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The EPA’s potentially lethal assault on your quality of life, while the EU vastly increases coal importation

New Rules and Old Plants May Strain Summer Energy Supplies

WASHINGTON — As 58 million people across 13 states sweated through the third day of a heat wave last month, power demand in North America’s largest regional grid jurisdiction hit a record high. And yet there was no shortage, no rolling blackout and no brownout in an area that stretches from Maryland to Chicago.

But that may not be the case in the future as stricter air quality rules are put in place. Eastern utilities satisfied demand that day — July 21 — with hefty output from dozens of 1950s and 1960s coal-burning power plants that dump prodigious amounts of acid gases, soot, mercury and arsenic into the air. Because of new Environmental Protection Agency rules, and some yet to be written, many of those plants are expected to close in coming years.

 No one is sure yet how many or which ones will be shuttered or what the total lost output would be. And there is little agreement over how peak demand will be met in future summers.

The E.P.A. estimates that a rule on air toxins and mercury that it expects to complete in November will result in a loss of 10,000 megawatts — or almost 1 percent of the generating capacity in the United States. Electricity experts, however, say that rule, combined with forthcoming ones on coal ash and cooling water, will have a much greater effect — from 48,000 megawatts to 80,000 megawatts, or 3.5 to 7 percent. (NYT)

Obama’s War on Coal
Killing jobs, causing blackouts
By William Yeatman
Originally published in The New York Post

President Obama claims to see the need to create jobs at this time of endless 9-plus percent unemployment — yet his administration continues to relentlessly destroy jobs for ideological reasons. The best example may be the Obama Environmental Protection Agency’s “war on coal.”

The EPA’s regulatory crusade directly threatens hundreds of thousands of jobs — and “rolling blackouts” that threaten even more.

Start with a proposed regulation under the Clean Air Act that’s set to be finalized in November. The Utility MACT (“Maximum Achievable Control Technology”) rule seeks to cut US power plants’ emissions of mercury from 29 tons a year to just five. Yet EPA itself estimates that cutting even as much as 41 tons out of total emissions of 105 tons “is unlikely to substantially affect total risk.”

For zero benefit, the Utility MACT is one of the most expensive federal regulations ever. In comments submitted to the EPA, Unions for Jobs and the Environment, an alliance of unions representing more than 3.2 million workers, estimated that this needless regulation would jeopardize 251,000 jobs.

Then there’s EPA’s out-of-the-blue ruling last month, ordering Texas to cut emissions of sulfur dioxide by 47 percent. This, when the draft version of the Cross State Air Pollution Rule had exempted the state entirely. The excuse for the change? A supposed need to slightly reduce emissions as monitored 500 miles away in Madison County, Ill. — a locale that meets the EPA air-quality standards in question. (CEI)

U.S. Coal Exports To Europe Treble
Saturday, 13 August 2011 15:45 Ying Diao and Mathew Carr, Bloomberg

U.S. coal exports to the Netherlands jumped to 1.1 million tons from 334,628 tons. Shipments to Germany went to 899,009 tons from 166,314 tons. Trade to the U.K. rose to 852,159 tons from 159,280 tons.

The U.S. may increase coal exports, further boosting supply of the commodity in Europe, Macquarie Group Ltd. (MQG) said.

“A big push” to encourage natural-gas burning in the U.S. may drive up coal exports to Europe, China and India, said Hayden Atkins, an analyst in London at Macquarie’s commodities unit. The closing of Germany’s nuclear plants will increase demand in that nation, Atkins said.

U.S. steam-coal exports to Europe in the first quarter more than tripled from a year earlier to 4.9 million metric tons from 1.5 million tons, according to a report on the website of the U.S. Energy Information Administration. U.S. coal exports are at their highest level since 1992, it said.

Exports to the Netherlands jumped to 1.1 million tons from 334,628 tons. Shipments to Germany went to 899,009 tons from 166,314 tons. Trade to the U.K. rose to 852,159 tons from 159,280 tons. (GWPF)


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Who Are the Real Deniers of Science?
Put aside the fact that there is no such thing as settled science. Scientists are constantly questioning their understanding of things; that is what science does. All the great scientists of history are justly famous for overturning the assumptions of their fields. The real problem is that in politics, invocations of science are very often marketing techniques masquerading as appeals to irrefutable authority. In an increasingly secular society, having science on your side is better than having God on your side -- at least in an argument.
For starters, why are liberalism's pet issues the lodestars of what constitutes scientific fact? Medical science informs us fetuses are human beings. The liberal response? "Who cares?" Genetically modified foods are safe, sayeth the scientists. "Shut up," reply the liberal activists. IQ is partly heritable, the neuroscientists tell us. "Shut up, bigot," the liberals shriek.

Jonah Goldberg

Posted: May 20, 2016 12:01 AM

Trump vows to undo Obama's climate agenda in appeal to oil sector
BISMARCK, N.D. (Reuters) - Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, promised on Thursday to roll back some of America's most ambitious environmental policies, actions that he said would revive the ailing U.S. oil and coal industries and bolster national security.

Among the proposals, Trump said he would pull the United States out of the U.N. global climate accord, approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada and rescind measures by President Barack Obama to cut U.S. emissions and protect waterways from industrial pollution.

"Any regulation that's outdated, unnecessary, bad for workers or contrary to the national interest will be scrapped and scrapped completely," Trump told about 7,700 people at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference in Bismarck, the capital of oil-rich North Dakota. "We're going to do all this while taking proper regard for rational environmental concerns."

A great 2015 piece from the New York Times on how rising costs in China -- productivity-adjusted wages have tripled over the past decade -- have nudged…

“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.”

