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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Donald Trump

Businessman Donald Trump (New York)
Campaign Site: DonaldJTrump.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RealDonaldTrump

Jeb Bush

Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)
Campaign Site: Jeb2016.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JebBush
Twitter: www.twitter.com/JebBush

Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
Campaign Site: BenCarson.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrBenjaminCarson
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RealBenCarson

Chris Christie

Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey)
Campaign Site: ChrisChristie.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Chris Christie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovChrisChristie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovChristie

Ted Cruz

US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas)
Campaign Site: TedCruz.org
Government Site: Office of US Senator Ted Cruz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TedCruzPage
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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
Campaign Site: MarkForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarkForAmerica
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Carly Fiorina

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
Campaign Site: CarlyForPresident.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarlyFiorina
Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarlyFiorina

Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
Campaign Site: GilmoreForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JimGilmore
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovernorGilmore

Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Political Site: LindseyGraham.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Lindsey Graham
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LindseyGrahamSC
Twitter: www.twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC

Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
Official Site: MikeHuckabee.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeHuckabee
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Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
Campaign Site: BobbyJindal.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Bobby Jindal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BobbyJindal
Twitter: www.twitter.com/BobbyJindal

John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Campaign Site: JohnKasich.com
Government Site: Office of Governor John Kasich
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JohnRKasich
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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
Campaign Site: GeorgePataki.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovGeorgePataki
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovernorPataki

Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Campaign Site: RandPaul.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Rand Paul
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RandPaul
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Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
Campaign Site: MarcoRubio.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Marco Rubio
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarcoRubio
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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RickSantorum
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP

FBI: Kentucky Has More Gun Background

Checks than California, Texas Combined

An FBI report on the number of gun purchase background checks, January 1 through September 30, shows that Kentucky performed more than twice as many background checks in the first nine months of the year as California and Texas combined.


Police: Customer with Concealed Permit Shoots,

Kills Armed Robber in Chicago

On October 31, a masked, armed robber was shot and killed by a customer with a concealed carry permit in a Chicago neighborhood corner store, according to police.

Lindsey Graham

Exclusive: Emails Prove Lindsey Graham’s Flailing

Campaign Brought in Controversial Lawyer

Ben Ginsberg to Facilitate GOP Debate Meeting

Emails among campaigns meeting this evening just outside Washington, D.C., to discuss the 2016 GOP primary debate structure moving forward, obtained exclusively by Breitbart News, prove that it was the campaign of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) that invited highly controversial lawyer Ben Ginsberg to the gathering.

Donald Trump: Currency Manipulation China’s

‘Great Weapon’ Against U.S., Not Even Mentioned in Obamatrade

Gennady Golovkin v David Lemieux

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump tells Breitbart News Daily during a wide-ranging interview that China’s manipulation of its currency is a “great weapon” against the U.S. while slamming Obamatrade’s secret multilateral deals made with groups of nations as a “horror show.”

Gardener is such a RINO! He needs TO SPEAK FOR HIMSELF ONLY!

Corey Gardner (L) AP, Rubio AP PhotoJohn Locher

Sen. Corey Gardner Endorses Marco Rubio:

‘What Colorado and this Country Wants’

After Gov. Jeb Bush finished up his most recent campaign reboot speech, Sen. Corey Gardner (R-CO) jumped on Fox News to endorse Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for president.

WOW and this guy is supposed to be INTELLIGENT!

bill gates

Bill Gates: Only Socialism Can Save

Us From Climate Change

“Representative democracy” has failed; the private sector is “inept”; and only bigger government – led by China and the US – has the power to save the world from climate change. So says Bill Gates in a dogmatic but somewhat confused

Bill Gates is like facebook's  Zuckerberg, they are drooling idiots over anything Obama or leftist.

epublican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves to a crowd at a rally in front of the USS Wisconsin on October 31, 2015 in Norfolk, Virginia. . With just 93 days before the Iowa caucuses Republican hopefuls are trying to shore up support amongst the party. (Photo by

Trump Leads Florida

Thanks to Rubio, Bush Split

The poll, conducted by Viewpoint Florida interviewed 2,047 likely Republican voters and has a margin of error of 2.2 percent. The poll was taken after last week’s CNBC debate, where Bush challenged Rubio about his Senate attendance, a preview of Bush’s more aggressive stance against his one-time protege. According to this poll, Rubio came out of that exchange stronger than Bush.

This Will Be Good: Carly Fiorina To Appear On 'The View'

Elections | Steve Guest

'My message to the ladies of 'The View' is man up... none of these liberal women scare me'

Lawrence Lessig ends presidential campaign...
The Democrats have changed the rules
Didn't know he was considering running ... 

