We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



I am watching a documentary about the influence Almighty God had on our founding fathers and many leaders since then, men who called on the "protection of Divine Providence" in the quest for freedom from Britain and in battles since then. I have seen and heard many people wrongly say or write that our founders were either agnostics or outright atheists. Facts borne out by the writings and sayings of our founders disprove the liberal contentions but liberals ALWAYS choose "feelings" over facts in their quest to destroy the nation through their denial of the existence of an all powerful Creator. Satan has deeply infected the education system to teach that God doesn't exist and that each person has the right to choose their own morality, that what the liberal individual chooses to believe should be accepted by everyone else because liberals are "the enlightened ones". A letter written in 1804 by President Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury, Conn. Baptist Association has been misquoted and taken out of context by liberals, including the supreme court, to say that Christians cannot have a say in government and that Christianity cannot be expressed in any public forum. This is a totally false interpretation but liberals stick to it out of complete ignorance and hatred towards Almighty God, the Creator of everything in the universe. The Danbury Baptists had grown concerned that the government would interfere in their worship and wrote to President Jefferson asking his thoughts. Jefferson wrote back telling them that the government had no right to regulate their worship because "a wall of separation between church and state" did not allow government interference. In 1947 the supreme court took the 8 words I enclosed in quotation marks, and ignoring the rest of the two page letter, declared that there could no longer be any reference to Almighty God in the public forum. This was a deliberate distortion of both the intent and the message in the letter but liberals don't care about facts, but only care about how they can use their atheistic beliefs to control the nation and to justify their evil intentions and actions. The same people who say Christianity is against the U S Constitution are more than happy to see the satanic cult of islam pushed on our children in public schools. I find it ironic that people who repeatedly deny the existence of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Creator of everything and everyone, have gladly embraced the "god" of islam, the enemy of the true Almighty God.

The United States of America has become the richest, kindest, and most powerful nation in the history of the world because it embraced the goodness to and love of others expressed by God. Liberals continually misrepresent the precepts of Christianity in order to promote their anti-God agenda, choosing to falsely attribute acceptance of sin to "Diversity", "enlightenment", and "acceptance of others". According to the Word of God, the Holy Bible, life begins at conception. Liberals call the murder of the unborn a "woman's right to choose" as a way to justify the murder of a child of Almighty God because a baby is either not wanted or merely an inconvenience at that time. Liberals like to criticize this fact by saying that I condone rape by having this viewpoint but that is as patently false as the rest of their satanic ideas. A child conceived in rape or not wanted for any other reason can be put up for adoption by the many people out there who either cannot conceive themselves or are more than willing to provide a good home for an unwanted baby. I go to church with several couples who have adopted children of varying ages. One couple has 3 children who are grown but they had room in their hearts, and home, so they adopted 2 children. One is a girl they got when she was about 3 or 4 and is now 13 I think. The second was a new born who wasn't wanted so they took him straight from the hospital and have given him, now 10 or 11, a loving Christian home. I know about the people who are more than willing to help so don't waste your time trying to denigrate my Godly ideas on abortion, how "a fetus is just a blob of tissue", because Almighty God doesn't see it that way.

Another liberal mantra is that homosexuality is "an alternate lifestyle". This is patently obvious if one will bother to read God's Word. Almighty God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because Lot couldn't find even a handful of righteous men and the Holy Bible states several times that homosexuals will not enter Heaven, that it is "an abomination before God". It also says that "fornicators" won't either, meaning heterosexuals that use promiscuous sex for gratification will find themselves also on the wrong side of eternity. And islam IS NOT "just another path to Heaven" as liberals claim. The only way to Heaven is through accepting the death and resurrection of Jesus as payment for our sins. Following the satanic cult of islam will only gain one an eternity in the fires of hell with their "god", satan.

