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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Fiorina, Christie battle for spot on main debate stage

Getty Images

Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina are battling to be on the main stage of the next GOP presidential debate. 

While Christie’s supporters are spending $1 million in advertising to solidify his spot, Fiorina is unlikely to be able to buy the ad time needed to help her climb enough in national polls to make it onto the main debate stage in two weeks, a GOP strategist said. 

With 10 days to go until CNN decides the top 10 for the next Republican debate, Fiorina’s campaign sent out a fundraising email to supporters on Monday asking for donations to help the candidate make it to the prime-time stage.

“CNN has made it crystal clear that they'll do anything, even use funny math and nonsensical arguments, to keep a critical outsider voice — our voice — off that stage,” the fundraising email says, pointing readers to a large red "donate now" button. 

Fiorina’s low poll numbers leading up to the first GOP debate on Aug. 6 kept her off the main stage that time, but her numbers have surged since her performance in the early evening debate of second-tier candidates. CNN, however, is deciding its top 10 using polls that date back to July 16, when she registered 1 percent or 2 percent support. 

Even if Fiorina’s campaign or super-PAC were willing to spend millions of dollars on advertising between now and Sept. 10, CNN’s poll cut-off date, it would be hard for her to garner enough national polling points to break into the top 10, said Stuart Stevens, chief strategist for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign. 

“If you’re looking at national numbers, its very hard to buy that,” he said. “People say ‘well, buy Fox,’ but Fox is 2 million people” and that’s not nearly enough to move national polls, Stevens added.

It’s unclear how much money either the Fiorina campaign or the pro-Fiorina super-PAC has spent or plans to spend on paid advertising to help her get onto the primary debate stage.  

But with her profile soaring after the first GOP debate on Fox News Channel, Fiorina's record as CEO of Hewlett-Packard came under scrutiny from journalists and under attack from opponents such as Donald Trump. The criticism was so intense that CARLY for America, her supporting super-PAC, bought a full-page ad in The New York Times last Thursday to defend Fiorina's business record.  

Neither the super-PAC nor her campaign responded to questions on their advertising spending.   

To get to the main stage, Fiorina would have to knock out the current person occupying the 10th spot,  Christie, who just barely made it onto the main stage for the Fox News debate.

She received 5 percent support in each of the three national polls released since that debate. Christie, on the other hand, has been averaging between 3 percent and 4 percent in those polls.

If that trend continues, Fiorina is unlikely to make it onto the main stage for the CNN debate, according to an analysis of national polling by The Hill.

Christie's supporters, however, are not taking his spot as a given. His super-PAC, which has raised more than $11 million, is spending early to keep him on the debate stage. 

The pro-Christie super-PAC, America Leads, has made a national advertising buy of about $1 million — predominately on Fox and Fox Business — timed to air in the lead-up to the debate. Christie’s campaign followed a similar strategy, buying at least $250,000 of advertising time on the conservative-leaning network in the weeks preceding the debate.

The new Christie ads use footage of the governor talking at town halls mostly about his tough stance on national security. 

“We are devoting ourselves right now to paid media,” said Tucker Martin, an adviser to America Leads. 

“Obviously the debates are very important. ... You’d laugh me off this interview if I said some of [the advertising spending] weren’t aimed at national reputation and getting him on that stage.” 

Stevens, the former Romney strategist, says he thinks Fiorina will continue to surge and may even end up in the prime-time debate. While he admits his opinion is “unburdened by evidence” Stevens believes CNN will change its guidelines and let Fiorina into the main show.  

“She’s the anti-Hillary,” he said. “Every time people see Hillary Clinton, she goes down [in the polls] ... whereas every time they see [Fiorina], she goes up,” he said.

“[Today] she’s struggling for visibility. But ultimately that’s a good problem to have.” 

Ben Kamisar contributed.


Hillary confidant rips 'alcoholic' and 'lazy' Boehner in email

Greg Nash

Hillary Clinton’s close confidant called John Boehner an “alcoholic,” “lazy” and a weak leader in a scathing email sent the night of the 2010 midterm election, when a Tea Party wave swept House Republicans into power.

“He is louche, alcoholic, lazy, and without any commitment to any principle,” Sidney Blumenthal wrote to Clinton, then the secretary of State, in a lengthy “post-midterms” memo.