The greatest misinformation in the climate change debate is that we currently know, or even can know, the future of a natural phenomenon as complex as climate change. University of Western Ontario professor Dr. Chris Essex, an expert in climate models, lays it out clearly: “Climate is one of the most challenging open problems in modern science. Some knowledgeable scientists believe that the climate problem can never be solved.”

Yet progressives often label Essex and other climate experts who hold similar points of view as ‘deniers’, implying they are as misguided as those who deny the Holocaust. When it comes to climate change, tolerance of alternative perspectives, a much vaunted hallmark of liberalism, vanishes. They should welcome, not condemn, questioning of the status quo. Science advances through fearless investigation, not frightened acquiescence to fashionable thinking.

Einstein once said, “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” It might be humorous to the gods, but when eco-activists succeed in convincing elected officials to try to criminalize free speech and open scientific enquiry, everyone—left, right and center—must object vigorously. Totalitarianism, not freedom, dominated most of human history. It will dominate our future too if we let eco-extremists have their way.


Multiple non-governmental organizations, also known as non-profits, promote United Nations goals and objectives and they have been very successful at it.

Fearing Trump, greens run to Clinton

By: Marc Morano - Climate DepotJune 15, 2016 3:15 PM

Hillary Clinton is racking up endorsements from major environmental groups, solidifying support from the green movement for her presidential run.

The NRDC Action Fund, the Sierra Club and the billionaire green donor Tom Steyer have all endorsed Clinton for president in the last two weeks, joining the League of Conservation Voters, which backed her in November.

The presumptive Democratic nominee has now gotten support from nearly all of the major national environmental groups, save for Friends of the Earth Action, which endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders in August.

To the groups backing Clinton, the choice in the 2016 election is clear: someone who would continue and expand President Obama’s aggressive environmental agenda, or RepublicanDonald Trump, who says he would undo every piece of it that he could, including the Clean Power Plan and the Paris climate agreement.

“Secretary Clinton has a long record on the environment and is the leader we need to build on this progress made by President Obama and the climate movement,” Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune said Thursday in announcing the group’s endorsement of Clinton.

“She has listened to the grassroots and crafted detailed plans to safeguard our climate, air, water, and public lands, to protect the most vulnerable from environmental injustice, and to continue the rapid expansion of our clean energy economy.

“Contrasted with that, we have a reckless and misinformed candidate in Donald Trump, who has called climate change a ‘hoax,’ a ‘con job,’ and a ‘concept created by the Chinese.’ ”

Tom Steyer, who heads NextGen Climate and has donated tens of millions of dollars to Democrats who want to fight climate change, had a similar take.

“Now is the time to come together to defeat Donald Trump, who is utterly unfit to be our next president,” Steyer said. “Trump’s racist rhetoric is directly offensive to our American values and his dangerous actions would threaten our children’s future in every way.”

Adam Rome, a professor of environmental history at the University of Delaware, said greens are mobilizing like never before because they see such high stakes in this election.

“I think Trump really scares environmentalists. I can see that environmentalists would want to do everything possible to ensure that he’s not president,” Rome said.

The key concern for greens, Rome said, is preserving Obama initiatives like the Clean Power Plan that were achieved through executive authority and can largely be undone in the same way.

“Congress might still be divided or unfriendly, so executive action is really the only thing the federal government has been able to do and will be able to do on climate, barring a really big change,” Rome said.

Republicans argue Clinton’s emphasis on environmental issues over energy production will be a liability in the general election.

Core News, a project of the conservative group America Rising Squared, has lambasted Clinton’s green group endorsements.

“Brune forgot to mention the Sierra Club’s extreme plans to end American oil and gas production,” the group wrote about that endorsement.

It pointed out that some labor unions objected to Steyer’s alliance with the AFL-CIO, saying he sparked a “civil war” within the Democratic Party.

“Steyer and Clinton may be a good fit, though, given both have flip-flopped on energy over the years,” it said.


My research concluded that labor unions control non-profits as well as NGOs. NGO boards are populated by pro-union agenda people. These boards have exclusive power to vote on all U.N. issues. The IRS issues non-profit status to those they want to give it to. They exclude pro-constitutional groups. The IRS is controlled by international unions. The unions are a front for La Coda Nostra.


Yes sir you have found the links to all things Democrat and Progressive ways to get our tax dollars for them to use as political financing for socialism.

Greens now confused?
It’s the first new U.S. nuclear reactor in decades. And climate change has made that a very big deal.

SPRING CITY, Tenn. — In an immaculate control room at the Watts Bar nuclear plant, green bars flash on a large screen, signaling something that has not happened in the United States in two decades.

As control rods lift from the water in the core, and neutrons go about the business of splitting uranium atoms, life comes to a new nuclear reactor — the first in the country since its sister reactor here was licensed in 1996.

By summer’s end, authorities expect the new reactor at this complex along the Chickamauga Reservoir, a dammed section of the Tennessee River extending northward from Chattanooga, to steadily generate enough electricity to power 650,000 homes. Although the opening of a new nuclear facility used to draw protesters and angry rhetoric, the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Watts Bar reactor has been mostly welcomed by local residents — and even some advocates concerned about climate change.

Too bad we are not celebrating the opening of 100 new reactors.  Which is needed  to build our economy compete with the world markets .

We should be building 1,000 to desalinate the oceans, mine gold and other elements out of the ocean water and then sell the water to cities and huge new ag areas in the dry SW and 11 Western States.

This program alone could restore Americas manufacturing and metal smelters, foundries, pipe making, valve making, 

Operating the plants at 100% all the time 24/7/365 make the cost per KWH so low we will have China moving plants here. To bad America's left has been brain washed if only like the President of the Sierra club did embrace Nuclear and say the destruction of the industry using lies was his biggest regret. He resigned.




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