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Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/profiles/blogs/god-and-american-be...

God and American Beliefs

The only way to save America and it's traditional values.

I fail to see why certain liberal people get so upset when anyone talks about or even says they believe in God. They seem to get even more upset when anyone talks about Jesus as their Savior and Redeemer. The true Marxist/Socialists are non-believers, and they want to impose their lack of belief on everyone else. They want that because they want to be considered the highest power anywhere. America over the last two or three decades, has been slipping into the idea that there is no God, and, the Ten Commandments are mythological/antique artifacts whose time has past.

I personally believe there is a Supreme Being. A being that our small minds can not understand. We universely call that being GOD. We use analogies to try and comprehend what the being we call GOD is. That's why we have so many diverse religions. The divisions between Religions, and how they view God, and in their rituals to honor God. That causes much friction. 
It's strange because every Religion considers there is only one true God. So, in actuality we who revere and honor God, are all praying to and trying to please the same Supreme Being.

In general, all the major religions, have some form of the 10 commandments as an integral part of their belief system. The non-believers also have a system that mimics, but does not work as well as the moral lessons of the Ten Commandments. Commandments we used to try to incorporate into, and practice in our society.

When you look at it from a civilization viewpoint, you see the Ten Commandments are the most concise ground rules for a workable human society, bar none. They work! The concepts behind them work. They stop abuse and excessive behavior on moral grounds. They teach Honesty and Integrity. They also teach honor. Our Societies adherence to them in spirit and fact, offers a benevolent moral and spiritual society.  What's wrong with that? 

At one time America was a stalwart Christian Nation. Believing in God, and keeping the Ten Commandments. Our Founders were mostly all Christian, or saw the impact to our fledgling nation as benefiting from the moral and social foundation that Christian morality provided. They also saw the need to keep the spiritual aspect incorporated in creating our laws, but not writing Christian Religious Dogma into law. Therefore they wrote into law, a seperation of church and state. This did not mean the United States would be godless, it meant the United States would not have a sanctioned formal State Religion like England had.

The watershed moment when rejection of our traditional values manifested publicly, was with the Madalyn Murray O'hare ruling. The ruling where the extremely liberal/left Supreme Court of Chief Justice Earl Warren, took God out of schools, and the purge of God from Federal, State, and Local government began. That was the beginning of what some say immoral, and what some say Godless, decisions of courts and law makers began. It won't end until America takes God back into the process and returns to 'letting but not forcing' God back in schools and other government functions, then using the Ten Commandments as moral guidelines for laws and regulations we live by.

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