Blumenthal went on to say that Boehner, who became Speaker shortly after the election, had tried to “buy” some potential GOP opponents in his conference with campaign contributions and plum committee assignments. Blumenthal also said Boehner had a weak grip on his conference and is “despised” by younger, more conservative members.

“His hold is insecure. He is not [Newt] Gingrich, the natural leader of a ‘revolution,’ riding the crest into power. He is careworn and threadbare, banal and hollow, holding nobody's enduring loyalty,” Blumenthal wrote in the Nov. 2, 2010, email. “Boehner is beholden and somewhat scared of his base. He twitches when they make gestures that might undermine his position. His impulse is to hand out money. …

“But Boehner is neither feared nor loved. He's a would-be [Tom] DeLay without the whip. He's the one at the end of the lash.”

“Thx, as always, for your insights,” Clinton wrote back, though she didn’t reference any specific remarks about the future Speaker.

Blumenthal’s memo was among 7,000 pages of emails between Clinton and her top aides that the State Department released on Monday night. About 125 pages had been redacted because they contained classified information, and in some of the emails, Blumenthal’s unflattering observations about Boehner were redacted.

Last year, Boehner created a special House committee to investigate the 2012 terrorist attacks in U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, that happened during Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom.

For months, the GOP-led panel has been probing a personal email account Clinton used while leading the State Department, raising questions about why she was sending sensitive information through a home server.

And Boehner has been using his bully pulpit to pressure Clinton and the State Department to quickly turn over all of the tens of thousands of emails the former secretary sent or received while she was at the agency.

"The fact is the only reason that the mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and her staff has been exposed is because of Speaker Boehner's decision to create the select committee and our members' diligence and hard work," said Boehner spokeswoman Emily Schillinger.

Blumenthal, who served as a senior aide to President Bill Clinton, was deposed by the Benghazi panel in June after it was discovered he sent Hillary Clinton intelligence on Libya.

Boehner appears several other times in the latest tranche of Clinton emails. On Jan. 14, 2010, a Clinton aide forwarded her an article about the sudden death of Paula Nowakowski, Boehner’s longtime chief of staff, who died unexpectedly of a heart attack at age 46.

And on Oct. 9, 2010, Blumenthal emailed Clinton an article about an Ohio GOP candidate who for years dressed up as a Nazi during World War II reenactments.

In the email’s subject line, Blumenthal wrote: “Dems should demand Boehner remove this GOP Nazi reenactor. Put Boehner in this blitzkrieg. Sid.”

In the post-midterm memo, Blumenthal explains to Clinton that Democrats should capitalize on internal GOP divisions between the establishment and Tea Party.

“Congressional Republicans are vulnerable to a strategy that takes advantage of their internal divisions. Policies/tactics should be calculated to locate GOP fissures, find political space by widening schisms, and ultimately break them apart,” Blumenthal wrote. “This is, emphatically, not a strategy of bipartisanship as Obama has pursued it so far.”


Coons backs Biden for president

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) on Tuesday backed a potential presidential bid from Vice President Biden, suggesting that he's "unmatched" on foreign policy and national security. 
"I would support Joe Biden as a candidate for president," he said after a speech at the University of Delaware. "I think his senior and seasoned record on foreign policy and national security is unmatched." 
Coons currently holds Biden's former seat in the Senate, where he served more than three decades. 
Coons's support for Biden while unsurprising is a notable split from many of his Senate colleagues, including Sens. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), who are supporting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 
It also comes as speculation about a potential Biden presidential bid continues to grow as Clinton faces a increasing number of questions from lawmakers, as well as an FBI investigation, into her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of State. The lingering questions have also caused Clinton's poll numbers to take a hit. 
The Delaware senator added that while he would support Biden, "he also deserves the time and the space to reach the decision that's best for him and his family." 
Biden's been publicly tight-lipped about if he will make another presidential run in the wake of his son Beau's death from brain cancer in May. 
He reportedly told a group of Democratic National Committee (DNC) members during on a conference call that he was assessing if he had the "emotional fuel" to make another run. 
Coons credited Biden for being ready to answer questions about the Iran deal, which Coons announced his support for Tuesday, while also "being very respectful of my role as a senator ... and very clear that my decisions are mine and mine alone." 
If Biden decides to run for president, he would likely face attacks from Republican presidential candidates, who have lined up against the agreement, for his role in selling the deal to lawmakers. 
The White House inadvertently stirred the pot on a potential Biden candidacy earlier this month when White House press secretary Josh Earnest wouldn't rule out a potential presidential endorsement if Biden runs, adding that making Biden vice president “was the smartest decision that [Obama] ever made in politics.”


