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Ben Carson

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Chris Christie

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Ted Cruz

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Carly Fiorina

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Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
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Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
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Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
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John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
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Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Donald Trump Leads by 9 Points in Pew Poll – Jeb Bush in Free Fall

The latest Pew poll shows that Jeb Bush in free fall.
Bush sank to 4 percent in the Republican field.

Donald Trump leads the field with 25 percent; Ben Carson is at 16 percent.
Via Weekly Standard:

trump poll pew


The latest Pew poll shows that Jeb Bush in free fall.

Right where he belongs, we do not need another Bush in the white house.

Obama: Biden has 'his own decisions to make' on 2016

Getty Images

President Obama said Friday that Vice President Biden will "have his own decisions to make" when it comes to entering the 2016 presidential race.

"I love Joe Biden and he has his own decisions to make and I'll leave it at that," Obama said at a news conference on Friday.

Obama added that Biden has been doing an excellent job as vice president.

The president has tried to steer clear of the Democratic primary for months to avoid choosing sides between Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is the Democratic front-runner.

Biden is expected to announce whether or not he'll run for president by the end of the month, Democratic sources say. He will not participate in the first Democratic debate on Oct. 13.

The vice president has said it has been difficult to make a decision about entering the race because he is mourning the death of his son, Beau Biden, who passed away in May.

"I'll be straightforward with you, the most relevant factor in my decision to run is whether my family and I have the emotional energy to run," he said last month during an appearance in an Atlanta synagogue.


Joe Biden is an idiot however I am sure he would be a  good puppet for the left.

Cruz: Obama trying to 'tear us apart' with comments on Oregon shooting

Getty Images

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is criticizing President Obama for his comments about a mass shooting at a community college in Oregon that left 9 dead.

“Unfortunately that is the approach with President Obama on every issue, is that he seeks to tear us apart, he seeks to politicize it and it’s worth remembering he is ideological and he’s a radical,” Cruz said on "The Mark Levin Show," as first reported by Buzzfeed News.

“You know, as his former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel said, ‘you never let a good crisis go to waste,’ and that is sadly his approach.”

The GOP presidential hopeful said the president is using the shooting as a political ploy to take guns away from Americans.

“We ought to do everything we can, for example, to be prosecuting the felons and fugitives who are trying to illegally buy guns,” Cruz said. “The Obama administration doesn’t do that. Instead, they try to use these tragedies as an excuse to come after the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

“It’s unconstitutional, it’s cynical, and it’s wrong,” he added.

A 26-year-old male stormed Umpqua Community College and opened fire on students on Thursday, killing 9 and injuring seven. The shooter was killed in a gunfight with police.

Hours after the shooting, the president expressed his frustration that Congress has failed to act on gun control in remarks at the White House.

Obama said the shooting is “something we should politicize” to enact more stringent gun laws.

“This is a political choice that we make, to allow this to happen every few months in America," he said. “We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction.”


George W. Bush to fundraise for Jeb in Washington

President George W. Bush will return to Washington this month to appear at a fundraiser for his brother’s presidential campaign, according to a fundraising schedule obtained by The Hill.
The Oct. 29 fundraiser for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will take place at a private residence, an email to Bush supporters shows.
That October schedule includes two other appearances by the former president: a luncheon in Arkansas scheduled for Friday, and an evening reception in Denver on Oct. 18.
Jeb Bush’s son, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, is also planning on headlining two events for young professionals in Washington toward the beginning of October.
And George Bush’s wife, Laura, will join Jeb’s wife, Columba, for an event next Wednesday.
Jeb Bush has tried to walk the line between downplaying his family connections on the campaign trail and soliciting their help. 
This fundraising quarter will be the last full quarter until the first wave of nominating contests, so the pressure is on for all candidates to post strong numbers and make the case to donors that they can go the distance. 
The Florida governor, once seen as the heavy favorite for the GOP nomination, has reportedly had some fundraising struggles since he and his allied super-PAC stormed out of the gate to raise a combined $120 million in the second quarter.
More than $11 million of that came from money given to the campaign in the two-week window between Bush’s announcement and the end of the second fundraising quarter.
While his team hasn’t released its fundraising haul for the third quarter, which closed Wednesday, aides told The Associated Press that the total over the last three months was “fine” and “respectable.”

