The Pledge #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
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Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida) |
Dr. Ben Carson (Florida) |
Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey) |
US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas) |
Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi) |
Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia) |
Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia) |
US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) |
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida) |
Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana) |
Governor John Kasich (Ohio) |
Former Governor George Pataki (New York) |
US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky) |
US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida) |
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September 02, 2015, 04:38 pm
By Jesse Byrnes
Republican presidential candidates are split on whether a Kentucky county clerk should be forced to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
The case of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who has cited religious objections in refusing to issue the licenses, has pushed gay marriage toward the center of political debate at a time when the Republican Party is grappling with its stance on the issue.
Most of the Republican presidential candidates denounced the high court’s ruling, calling it judicial overreach that threatens the religious liberty of faith-based organizations and business owners.
Democrats mostly cheered the court while dismissing the warnings about religious freedom as overblown.
Rowan is scheduled to appear in court Thursday morning after defying a judge's order to issue the licenses, a ruling that the Supreme Court itself refused to block.
With attention on the case growing, presidential contenders are beginning to stake out their positions on whether Rowan should be compelled to issue the licenses.
Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist minister, on Wednesday gave Rowan a full-throated endorsement after speaking to her on the phone.
"She's a Democrat, and I salute her today. I stand with her," Huckabee told reporters during a campaign stop in South Carolina.
Other Republican presidential candidates have said they support people’s right to oppose gay marriage but argued that Rowan has a responsibility to follow the law.
"When you are a government employee as opposed to, say, an employee of another kind of organization, then in essence, you are agreeing to act as an arm of the government,” said Carly Fiorina.
Here’s where some of the Republican contenders stand on the brewing controversy.
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.): 'I salute her'
Huckabee said Wednesday that Davis "is showing more courage, more conviction and more of a better understanding of the Constitution than virtually any elected official in America, than virtually any candidate for candidate and certainly more than many of the people who run our government in Washington."
Huckabee noted he spoke with Davis by phone earlier in the day. "I called to encourage her and to thank her for not capitulating to what is really nothing less than judicial tyranny."
Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.): Protest 'part of the American way'
"I think one way to get around the whole idea of what the Supreme Court is forcing on the states is for the states to just get out of the business of giving out licenses," Paul said Monday on Boston Herald Radio, mentioning Alabama, and saying those who want a contract should go to a church.
"I do believe everyone has a right to a contract. There never should have been limitations on people of the same sex having contracts," Paul said. "But I do object to the state putting its imprimatur to the specialness of marriage on something that's different than what most people have defined as marriage for most of history."
"I do think people who do stand up and are making a stand to say they believe in something is an important part of the American way."
Gov. Chris Christie (N.J.): Government employees have 'different obligation'
"What I've said before is for someone who works in the government has a bit of a different obligation than someone who's in the private sector or, obviously, working for educational institutions that's religiously based or others," Christie said Wednesday on conservative radio host Laura Ingraham's show, according to CBS.
"But my point is we have to protect religious liberty and people's ability to be able to practice their religion freely and openly, and of course we have to enforce the law too."
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.): Government should respect clerk’s beliefs
“We should seek a balance between government’s responsibility to abide by the laws of our republic and allowing people to stand by their religious convictions,” Rubio told the New York Times.
“While the clerk’s office has a governmental duty to carry out the law, there should be a way to protect the religious freedom and conscience rights of individuals working in the office,” he added.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.): 'Comply with the law or resign'
"As a public official, comply with the law or resign," Graham said on conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt's show Tuesday.
"The rule of the law is the rule of law. That's what we are, a rule-of-law nation. I appreciate her conviction. I support traditional marriage," Graham said. "But she's accepted a job where she has to apply the law to everyone, and that's her choice."
Businesswoman Carly Fiorina: 'Not appropriate'
“First, I think that we must protect religious liberties with great passion and be willing to expend a lot of political capital to do so now, because it’s clear religious liberty is under assault in many, many ways,” Fiorina said Tuesday on Hugh Hewitt's show.
“Given the role that she is playing, given the fact that the government is paying her salary, I think that is not appropriate,” Fiorina answered when asked whether the clerk should continue practicing civil disobedience.