Biden is a joke. We know Hillary is in trouble when they are talking Biden. Hillary needs to be in jail.

I agree.

Trump, Carson take top spots in new Iowa poll

Ben Carson continues to gain ground in Iowa, according to a new Loras College poll released Tuesday.

Donald Trump still holds the top spot with 25 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers. Carson takes second with 18 percent and Bush follows at 10 percent.

Carson’s rise from 6.3 percent in the April Loras poll comes just one day after a Monmouth University poll found him tied with Trump at the top of the Hawkeye State polls. The retired neurosurgeon has been steadily gaining ground over the past few weeks and has come in second to Trump in two recent national polls.

The three candidates are the only ones with double-digit support—Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Gov. Scott Walker (Wis.) round out the top five with 7 percent and 6 percent respectively.

The Loras poll is the latest to detail Walker’s slide from his previous position as the Iowa front-runner. The governor from nearby Wisconsin posted large leads in manhy polls through the winter and spring, before Trump dethroned him at the top in August. The newest results are the first time that Walker has trailed Bush in a major Iowa poll since February, and a more than 6 percentage point drop from Loras’ April poll. 

Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) has also dropped significantly in Loras polling, as he’s down 6 percent from April’s poll. 

Carly Fiorina received 5 percent of the vote, good for sixth. Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.) and Rubio are tied in seventh with 4 percent, followed by Gov. John Kasich (Ohio) with 3.2 percent, and Gov. Chris Christie (N.J.) and Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), who are each tied at two percent. 

Gov. Bobby Jindal (La.), former Gov. Rick Perry (Texas) and former Sen. Rick Santorum (Penn.) are tied with 1 percent. Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and former Gov. George Pataki (N.Y.) received 0 percent of the vote share. 

Loras polled 502 likely Republican caucus-goers from August 24 through August 27 with a margin of error of 4.4 percent.


Trump is on a roll.

CBS News Reports Aide Refused Hillary Clinton Demand to Send Classified Info to Her Home Brew Server

The CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley reported on the State Department’s latest release of emails from the private home brew server used exclusively by former Obama secretary of state Hillary Clinton during her four-year tenure from 2009-2013.

Included in the CBS report by Nancy Cordes was an email exchange via the home brew server between Clinton and her Deputy Chief of Staff Jacob Sullivan, a loyalist who now works for Clinton’s presidential campaign, in which Clinton demands Sullivan email a statement housed on the State Department’s classified email system with the apparent subject matter of then Secretary General of the Organization of American States Jose Miguel Insulza. Clinton’s email has a date stamp of 10:50 a.m. Wednesday, February 10, 2010.

Sullivan refused, saying he could not access the statement on the classified system and would have to wait until it was declassified.

“Cordes points to one exchange in which Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan tells Clinton he can’t forward her a document she wants because it’s “on the classified system.”

“Clinton writes back, “It’s a public statement! Just email it.”

“Sullivan responds, “Trust me, I share your exasperation. But until ops converts it to the unclassified email system, there is no physical way for me to email it. I can’t even access it.””

Hillary Clinton Jake Sullivan email Daily Caller
Email image via the Daily Caller.

Shannen W. Coffin, a former George W. Bush administration attorney, wrote at the National Review on Tuesday that Clinton’s direct exchanges via her home brew server with Tony Blair while he was a special envoy for the Middle East Quartet Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations were automatically deemed classified by an executive order issued in 2009 by President Barack Obama declaring information received from foreign government officials was considered classified.

Coffin noted that the emails were redacted for public release by the State Department with markings noting that much of the information in the emails from Blair to Clinton were deemed classified at the moment they were received by Clinton on her home brew server regardless of whether they carried classification notices.

