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Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
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Chris Christie

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Ted Cruz

US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas)
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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
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Carly Fiorina

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
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Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
Campaign Site: GilmoreForAmerica.com
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Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Political Site: LindseyGraham.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Lindsey Graham
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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
Official Site: MikeHuckabee.com
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Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
Campaign Site: BobbyJindal.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Bobby Jindal
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John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Campaign Site: JohnKasich.com
Government Site: Office of Governor John Kasich
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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
Campaign Site: GeorgePataki.com
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Campaign Site: RandPaul.com
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Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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I agree CNBC was scrapping the bottom of the barrel with its questions and moderators were typical liberal talking heads.

All of MSM engages in the same disgusting behavior. I am so done with it!

what is MSM? 

I see no one wants to answer my question of what is MSM. Maybe because no one knows what MSM is.

 Kevin, It's an acronym; Main Stream Media.

THANK YOU....I kept thinking that some were meaning MSNBC but were getting it wrong. Kinda feel a little stupid. Not the first time. I think I will keep spelling it out though. That way my message reaches those who are not up on all the texting acronym`s. 

Senate approves two-year budget deal in 3 a.m. vote

Greg Nash
The Senate passed a two-year budget deal that raises the debt ceiling early Friday morning, sending the agreement to President Obama's desk.
The deal was approved in a 64-35 vote after 3 a.m. after a late speech by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who criticized the legislation as a blank check for President Obama to add to the nation's debt.
"Both sides of the aisle have what I would call sacred cows. On the right, they have the sacred cow of military contracts. ...The left wants more welfare," he said, adding, "Should we give Congress more money? Hell no.
Few other senators seemed interested in Paul's speech, as the presiding officer repeatedly had to ask senators to keep their conversations down so that Paul could speak.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) tweeted her dissatisfaction, arguing the GOP presidential candidate was simply seeking attention for his campaign.
"Senate &staff all here at 1:55 am so that Pres candidate Rand Paul can send tweet out telling fans to watch him," she said. 
Thirty-five Republicans opposed the deal, including Sens. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who are facing tough reelection battles in blue-leaning states next year.
The legislation clears the calendar of major fiscal fights, including funding the government, until after the 2016 elections that will see Republicans defending 24 Senate seats.
The bill also drew strong pushback from conservative senators, who suggested leadership caved on the debt ceiling, negotiated in secret and tried to push the legislation through Congress on an expedited schedule.
“The bill is the product of an unfair, dysfunctional, and undemocratic process — a process that is virtually indistinguishable from what we promised the American people a G.O.P.-controlled Congress would bring to an end,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said from the Senate floor.
He added that the legislation “represents the last gasping breath of a disgraced bipartisan beltway establishment on the verge of collapse.”
Lee and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) circulated a letter ahead of the vote asking that their colleagues join them in rejecting the deal.

Clinton seeks to build African-American bulwark

Getty Images

Hillary Clinton is seeking to ramp up her enthusiasm and support among African Americans. 

Clinton already holds a huge advantage among black voters compared to her top rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). 


An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll this month found Clinton maintaining a 54-point lead over Sanders among African Americans. 

Yet Clinton is taking nothing for granted with a voting block that could deliver a knockout blow to Sanders in the primary season, and that could also help her through massive turnout in November, particularly in swing states such as Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. 

Clinton on Friday will travel to Atlanta to formally launch “African Americans for Hillary,” the group of black supporters started by Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) meant to do “energize, organize and earn support in the community,” a Clinton campaign official said.

She’ll meet with African American clergy while in Atlanta and attend an organizing event with Lewis, the civil rights leader who in 2008 walked back an endorsement of Clinton and threw his support behind Barack Obama.

Clinton is also headed on Friday to South Carolina to give the keynote address at an NAACP banquet in Charleston, where she’ll speak about criminal justice reform.

South Carolina is a key state for Clinton. If she can defeat Sanders in Iowa and New Hampshire, South Carolina could deal a final blow to her strongest competitor. 

Conversely, if Sanders wins either or both of the first two states, South Carolina’s importance as a line of defense for Clinton will grow. The Feb. 27 primary is the first that will include a large percentage of black voters after contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.

To help win the state, Clinton is dispatching black lawmakers including Reps. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) and Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) to South Carolina to make her case, according to sources with knowledge of the plan.

That comes on the heels of a conference call Clinton held with members of the Congressional Black Caucus earlier this week. 

While Clinton is seen as a favorite of black voters, there are still drops of ill will for the Clintons in South Carolina. Former President Bill Clinton made waves in 2008 when he unfavorably compared Obama’s victory in South Carolina to the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s in 1988.

Bill Clinton—dubbed by some as the first black president in his administration-- accused the Team Obama at the time of injecting racism into the campaign.

Eight years later, the comments still rub some people the wrong way. 

“There were a lot of hard feelings and I think it still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of some,” said one African American academic who follows these issues closely and spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about the Clintons.

Others argue that voters have moved on. 

“That was then. This is now,” Earl Ofari Hutchinson, a political analyst and author who often speaks about African American matters, said in an interview.

“It will have no resonance whatsoever,” Hutchinson added, noting that the Clintons have “extensive tires” with African American community leaders, pastors, and business executives.


McConnell, Ryan are new power pair

File photos

Newly elected Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have a closer relationship than many people realize, say sources close to both men.

McConnell called Ryan Wednesday to congratulate him after the House Republican conference nominated him to serve as Speaker, laying the groundwork for what both leaders hope will be a productive relationship.