“Now, that’s my personal opinion. Others may disagree with that, but I think it’s a very different situation for her than someone in a hospital who’s asked to perform an abortion or someone at a florist who’s asked to serve a gay wedding. I think when you’re a government employee, you are put into a different position, honestly.”
- Updated at 7:07 p.m.
September 02, 2015, 06:37 pm
By Jordain Carney
Warren declined to say whether she discussed a joint 2016 presidential ticket with the vice president.
September 02, 2015, 06:09 pm
By Ben Kamisar
Gov. Scott Walker connects President Obama to a “rise in anti-police rhetoric” that contributed to two recent killings of police officers in a Wednesday op-ed.
The Wisconsin governor points to that “attitude” as sparking anti-police rhetoric that “has real consequences for the safety of officers who put their lives on the line for us and hampers their ability to serve the communities that need their help.”
Walker’s response comes days after police officers in Texas and Illinois were assassinated while on the job. The suspect in the Texas killing has been arrested and three suspects remain at large in the Illinois shooting, according to multiple media reports.
The GOP presidential candidate addresses grievances surrounding the recent police involved shootings — of mostly black men — by touting his Badger State record of mandating an independent investigation into any suspect that dies in police custody and added that he supports training that limits use of force to “appropriate circumstances.” He adds that he would ensure that all officers know that “we have their back.”
“After years of division under President Obama, America needs a leader who will seek to unite all Americans,” he says.
“No law enforcement officer should fear to do their job the way he or she was trained to do it, and no law-abiding citizen should fear for their safety from those sworn to protect us.”
The comments come as Walker lags in presidential polls — he’s tumbled from a top contender to sixth place nationally in RealClearPolitics’ average of recent polls, as he has been criticized for lacking the fire of other GOP candidates.
Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), a Republican presidential rival, levied a similar line of criticism against Obama Monday in New Hampshire, according to The Washington Post.
The Obama administration faced similar criticism from conservatives after last winter’s deaths of two New York Police Department officers.
The president and then-Attorney General Eric Holder condemned those murders, but also expressed support for protests that stemmed from decisions to not indict officers in the deaths of unarmed black men.
by John Hayward2 Sep 2015403
Clinton’s media was happy to oblige. ABC News, which sees fit to employ Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos as a “journalist” – and lets him handle coverage of the very same Clinton Foundation he donated to! – didn’t cover the new email revelations at all on Tuesday night, even though they teased the release earlier in the day. NBC News claimed the new emails revealed “a secretary of state who was deeply engaged in the minutia of diplomacy and fascinated by Washington intrigue.”
MSNBC took a stab at justifying Clinton’s outrageous breach of national security protocols by saying the funny/embarrassing tidbits from the latest release demonstrated that the Clintons were right to keep their correspondence shielded from “enemies” they “feel are embedded all around them.”
“Hillary Clinton’s emails illustrate the difficulties of achieving work-life balance,” argued the Huffington Post, going for the soft-focus approach. Newsweek took top propaganda honors by misinforming its readers that Clinton voluntarily released all these emails to “help alleviate tensions” (no, she was dragged kicking and screaming into doing this, fighting it like a wildcat every step of the way) and sifted through the new release to find the “silliest” emails for a top-five list of comedy “gems.”
Somehow Newsweek missed the knee-slapper where Hillary compromised classified satellite intelligence on North Korean nuclear weapons.
As the Washington Times reported (while our mighty Mainstream Media was busy tittering over what Sid Blumenthal said about
), this is one of those emails that caught the inspector general’s eye, was stripped of its classification markings manually by someone at the State Department, and somehow flew across the “air gap” that’s supposed to make it impossible to compromise classified material by emailing it directly to an unsecured system like Clinton’s.
The individual who carried it across the “air gap” knew it was classified with 100 percent certainty, and willfully removed the designations and codes marking it as such. That individual is a criminal under federal law, and should do hard time when his or her identity is discovered by the FBI.
The Washington Times details two reasons why intelligence sources are deeply concerned about the North Korean nuclear email:
First, spy satellite information is frequently classified at the top-secret level and handled within a special compartment called Talent-Keyhole. This means it is one of the most sensitive forms of intelligence gathered by the U.S.
