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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Donald Trump

Businessman Donald Trump (New York)
Campaign Site: DonaldJTrump.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RealDonaldTrump

Jeb Bush

Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)
Campaign Site: Jeb2016.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JebBush
Twitter: www.twitter.com/JebBush

Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
Campaign Site: BenCarson.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrBenjaminCarson
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RealBenCarson

Chris Christie

Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey)
Campaign Site: ChrisChristie.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Chris Christie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovChrisChristie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovChristie

Ted Cruz

US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas)
Campaign Site: TedCruz.org
Government Site: Office of US Senator Ted Cruz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TedCruzPage
Twitter: www.twitter.com/TedCruz

Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
Campaign Site: MarkForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarkForAmerica
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MarkForAmerica

Carly Fiorina

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
Campaign Site: CarlyForPresident.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarlyFiorina
Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarlyFiorina

Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
Campaign Site: GilmoreForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JimGilmore
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovernorGilmore

Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Political Site: LindseyGraham.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Lindsey Graham
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LindseyGrahamSC
Twitter: www.twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC

Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
Official Site: MikeHuckabee.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeHuckabee
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovMikeHuckabee

Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
Campaign Site: BobbyJindal.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Bobby Jindal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BobbyJindal
Twitter: www.twitter.com/BobbyJindal

John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Campaign Site: JohnKasich.com
Government Site: Office of Governor John Kasich
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JohnRKasich
Twitter: www.twitter.com/JohnKasich

George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
Campaign Site: GeorgePataki.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovGeorgePataki
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovernorPataki

Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Campaign Site: RandPaul.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Rand Paul
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RandPaul
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RandPaul

Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
Campaign Site: MarcoRubio.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Marco Rubio
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarcoRubio
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MarcoRubio

Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RickSantorum
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RickSantorum



Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Donald Trump: Marco Rubio’s Donor Paul Singer

and Immigration ‘Trouble for Him’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a news conference before a public signing for his new book 'Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again,' at the Trump Tower Atrium on November 3, 2015 in New York City. According to a new poll, Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, has pulled ahead of Trump with 29% of Republican primary voters.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized fellow presidential contender Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) about missing votes in the U.S. Senate, Rubio’s personal finances and being endorsed by Paul Singer — a hedge fund billionaire donor who is for open borders and same-sex marriage.

IT was the tea party that helped this RINO get in office NOW he needs to be out of everything including this presidential race!

Marco Rubio Profile AP with Paul Singer CC-SA

Marco Rubio’s Wall Street Sponsor Paul Singer

Dumped Hundreds of Thousands into Common Core

Billionaire Paul Singer, who is endorsing Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), is a supporter of the Common Core standards and his foundation has been a donor to the heart of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s education empire: the Foundation for Excellence in Education.


AP Photo

Donald Trump on Debates: Networks Should Fork

Over ‘Fortune’ Made Off Commercials to Wounded Warriors

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump commented on the formats of presidential debates, saying Hillary Clinton gets “softballs” from the press and “Nobody else gets the really nasty questions” other than him.

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Chuck Schumer Holds US Soldiers Hostage

to Gun Controls Congress Hasn’t Passed

In a letter dated October 23, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asked Secretary of the Army John McHugh to refuse to purchase firearms for soldiers from gun manufacturers who are not actively working on “smart guns” or complying with gun controls that Congress hasn’t even passed.

WOW the COMMUNIST are never going to give up on taking the guns. The come in every which way to try to get them.

epublican presidential hopeful New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks during the Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California on September 16, 2015. Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump stepped into a campaign hornet's nest as his rivals collectively turned their sights on the billionaire in the party's second debate of the 2016 presidential race. AFP PHOTO / FREDERIC J. BROWN (Photo credit should read

Christie Says Rubio’s Support For Obama’s

Amnesty Makes Him Unfit For Office

Presidential aspirant Gov. Chris Christie came out swinging today against rival Sen. Marco Rubio, by slamming him for supporting President Barack Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty for young illegal aliens who came to the United States as minors.

Speaker Paul Ryan (Alex Wong / Getty)

Congressional Black Caucus: Paul Ryan

More Compromising Than Boehner

If the Republican grassroots base wanted a new House Speaker who would stand up to the Democrats, as opposed to caving in to them, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) thinks they’re in for a surprise.

Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Donald Trump take part in the presidential debates at the Reagan Library on September 16, 2015 in Simi Valley, California. Fifteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the second set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Donald Trump: Jeb Bush ‘Wasting His Time’

… He Should Drop Out

Billionaire presidential candidate Donald Trump says Jeb Bush should drop out of the presidential race after a disastrous debate performance and another campaign reboot.





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