“We discussed our many shared goals for Congress. We pledged a strong partnership. We aimed to continue advancing conservative reform,” McConnell said on the Senate floor, summarizing their conversation. “I look forward to working closely with him going forward as I have in the past.”

McConnell and Ryan, who until recently served as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, worked closely on trade and transportation legislation this year.

“They know each other really well. They’ve participated in a lot of House-Senate conferences together and worked on policy proposals,” said one GOP senator.

McConnell told colleagues he frequently checked in with Ryan about ways to pay for a multi-year highway bill. The Senate passed a six-year bill with three years of offsets, but McConnell is interested in finding ways to pay for more of it.

“They talked a lot on the highway bill about finding more than three years of pay-fors,” said another Republican senator.

There’s also a strong staff link between the two leaders.

Jonathan Burks, the staffer who handled the budget and debt-ceiling talks for McConnell this fall, previously served as Ryan’s policy director on the House Budget Committee. Before that, he advised Ryan on defense issues as an analyst.

Ryan’s new chief of staff, David Hoppe, previously served as chief of staff to former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), and is viewed in the upper chamber as a fellow member of the club. Hoppe also served as chief of staff to former Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), one of McConnell’s old Senate allies.

Ryan’s spokesman, Brendan Buck, is close to McConnell’s communication director, Don Stewart.

“They’re figuratively and literally close,” said Stewart of the two leaders, noting that McConnell’s elegant office overlooking the West Front is connected to the Speaker’s office by a short, private hallway.

“They've built the level of trust and candor over the years that's going to be needed to get this place working again,” Buck said.


Online polls: Trump won third GOP debate

Donald Trump emerged the victor of Wednesday night’s third GOP presidential debate, according to flash polls of three websites' users.

Trump overwhelmingly won the contest in Boulder, Colo., according to online surveys from TimeThe Drudge Report and CNBC, the network hosting the contest.

Drudge has Trump beating his closest competition during the event by approximately 32 points among its respondents. He earned 54 percent compared to 22 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Drudge’s second place Republican contender.

Drudge ranks Rubio third overall with 11 percent, while Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) takes fourth with 4 percent and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson finishes fifth, also around 4 percent.

Time, meanwhile, has Trump besting the rest of the GOP’s 2016 presidential field by 26 points among its participants.

He receives 46 percent to 20 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) in that sampling of the contest’s results.

Time places Paul third with 8 percent voter support. Cruz is fourth with 7 percent, while Carson takes fifth there as well with 6 percent.

And CNBC has Trump leading rest of the Republican pack by approximately 26 points over second place. He takes 46 percent, compared with 20 percent for Cruz.

Rubio takes CNBC’s third place with 15.4 percent, while Carson ranks fourth with 4 percent and Ohio Gov. John Kasich fifth with 3.5 percent.

Drudge conducted its post-debate sampling with an online survey of 240,063 respondents. Time reported 11,775 votes in its own version of the poll and CNBC did not report its number of respondents. All surveys were among only the sites' users and have unclear margins of error.

Trump repeatedly sparred with CNBC moderator John Harwood during his appearance in Boulder, Colo., Wednesday night.

He also mocked Kasich for having low national polling numbers and took credit for shortening the event’s length.

Trump has since boasted that he took first place during the heated clash at the University of Colorado.

“Thanks everyone — they all said I won the debate,” he tweeted afterwards Wednesday. “Even won the @CNBC poll!”


Someone has convinced Rubio that talking about amnesty is not going to help him

You probably know that Marco Rubio was one of the lead sponsors of the "Gang of 8" bill that would have granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.  Rubio says now that that amnesty should be on hold.  But did you know that Rubio still supports amnesty for so-called "Dreamers," children of illegal aliens who have come into the country, many of whom are going to college with your tax dollars?

Rubio has called for a compromise on the DREAM Act. Rubio’s proposal would grant young illegals a nonimmigrant visa that would let them live in the country legally while they work, pay taxes, and seek green cards.

Rubio has said that, while he disagreed with President Obama’s 2012 executive order protecting young immigrants brought to America illegally by their parents, he doesn’t think it fair to deport them at this point.

Rubio doesn't talk about that much.  But he still supports Obama's unconstitutional amnesty for these children.  And once they become citizens, they will, through chain migration, bring millions more illegals with them.

Rubio voted in 2014 to continue funding for Obama's illegal amnesty:

Rubio voted in favor of advancing legislation giving President Obama $2.7 billion more to help process the surge of illegal immigrants in 2014, instead of mandating deportations and holding him accountable for amnesty.

Rubio is also open to bringing more Muslim refugees in:

Marco Rubio that, "I would be open to (more Syrian refugees) if it can done in a way that allows us to ensure that among them are not infiltrated — people who were, you know, part of a terrorist organization that are using this crisis.

I think we all know that these people can never be vetted.  But Rubio is very emotional about this topic, crying at the mention of bringing in more illegals.

However, Rubio doesn't talk much about these topics anymore.  You can see the shift in emphasis from his website.  On his issues page, he lists many issues he talks about: Common Core, Cuba, debt, foreign policy, Iran, and many other topics.  But no topic called "immigration."  (He does have one for sanctuary cities, which he claims to oppose.)

Isn't it curious that Rubio doesn't have a single topic expressing his views on securing the border or dealing with illegal aliens?

I think someone has convinced Marco Rubio that talking about amnesty for illegal aliens isn't going to help him.  And I think he's right.


Remember folks Rubio'd parents are not both American, that is a pre requisite for the job of POTUS!!!!!!!!




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