Second, the North Koreans have assembled a massive cyberhacking army under an elite military spy program known as Bureau 121, which is increasingly aggressive in targeting systems for hacking, especially vulnerable private systems. The North Koreans, for instance, have been blamed by the U.S. for the hack of Sony movie studios.
Allowing sensitive U.S. intelligence about North Korea to seep into a more insecure private email server has upset the intelligence community because it threatens to expose its methods and assets for gathering intelligence on the secretive communist nation.
One of these intelligence community sources complained to the Washington Times about “a certain nonchalance at Mrs. Clinton’s State Department” with regard to electronic security, even as the government deals with one spectacular hacker raid after another.
Some of the other “hilarious” emails exposed in the new dump have Clinton not only encouraging her staff to partake of that “nonchalance” and send sensitive material to her personal address, but actively berating at least one of them for his reluctance to do so. There are exchanges where her aides try to explain the importance of keeping classified information secure to Her Regal Majesty, who finds the whole subject annoying.
And while Big Media’s army of fact-checkers was busy searching for comedy gems in the 7,000 emails that dropped this week, Sean Davis at The Federalist noticed that many of the messages contained information that was “born classified” – indisputably classified at the time Hillary sent or received them, under a 2009 executive order signed by President Obama, contrary to Clinton’s repeated false claims that none of her emails included information that was marked classified at the time she handled it. Some of these emails had to be redacted in their entirety before they could be released to the public.
And yes, Hillary Clinton originated at least six emails containing classified information, contrary to her spin that she was just a helpless unwitting recipient of material others should be blamed for compromising.
Not only did Clinton ignore Obama’s executive order, she also ignored the President’s specific instructions not to bring her henchman Sidney Blumenthal into the State Department. The Wall Street Journal notes that the new emails show that Blumenthal had a “large role” and “outsize position” in the Secretary of State’s operation… which makes a liar of Hillary Clinton yet again, because back when a panicked Blumenthal gave the House Benghazi Committee some emails they were never supposed to see, Clinton ran around telling everyone he was just an old pal that sent her crazy stuff from time to time, and she didn’t pay much attention to his unsolicited advice. Some of the new emails show Clinton was sending classified information to Blumenthal and other private citizens.
But please, Clinton media, tell us some more about how these emails are funny and charming, how they illustrate the difficulty of a being a working mom and Having it All with only an eight-figure fortune and a vast army of taxpayer-funded aides to help the poor lady get by. While we’re on that subject, how come so many of these funny little irrelevant personal messages are among the emails she decided to save, when she supposedly deleted half of her subpoenaed email trove because it contained only irrelevant personal messages?
She is such a criminal but most of the left is. Need to lock her up and throw away the key.
Kristinn Taylor Sep 2nd, 2015
The Washington Post reported Wednesday night that a former Hillary Clinton State Department staffer who reportedly set up her home brew server will invoke his Fifth Amendment rights and refuse to testify to Congressional committees investigating Clinton’s home email system.
Bryan Pagliano Facebook photo from via Breitbart.
Bryan Pagliano, though his attorney, informed the House Benghazi Select Committee which had subpoenaed him to testify on September 10, that he was declining to testify. The Post reported the letter cited the FBI investigation in to Clinton’s email system. Senate committees seeking Pagliano’s testimony were also informed he would be taking the Fifth.
““While we understand that Mr. Pagliano’s response to this subpoena may be controversial in the current political environment, we hope that the members of the Select Committee will respect our client’s right to invoke the protections of the Constitution,” his attorney, Mark MacDougall, wrote.
“Two other Senate committees also have contacted Pagliano in the past week, according to a copy of the letter, which was obtained by The Washington Post. The requests came from the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Homeland Security Committee, according to people familiar with the requests.
“The Senate Judiciary Committee confirmed Wednesday that it sought to ask Pagliano about his work for Clinton.
““In response to questions . . . Mr. Pagliano’s legal counsel told the committee yesterday that he would plead the Fifth to any and all questions if he were compelled to testify,” a spokesperson for committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said in a statement.”
Click here to read the entire Post article.
Last month the Post reported on Pagliano’s involvement with Clinton’s home server.
“Those briefed on the server setup say the device installed for Bill Clinton was deemed too small for the addition of a sitting Cabinet official. Instead, a server that had been purchased for use by Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign was installed at the Chappaqua home.
