become a politician,minus the P.C.

Kevin: yeah, I agree. Except my feelings about him admitting buying off politicians does't bother me at all. We all know huge amounts of money are spent on influence peddling; In fact, the government couldn't even run if we had none. At what point it becomes "buying off a politician" I am not sure. 

Somehow I don't see it as sleezy at all. If I was running a very big business, over several billion, say, I too would cozy up to the politicians with donations. And if you admit all this is relative, then Trump would be a saint compared to how Democratic politicians are being bought off. 

Marrand you nailed it again..at least he doesn't stumble fumble and mumble..when asked ...he was truthful about it....He laid it all out for us..I appreciated it that he did....Jesus is not running ....so no one else is perfect..I sized him up from the get go and said to myself..flaws and all... I could vote for this man..I respect him..what you see is what you get...sure is better than dealing with a bunch of pathological lying dems..

Our social values have lowered so , that we except the buying of politicians as normal. To me that is part of the problem with our decay as a moral Nation. But as too adhere to our new low standards , I would vote for him...It is kinda like , if you can`t beat em ...join em....God will take care of things when our moral values reach devilish levels.

first of all Trump never bought off any politician. He never spends any money unless it is on himself. He has no problem spouting off about himself....if you talk to any politician who has gotten support from Trump they will tell you it never amounted to very much either money or getting votes. Trump lies every chance he gets. Hil whole career has been a big lie

@jack ludwig: 

What constitutes buying a politician is not always clear and can be debated. 

However, you say "Trump lies every chance he gets". Please name two  biggest lies he told during his campaign. 

Trump in his own words says he paid politicians off for favors.


jack ludwig says clearly "Trump never bought off any politician". 

Perhaps giving money to a politician for a favor isn't considered "buying off". 

In that case, no politician ever has been bought off. 

Maybe Jack is a politician.That would explain his reasoning.

Kevin: A politician active on a Tea Party site? Wow!!! Perhaps he retired from politics years ago, and now is sharing his wisdom with us. Then he must be very qualified to answer my questions about Trump's lies. 

@Jack Ludwig:

Please explain. I feel stupid after reading your post. 

1. He makes a claim he can negotiate better deals with China. I don't understand how this is a lie. It's a brag, but a lie???

2. Who are "China government power brokers"? Their government? And who in USA negotiated a good deal with these power brokers? If Trump can't negotiate a good deal with China, please tell me who can? Obama? Who in his cabinet? I am talking about a good deal for USA, not a given company, like Apple. 

3. I have an example. Last year Obama went to China and negotiated a deal with "China government power brokers" regarding global warming. We said we will pollute less, and they agreed to continue polluting more for the next 30 years. Obama and the liberal press emphatically announced it as a great deal and praised Obama's  negotiating talents. You honestly don't think Trump could do much better than that???

4. You say he has never run a succesful business Now I really feel dumb. Buying and selling real estate at a profit is not a business? Buying real estate or building it and then renting/leasing at a profit is not a business? 

4. His true net worth is about the same as that he inherited, in today's dollars??? He claims openly he is worth about 10 billion. You want to call that a lie too? He evaluates all his property and holdings at, say, 10B. I read that his enemies (the liberal media) evalute it at something like 3B. So, claiming 10B is a lie? Really? Whose judgement counts when you evaluate huge real estate holdings? I don't know; at that level almost impossible to be accurate. But somehow his 10B claim sounds like a brag again, not a lie. 

In my opinion he is much more honest than Hillary, Obama and the leaders of the Dem party. Also more honest than the academia/media complex. What you mentioned are not lies in my book. But I am not completely for Trump either, for reasons totally different from yours. I am not sure his values are conservative. 




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