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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Unfortunately most of them despise him.

Perhaps in the beginning, but I am no longer sure that most of House Republicans despise him. They want to get reelected and they see the crowds Trump gets. Perhaps there is a sea change of mind about him. And they just might listen to him, particularly when it comes to standing up to democrats. 

IMO They want to find ways to DEFEAT Trump. They do not like him AT ALL.They like the GOOD OLE BOY network as is.

I agree DD he is messing with their game they do not like him but they would like to find where he vulnerable.

marrand, that is why Trump is an outsider, he hasn't a clue how the public feels on matters. Both the democrat and the republican leadership know full well where the public mood is on all issues. Forget about the polls, they have never had a grasp on the public mood on political issues ever. Each representative knows what the numbers are back home and act accordingly. For Trump to say if they sided with the conservatives they would force Obama's hands. Not true because Obama is aware of each representative's risk back home so he knows how far he can push an issue. Siding with the conservatives on important issues would be suicidal for many.


I always thought that when a politician gives a speech, and says things which attract big crowds who applaud and cheer him, time after time after time, then he must be saying what people are thinking and wishing for. To me, that means that politician knows public mood well. 

Obama is aware of each representative's risk back home? Really? I remember the numerous times he campaigned for the democrats in 2010, 2012 and 2014 and in most cases the democrat lost. Did Obama misread the peoples' sentiment? Why do you think the dems didn't want him in their district? 

But I agree with you: Trump overdid it. Obama will not cave. 

Trump on refugees: ‘They look like prime-time soldiers’

Getty Images

GOP front-runner Donald Trump says the refugees streaming out of the Middle East are mostly young men who could present a threat to U.S. national security if granted asylum.

“I’ve been watching this migration, and I see these people. I mean, they’re mostly men, and they’re strong men,” Trump said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “They look like prime-time soldiers.”

“But where are the women?” he asked. “You see some women, you see some children. But for the most part, I’m looking at these strong men. So you ask two things: number one, why aren’t they fighting for their country? And number two, I don’t want these people coming over here.”

Trump said he would begrudgingly accept 3,000 refugees, but argued a number like 10,000 or 200,000 could represent a “Trojan horse.”

“This could be the greatest Trojan Horse,” the business mogul said. “This could make the Trojan horse look like peanuts if these people turned out to be a lot of ISIS.”

The former “Apprentice” host also said he would “might have gone in” to Syria after President Bashar al-Assad began using chemical weapons on his people.

“Well, you know, the time to have done it would have been when he drew the line in the sand,” Trump said, referring to a statement made by President Obama.


Good day Love of Country,

A consideration that has to be taken seriously.  Yet the battle cry for the TotalSociaLibgressives is " How cold and unfeeling the GOP is"   Lets see what the narrative will be when something awful happens..... I would hold their feet to the TREASON fire quicker than a blink of an eye, added -  the demand for close monitoring as is done by ankle bracelet.  There is an easy way to do this and I would assist voluntarily to see this happen. Obama will open the flood gates to assure fuss,confusion, frustration with the normal chaos they love to throw to offer hope for others, yet danger and uncertainty to us, taxpaying, tired, and have had enough citizens.  How can we ever truly assist others to fish with skill in their lakes when our skill to teach is weakened?

Read with your family "Achilles" or "History of the Trojan War" there is a movie with Brad Pitt that isn't too bad.  Then discuss the pros and cons of reason and tactics of this story.      

<b>Trojan</b> <b>Horse</b> for Youse-003

ACU: Marsha Blackburn Has Highest Score on Conservative Member Scor...

lower flag

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) would make a great conservative Speaker of the House, suggests the American Conservative Union’s member scorecard.

THE GOOD OLE BOY network will NEVER allow that.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks during a news conference on better wages for workers, on Capitol Hill October 6, 2015 in Washington, DC. Sanders held the news conference to introduce legislation designed to make it easier for workers to join together and bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions. (Photo by

The Disharmony of Bernie Sanders and ‘Black Lives Matter’

Claiming most whites are insensitive to the abuse of blacks, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders—in an interview with Ebony on October 5—endorsed Black Lives Matter (BLM) as being more significant than All Lives Matter.




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