The Democrats have changed the rules


Published on Nov 2, 2015

We were on our way to qualifying for the second debate — then the Democrats changed the rules. Watch Lessig describe what this means for the campaign.

Plain and simple we will run only who we want got that, says a Government who wants control of all things!!!!

Needless to say, ALL of the Democrat candidates are, and continue to pander to the people who pose the greatest threat to America…Muslims in America. But a few Republican candidates also have revea…

Which 2016 Presidential candidates are the biggest appeasers of Muslim supremacists in America?

fascist-propagandaNeedless to say, ALL of the Democrat candidates are, and continue to pander to the people who pose the greatest threat to America…Muslims in America. But a few Republican candidates also have revealed their own disturbing Muslim sympathizing sides.

Islamic Commentary  As you can see in the video a few posts down at BNI, Rep. Bernie Sanders, Democrat Socialist hugged a Muslim supremacist while vowing to fight against growing anti-Muslim backlash in America.

bernie-sanders-hugs-muslim-stude-750x422 Screen-Shot-2015-10-29-at-2.35.20-PM-550x292

Last Friday, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (below) denounced the socially-corrosive evils of “Islamophobia and xenophobia” at a conference held by the Arab American Institute at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. During his remarks, O’Malley decried that Muslim “houses of worship…have been denied permits, worshippers exiting the mosque in Phoenix (Arizona)…greeted with protesters carrying assault rifles.”  

He also said the U.S. should take in a lot more Syrian Muslim refugees…at least 65,000.

O’Malley also spoke out against the U.S. Islamophobia network, describing it as a “shadowy network of hateful” groups that are “scapegoating and marginalizing Arab and Muslim Americans.”  


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton‘s top advisor is a Muslim, Huma Abedin, whose own family is actively involved in the Muslim Brotherhood. Clinton also had high praise for now deposed Muslim Brotherhood leader of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, while serving as Secretary of State.

In response to Ahmed, the fake, phony clockboy’s detention, Hillary Clinton Tweeted, “Assumptions and fear don’t keep us safe—they hold us back. Ahmed, stay curious and keep building.”

It is well-known that her Clinton Foundation has garnered tens of millions of dollars in donations from terrorism-supporting Arab Muslim leaders. Clinton has also agreed with the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) that criticism of Islam must be curtailed and penalties should be imposed on those who insult Islam.


While Clinton has not directly condemned the rising tide of anti-Muslim bigotry, she recently released a campaign video showing her wearing a blue head scarf out of respect for local customs while on a diplomatic mission in Pakistan as Secretary of State.


Unfortunately, a handful of Republican presidential candidates have come out and forcefully denounced “Islamophobia” (It is not a phobia to fear people who want to kill you)

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie remains the GOP’s standard-bearer in speaking out against anti-Muslim bigotry within the Republican Party and conservative circles. 

Christie dismissed Trump’s handling of the question about the Muslim threat to America by stating: “I’ll just tell you what I would do, and I wouldn’t have permitted that. If someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine, I would’ve said, ‘No, listen. Before we answer, let’s clear some things up for the rest of the audience. And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that.”

More significantly, Christie has been widely praised by designated terrorist group group CAIR for appointing a Muslim terrorist lawyer as a Superior Court Judge. When anti-Muslim activists attacked him with allegations that he was promoting sharia (Islamic principles) for nominating a Muslim judge to the New Jersey Superior Court, he went on the offensive by saying that, “This Sharia law business is just crap. It’s just crazy, and I’m tired of dealing with the crazies.”

Governor Christie Talks About Superior Court Judge Sohail Mohammed


South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has also become one of the strongest Republican voices against Islamophobia in the GOP primary by Tweeting that Carson “is not ready to be Commander-in-Chief” in response to Carson’s opposition to an American Muslim president. Graham went so far as to say Carson should also “apologize to American Muslims.”

In July, Graham also shot down an audience member at an Iowa campaign stop who proposed outlawing Islam in America, stating: “You know what, I’m not your candidate. I don’t want you to vote for me. I couldn’t disagree with you more.” He later added that, “I’m not buying into that construct. That’s not the America that I want to lead.”


Carly Fiorina, not only praised the Ottoman Empire as the “greatest civilization in history,” she also got around sanctions on Iran by setting up a shadow corporation in Dubai to sell $100 million in products to Iran while she was CEO of HP.

Fiorina also said Ben Carson was “wrong” to say he didn’t believe a Muslim should be president. She added: “You know, it says in our Constitution that religion cannot be a test for office. It is also true that this country was founded on the principle that we judge each individual and that anyone, of any faith, is welcome here.”







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