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Donald Trump

Businessman Donald Trump (New York)
Campaign Site: DonaldJTrump.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RealDonaldTrump

Jeb Bush

Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)
Campaign Site: Jeb2016.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JebBush
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Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
Campaign Site: BenCarson.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrBenjaminCarson
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RealBenCarson

Chris Christie

Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey)
Campaign Site: ChrisChristie.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Chris Christie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovChrisChristie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovChristie

Ted Cruz

US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas)
Campaign Site: TedCruz.org
Government Site: Office of US Senator Ted Cruz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TedCruzPage
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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
Campaign Site: MarkForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarkForAmerica
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Carly Fiorina

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
Campaign Site: CarlyForPresident.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarlyFiorina
Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarlyFiorina

Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
Campaign Site: GilmoreForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JimGilmore
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovernorGilmore

Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Political Site: LindseyGraham.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Lindsey Graham
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LindseyGrahamSC
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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
Official Site: MikeHuckabee.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeHuckabee
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovMikeHuckabee

Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
Campaign Site: BobbyJindal.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Bobby Jindal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BobbyJindal
Twitter: www.twitter.com/BobbyJindal

John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Campaign Site: JohnKasich.com
Government Site: Office of Governor John Kasich
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JohnRKasich
Twitter: www.twitter.com/JohnKasich

George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
Campaign Site: GeorgePataki.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovGeorgePataki
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovernorPataki

Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Campaign Site: RandPaul.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Rand Paul
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RandPaul
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RandPaul

Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
Campaign Site: MarcoRubio.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Marco Rubio
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarcoRubio
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MarcoRubio

Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RickSantorum
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RickSantorum



Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Ben Carson Reuters and Barack Obama AP

Ben Carson Responds to Obama Taunt on CNBC Debate:

Obama “Afraid to Go on Fox”

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson responded to President Barack Obama’s mocking of GOP candidates for rejecting NBC’s primary debate forum. “That wouldn’t happen to be the same President Obama who was afraid to go on Fox would it?” Carson said with a laugh on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily. “Must be a different guy. That’s just ridiculous,” said Carson, who recently topped an NBC News / WSJ poll as the GOP frontrunne

OBAMA spent alot of 2008 whining about Fox news coverage. He is PATHETIC!

Democrats Credit ‘Trump-Mania’ for Matt Bevin’s Shock Victory in Kentucky Governor Race

The Executive Director of the Democratic Governors Association, Elisabeth Pearson, issued a statement Tuesday night crediting Donald Trump with creating the political conditions of ‘outsider’ popularity that allowed Republican Matt Bevin to win the Kentucky governor’s race over Democrat candidate Jack Conway.

Matt Bevin Wikipedia
Governor-elect Matt Bevin, image via Wikipedia.


“November 3, 2015

“Today, DGA Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson issued the following statement on the Kentucky governor’s race:

““Attorney General Jack Conway ran a strong campaign focused on the issues that matter to Kentuckians: good schools, good-paying jobs and economic opportunity,” Pearson said. “Unfortunately, he ran into the unexpected headwinds of Trump-mania, losing to an outsider candidate in the year of the outsider. While Jack Conway came up just short tonight, his presence in this race strengthened the issues debate in Kentucky.””

The Lexington Herald-Leader headlined Bevin’s victory with this headline:

Matt Bevin shocks Jack Conway to become next governor of Kentucky

(Excerpt from Sam Youngman article)

“He never led until the end, and that’s when it counted.

“Republican Matt Bevin, who trailed in every public poll since winning the Republican primary in May by 83 votes, shocked Democrat Jack Conway Tuesday to become the next governor of Kentucky.

“With help from national Republicans he has repeatedly shunned, Bevin was able to overcome a campaign of missteps and self-inflicted wounds to become the first Republican governor since Ernie Fletcher and only the second since Louie Nunn left office in 1971.

“Bevin was able to defy pundits, political insiders and polling — including one released by his own campaign in October that showed him losing — and emerge a winner Tuesday night.”

A late report at InsiderLouisville.com had Bevin crushing Conway by eight points, 52 to 44, with 93 percent of the vote counted.


Trump got the ball rolling and that is a good thing. IF we do not get TRUE conservatives in this country is doomed!


RNC Calls For Audit of Nonprofit Group

Attached To Clinton Foundation

The Republican National Committee wants an official audit of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, a nonprofit affiliated with Hillary and Bill Clinton’s foundation.

GettyImages-86479069 bloomberg

Bloomberg, McAuliffe Fail to Win Virginia Senate

With Gun-Control Pitch

Virginia Republicans look set to hold onto their Senate majority despite aggressive campaigning by Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi October 22, 2015 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The committee held a hearing to continue its investigation on the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, on the evening of September 11, 2012. (Photo by )

More Emails Released by State Dept.

Contradict Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Testimony

A new batch of emails from Hillary Clinton’s server contradict the official media narrative that Hillary Clinton did a great job in her testimony before the House Benghazi Committee, answering an assortment of questions regarding reckless sharing of classified information.

Student Asleep (Adrian Sampson / Flickr / CC)

Matt Bevin Win Shocks

New York Times, Washington Post

Matt Bevin’s nine-point victory in the race for Kentucky governor shocked pollsters, GOP insiders, and experts at the New York Times and Washington Post.

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Martin O’Malley Pledges 7 ‘Unilateral Executive’

Gun Controls if Elected

On November 3, Democrat presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley pledged seven “unilateral executive” gun controls he will enact if elected president.

Ross Mirkarimi (Ben Margot / Associated Press)

Voters Deport ‘Sanctuary City’ Sheriff Mirkarimi

San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi has lost his bid for re-election after he emerged as a symbol of the city’s broken “sanctuary city” policies–and general incompetence.


Dollar on fire (Mike Poresky / Flickr / CC / Cropped)

‘Stealth Stagflation’ is Killing the Middle Class 

The 70 percent of Americans that comprise the middle class have been suffering for years from “stealth stagflation” that is driven by high taxes and oppressive regulations.




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