Too Funny! They are going to bring in the older Bush who reminds of why we want no more Bush, to sell us the younger Bush......way too much foliage!!! LOL

Yes! Way too much!! LOL

Kasich: Super-PAC move shows Team Jeb is 'getting nervous'

Ohio Gov. John Kasich chided allies of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Friday, after reports that a pro-Bush super-PAC has started researching at his congressional library collection.
“I would think they are in there because they are getting nervous,” Kasich said at a news conference in New Hampshire, according to footage provided by the Democratic rapid-response group American Bridge.
“When you are trailing in places like New Hampshire, where John Sununu has built a great team, and not doing so hot in other places, of course they are going to go looking around at who might be the mature adult who knows how to reform and fix things and be a leader rather than an administrator.”
John Sununu, the former New Hampshire senator, is aiding Kasich’s effort in the state.
Kasich’s comments are in response to multiple media reports that staffers from the pro-Bush super-PAC Right to Rise are digging through his papers at the John R. Kasich Congressional Collection at the Westerville Public Library in Ohio. 
Reuters noted this week that two Right to Rise staffers were watching old videos of Kasich at the exhibit, which includes a replica of his congressional office.  
“We were fascinated by Gov. Kasich's talk about his congressional record and wanted to read more,” Right to Rise spokesman Paul Lindsay told the Columbus Dispatch. “Westerville is a lovely town this time of year.”
Kasich brought up the opposition researchers at a separate event when he was being asked about his record while in Congress.
“How did you know that? I thought you were in the library with the Bush people,” he joked.
“Come on Jeb, you’ve got better things to do than investigate me. … Then again, maybe you don’t.”
Per election rules, Right to Rise doesn’t coordinate with the Florida governor’s official campaign, but they both share the key goal of helping to elect Bush to the White House. 
In a subsequent interview with Bloomberg, Kasich admitted that type of research could come in the future. 
"We're certainly not going into their libraries or something," he said. 
"At some point, we'll probably do that. Is it a little early for that? Maybe not."
He added that he didn't check with any of his staff to see if they had used similar tactics.

Carson rolls out medical coalition

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Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson on Friday unveiled a coalition of medical experts from more than a dozen states advising his 2016 White House campaign. 

Carson detailed the 32-member group of doctors, professors, authors and policy experts across several medical fields during a press conference in Iowa.

"I want everybody to have good healthcare," the Republican candidate said, pushing back on suggestions he doesn't want the poor to also have access to healthcare.

"That, of course, is propaganda," he said in the conference streamed by ABC News. 

Carson said the reason he is "not particularly enamored with this so-called Affordable Care Act" was not necessarily because of its effectiveness or cost.

Instead, he said it is "because it fundamentally changes the relationship between the people and the government. That's why I'm so vehemently opposed to it."

"If we don't recognize what's actually going on and change that, America is well on its way to a kinda of fundamental change most Americans don't want," he said.

Only a few Republican presidential candidates have offered details on a healthcare plan to repalce ObamaCare: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who dropped out of the race last month. 

"Let's come up with something that's so good and works so effectively that you don't have to force and cajole" people into the system, Carson suggested Friday.


Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Politico: Chaffetz Prepares Long-shot Bid for House Speaker

At Politico, Rachael Blade and John Bresnahan report that Rep. Jason Chaffetz may enter the race to replace John Boehner as House Speaker.

Poll: Jeb Falls to 4%
"At this stage of the 2016 presidential campaign, key issues divide both Republican and Democratic voters, and early candidate preferences reflect some of these cleavages," writes Pew.

"When Republican and Republican-leaning voters are asked in an open-ended format (no names provided) for their first choice for the nomination, none of the 15 GOP candidates are named by more than 25% of those who may vote in the primary: 25% name Donald Trump, 16% name Ben Carson, both Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina are named by 8%, 6% name Ted Cruz and 4% choose Jeb Bush. Other candidates are named by 2% or fewer. A quarter (25%) of potential Republican primary voters do not mention a first choice today, four months before the first caucuses and primaries."




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