“Blair e-mailed Clinton again the next day, copying Sullivan, Clinton’s aide, apparently on a private e-mail account of his own. The entirety of that e-mail has been redacted from public disclosure as part of the FOIA release. Why? Because it has now been acknowledged as classified information and formally marked “Confidential” by State Department reviewers. The markings that accompany the redactions (which took place just this week as part of the release) explain that the redacted portion is classified under parts 1.4(B) and 1.4(D) of President Obama’s Executive Order 13526. Thus, it falls within the categories of information classified as “foreign government information” — 1.4(B) — and information relating to “foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources” — 1.4(D).

“Those markings are relevant because they blow up the Clinton campaign’s insistence that Mrs. Clinton and her colleagues did not know that the information at issue was classified at the time. Clinton is, of course, correct that the e-mails were not formally marked classified at the time they were exchanged, but that is only the result of a failure by Mrs. Clinton and her staff to mark them and handle them through the proper channels used for such foreign communications. The information contained in the e-mails was plainly classified at the time they were sent and received — by order of the president.

“Executive Order 13526, issued by President Obama at the beginning of his term, addresses the classification and handling of national-security information. It provides that “foreign government information” — which includes “information provided to the United States Government by a foreign government or governments, an international organization of governments, or any element thereof, with the expectation that the information, the source of the information, or both, are to be held in confidence” — must be treated as classified. The president made a determination in the Executive Order that disclosure of these confidential foreign communications “is presumed to cause damage to the national security.”

“Since a reasonable expectation of harm to the national security is the threshold for whether to classify information, the president’s determination necessarily establishes the classification of any foreign communications provided to the U.S. with the expectation of confidence. The Executive Order leaves no doubt on this point, when it directs that an agency “shall safeguard foreign government information under standards that provide a degree of protection at least equivalent to that required by the government or international organization of governments that furnished the information.”

Sean Davis writing at The Federalist reported that several emails initiated by Clinton were later redacted by the State Department with notations that the information in the emails was deemed to have been classified on the day Clinton sent the emails.

As The Gateway Pundit has reported, Clinton was trained in 2009 in the handling and protection of classified information by the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

Also, Clinton was one of a select few high ranking government officials granted authority by Obama to exercise “Original Classification Authority” to classify national security information on sight.


Dr. Ben Carson Campaign Stands Up for Carly Fiorina: ‘Ridiculous’ She Isn’t on the Debate Stage

GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has been discussing how the CNN debate rules put her at a disadvantage and could leave her out of the top 10, not making the main debate stage on September 16th at the next GOP presidential primary debate. Dr. Ben Carson’s campaign manager appears to agree with Fiorina on the debate rule predicament.

“We think it’s ridiculous that Carly Fiorina isn’t on the debate,” Barry Bennett, GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s campaign manager, said to Politico. “She’s what, fifth? She should be on the main debate stage.”

“We don’t like how far back they’re going in the polls,” Bennett stated about CNN’s polling calculation method. “Why does anyone care where someone was in presidential preference polls [three months ago]?”

CNN has stated multiple times it is unable to change the debate rules since they were made public.

“Our criteria are totally appropriate and we have been absolutely transparent about them throughout. If the Fiorina campaign had an issue with them they could have raised it when we published them in May. They did not,” a CNN spokesperson previously explained to The Wall Street Journal. “Revising the criteria on the eve of the debate at the demand of and solely for the benefit of one particular candidate is not something we have done in the past, and we will not do it now.”

The National Journal also reported, “Ac­cord­ing to CNN, Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion guidelines pre­vent them from chan­ging the cri­ter­ia after it’s been made pub­lic—a claim that some elec­tions law ex­perts con­test. Fior­ina’s sup­port­ers have re­spon­ded to the RNC’s de­bate cri­ter­ia with right­eous in­dig­na­tion.”


I like that you put all the information on one thread. It is very easy to find the information. Thank you. I did not post much on the other site we were on together but I always read your posts and liked that you would speak out on topics no one else would touch. Don't change.

And the Donald is also on G+



Doug Nunya

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Dr Ben Carson is a quiet spoken man or so it seems, but I have also read he is for Mandatory

Vaccinations,  which to me is forced vaccinations...That is an evasion of privacy..

Great Thread LOC!!!




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