“With the new server came an additional specialist: Bryan Pagliano, who had worked as her campaign’s IT director. According to federal campaign finance records, Pagliano was paid by Clinton’s Senate leadership PAC through April 2009. The next month, he went to work for the State Department as an IT specialist, a department official said. The people briefed on the server indicated that he continued to act as the lead specialist responsible for it.
“The e-mail system was not always reliable, these people said, with Pagliano summoned at various times to fix problems. Notably, the system crashed for days after New York was hit by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.”
The policy arm of the liberal super-PAC American Bridge launched a paid social media campaign on Thursday with the aim of tying Jeb Bush to Donald Trump on issues ranging from abortion to campaign tactics.
by Caroline May
2 Sep 2015
The government accountability group Judicial Watch is calling on the Federal Election Commission to investigate the Democratic National Committee for hiring an illegal immigrant to work on the 2016 presidential election.
The conservative group announced Wednesday that it had filed a complaint with the FEC about the DNC’s decision to “knowingly” hire an illegal immigrant when federal law prohibits foreign nationals from participating in election-related, decision making activities.
Judicial Watch’s complaint is based on media reports about Cindy Nava.
According to a June 8 article in The Washington Post, Nava, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who has applied for Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, is “working with the party’s political operatives to craft policy platforms, research and broaden her political skills on social media at the national level.”
Judicial Watch argues that Nava’s employment with the DNC amounts to an unlawful contribution to a political campaign by a foreign national and grants her the prohibited ability to influence DNC decision making in 2016 elections. They also note that it is unlawful to hire an illegal immigrant.
“The act of hiring her is, in and of itself, an illegal act,” the group’s complaint reads. “These actions are particularly egregious because the DNC flagrantly promotes their illegal activities, lawlessness, and disrespect for the rule of law.”
The Judicial Watch is calling for a “full, formal investigation” into Nava’s employment with the DNC.
“No wonder this nation has a border and an illegal alien crisis. Not only do we have a major political party knowingly employing an illegal alien, but also openly boasting about it to the nation’s press,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.
“The DNC should be held accountable by the FEC for hiring an illegal alien in violation of both federal immigration and election laws. Frankly, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security should also take appropriate law enforcement action,” he added.
Jim Hoft Sep 3rd, 2015 2:37 pm 24 Comments
Donald Trump held a press conference today in Manhattan where he signed a loyalty pledge to the Republican Party.
Trump leads the pack of 17 in the Republican presidential primary.
RNC sources say they’ve never seen this at the national level before (a loyalty pledge) – “Trump is that unique.”
Trump said it was his pledge to Make America Great Again.
Jim Hoft Sep 3rd, 2015 2:37 pm 24 Comments
Donald Trump held a press conference today in Manhattan where he signed a loyalty pledge to the Republican Party.
Trump leads the pack of 17 in the Republican presidential primary.
RNC sources say they’ve never seen this at the national level before (a loyalty pledge) – “Trump is that unique.”
Trump said it was his pledge to Make America Great Again.
The pledge gives Trump guaranteed ballot access in the few states who require it.
It is not legally binding
.Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
The Stock Markets surged 75 points as Trump spoke to reporters.
September 03, 2015, 12:13 pm
Donald Trump has reached a new high in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
According to a Monmouth University survey released on Thursday, Trump takes 30 percent support nationally, a four-point gain over the same survey from before the first GOP debate.
Ben Carson is a distant second place in the poll, taking 18 percent support. The retired neurosurgeon has risen sharply in the polls over the past month. He was at only 5 percent support in the same poll from early August.
The rest of the Republican field isn’t even in the same ballpark.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) take 8 percent support each, followed by Sen. Marco Rubio (Florida) at 5 percent, and former businesswoman Carly Fiorina and Mike Huckabee at 4 percent a piece.
Scott Walker is in freefall, falling into 8th place with only 3 percent support. The Wisconsin governor was in third place with 11 percent support in the same poll from before the first Republican debate.
Chris Christie, John Kasich and Sen. Rand Paul each sit at 2 percent support.
Trump leads in every ideological category. He’s the preferred choice among Tea Party supporters, and Republicans who identify as very conservative, somewhat conservative, and liberal.
