We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/fed-res-printing-13-trillion...

Ok...lets start putting things together...don't be blindsided by EVERYTHING that the bought and paid for Media (thanks Fed Res for printing $ 13 Trillion out of thin air! Which of course allowed and encouraged the Obama/ Rice/Biden corrupt neo Bolsheviks to create $ 36 Trillion in Fed Gov't debt...do you understand yet ?)) ,,,
  1. Trump has 3 trials going on simultaneously...ALL of which are 3rd World African style. The fraudulently stolen 2020 Election has been seen by the majority of Americans. This is why the Obama / Rice/Biden are creating socio-economic mayhem...on an International basis right now.
    1. Obama / Rice/ Biden started with the invasion of Ukraine by the neo Bolshevik Obama admin, Then blamed Russia for protecting eastern Ukraine where they were being murdered by a falsely elected Obama backed President, Zelensky. 
    2. Gave IRAN $300 Billion AND sold off the Strategic Oil Reserve  of the USA. This gives Iran $300B but also drives the price of oil from 70 to 90 /bbl, which enriches Iran by removing oil sanctions. Hmmm...  
    3. Hamas sneak attack on a fiesta in Israel killing 1300 people...BUT Obama warns Israel about retaliating for the hostages.
    4. Iran bombs Israel BUT Obama/Rice tell Israel NOT to retaliate....hmmmm
  2. Neo Bolsheviks force 5 REP House members to resign ...BUT only after the date in which they cannot be replaced immediately. Only after NOV elections....Sooo....House leader Johnson HAS to pass the FISA Bill and grant $$ to Ukraine...OR....the House could Elect a DEM party leader to be House Leader...very interesting isn't it?
    1. Which means that RINOs now can tell Trump that he HAS to support FISA and Ukraine handouts...or else...
  3. All these insanely neo Bolshevik created 3rd World events....are covered by the Media as NORMAL events....NOT 3rd World African, because ...Trump will get convicted in 1 of the Trials...but even before that...Trump will spend 6 to 8 weeks in Courts...NYC and Wash DC and Atlanta ....which takes Trump away from Rallies...3rd World African style..
    1. Once "convicted" , Trump then has to do what...stay out of jail..? Continue running? Have the REP party drop Trump from the Ballot?
      1. This is exactly what they are trying to do....and to do so.....ex Generals and FBI and DHS officials are getting paid $LARGE to send to " Comments" the Courts involved in Trump trials.....
      2. $$ BILLIONs are being spent to take Trump and the USA Constitution down...all $$ made "available" by the Federal Reserve printing $$ 13 Trillion out of thin air........you sort of figuring it out...YET !!
  4. So.....what questions might you have ??

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