The businessman and reality TV star also leads among men, women, young people and old people.
Trump has completely reversed his favorability rating, which in June was only 20 percent positive and 55 percent negative. He’s now at 59 percent positive and 29 percent negative.
For Carson, it’s the latest in a round of strong recent polling numbers. He’s now firmly in second place, according to the RealClearPolitics average of national polls, and is gaining on Trump in Iowa, where he’s also in second place.
Carson has the best favorability rating in the field at 67 percent positive and 6 percent negative. That’s an improvement from 45 percent positive and 10 percent negative from before the first debate.
He’s the only Republican who would beat Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up, according to the poll. Carson would thump Trump 55 percent to 36 percent if the two were to square off.
“The fact that the only one who can challenge Trump is the only other candidate who has never held or run for elected office speaks volumes to the low regard GOP voters have for the establishment,” said Monmouth University polling director Patrick Murray.
Trump, Carson, Cruz and Fiorina all made up ground in the poll, putting a point on the anti-establishment undercurrents that have dominated the early stages of the Republican nominating contest.
Sixty-seven percent of Republicans surveyed said the country needs a president from outside of the government to bring fresh perspective to Washington, while only 26 percent said someone with government experience is the best to lead.
Bush and Walker each saw their favorability ratings decline significantly.
“Conservative activists believe the Republican Party has abandoned its principles. Moderates feel their leadership is ineffective,” Murray said. “So Republican voters have created their own job description for the next nominee — Wanted: Someone who can shake up Washington; No elected officials need apply.”
The Monmouth University poll of 366 registered Republicans was conducted between Aug. 31 and Sept. 2 and has a 5.1 percentage-point margin of error.
September 03, 2015, 07:01 pm
Donald Trump accused conservative radio show host Hugh Hewitt of asking him unfair questions about foreign affairs in an interview on Thursday.
The host of "The Hugh Hewitt Show” said he wanted to focus on "commander-in-chief questions" and asked Trump if he was familiar with General Qasem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s Quds Force, as well as other prominent military figures in the Middle East.
Trump initially responded affirmatively, but began to give an answer about the “Kurds,” apparently confused by the word “Quds."
“Well that is a ‘gotcha’ question, though, you know, when you’re asking me whose running this, this, this,” Trump said during the show.
“I will be so good at the military, your head will spin,” he continued. ”But obviously, I’m not meeting these people, I’m not seeing these people.”
Hewitt will also co-moderate the second GOP primary debate with "The Lead" host Jake Tapper on CNN Sept. 16.
Trump protested that, by the time he takes office, the major figures in the military landscape will have changed.
“But they’re all changing, Hugh, those are like [a] history question – do you know this one, do you know that one?” Trump said.
Hewitt said he was not trying to ask “gotcha” questions.
“Well it sounds like ‘gotcha,’ you’re asking me names – I think it’s somewhat ridiculous, but that’s OK, go ahead,” Trump responded.
The conversation remained cordial throughout the interview, with Hewitt eventually turning the conversation to other topics.
September 03, 2015, 03:59 pm
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump will deliver an address on national security and veterans' issues from the USS Iowa, a retired battleship, on Sept. 15.
"Donald Trump is a long-standing supporter of veterans and the military and we are honored that he has chosen our organization and event for his major national security address,” said Joel Arends, chairman of the Veterans for a Strong America (VSA), in a statement on Thursday announcing the event.
“Donald Trump has stated very clearly that he supports an American military that is so powerful it will be challenged by no one, and that he equally supports caring for veterans when they return home by providing them with the healthcare and treatment they deserve.
The VSA’s Thursday statement said that the upcoming event is called “Make America’s Military Great Again” and will air live from Los Angeles.
Trump will focus on issues concerning veterans, military personnel and their families during his speech, it said.
The group added that it supports reforming the Veterans Affairs healthcare system, rebuilding the military, preventing a nuclear Iran and defeating the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Trump’s speech for the group later this month comes one day before the GOP’s second presidential debate on CNN.
The outspoken billionaire is currently leading the race for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 across multiple national polls.
The latest RealClearPolitics average of U.S. samplings lists Trump with 27.2 percent voter support.
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