I find it amusing that homosexuals constantly attack Christians as "haters" because we don't accept their perversion as normal yet never attack the moslems who will kill them for being homosexuals. To me that is quite hypocritical. Homosexuals sue Christian bakers who refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding or the Christian photographer who refuses to photograph the proceedings but never bother to go to a moslem bakery or photographer with the same demands. Does that mean there are no moslem bakeries or photographers, I seriously doubt that!!!!! Christian "haters" call homosexuals to repentance while members of the "religion of peace" murder homosexuals yet get not one word of criticism nor one lawsuit for discrimination from the homosexual community who are so vocal against Christians. The day will come when these people will find out how wrong they have been but on that day it will be too late to change their tune. Jesus is merciful but waiting until He comes back and is about to cast one into hell isn't going to get one much mercy. Now is the time to accept Him. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior doesn't mean we are perfect or will never have troubles or commit a sin, it means we strive to live life for Him as best we can and to repent when we fail.

Ronald Reagan once said "if America ceases to be one nation under God we will become one nation gone under" and that is what liberals long to see, America gone under. They erroneously believe that the new world order one world government will be some kind of utopia but it will be their worst nightmare come to fruition. Russians thought Communism would be their utopia, Germans thought Nazi fascism would be their utopia, and American liberals think the obama/clinton/demonkrat party fascism will be their utopia. They hate President Trump because he desires, and is trying to, restore America to be the nation Almighty God and our founders established it to be. Liberals call Trump a fascist because they have no clue what fascism really is, total control of everything by an all-powerful government. Fuhrer obama tried and failed but came very close to establishing that goal. The successor obama and the treasonous left wanted, hillary clinton, would have continued on the same despotic path. Liberals are so ignorant that they think free enterprise and self-sufficiency is fascism when it is exactly the opposite. I can already hear the catcalls and the names liberals are going to call me when they read this but it doesn't matter because I know I am right and I will stand on the Word of God to back me up. President Trump was an answer to many fervent prayers from Christians who live and pray 2 Chronicles 7:14. I am still praying for his success and that his opponents, the misguided leftists, will be removed from positions of political power or media status and I firmly believe that Almighty God is going to answer these prayers as He answered the ones said before the 2016 election.

I submit this in the name of The Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

January 14, 2018

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A contrarian perspective.


At its core, Religion is a belief system involving the supernatural (other worldly) existence of man.

Yet Man, a this worldly creature, is not perfectible, during his life in this world.

So how do we cross the bridge?

By adhering to the Natural Law.

The Commandment "Thou shalt not kill" is hardly a religious principle.

Rather the Natural Law is a body of enduring principles that are the bedrock for human conduct which is necessary for the survival and sustainability of our species.These have been uncovered from the ageless wisdom of the Ancients, applying the rules of logic and reason.

Actually, the original wording in Hebrew is "thou shall not commit murder" but I agree that Natural Law also applies here because if people run around murdering as the moslems tend to do mankind won't last long. Man is not going to be perfect in this world but the idea Jesus left us with is to "love God with our whole body mind, and spirit, and to love our neighbor, meaning other people, as we love ourselves".  I don't remember exactly where it is but it is in the Gospels.  We are supposed to strive for perfection, even knowing we can't get there.  That is where repentance, forgiveness, and grace come into play.



The quote you cited is in Luke 10:27. There are other quotes similar that mean the same thing like; "God is love" (1 John 4:8), 1 John 4:16b is a similar verse also containing the words "God is love."."You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39), And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3:14). The list goes on but it all boils down to the same thing simplified in Matthew 7:12 Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the Law and the Prophets.

M, thanks much for the references.  I didn't go look them up myself due to time restraints at the time.  I can't give book chapter verse much but I know what God's Word says.. 

Fair enough.

See below


You are in the wrong country.  You need to be in a country like England circa 1530 or 1540, depending on your Christian preference.

What you fail to understand, Bob, is the European settlers on this continent came here in order to have the freedom to choose how they worship. That freedom was codified in the Constitution, and citizens of the United States may worship in any manner they choose, pray to God, Allah, Budda, Jesus, or any Supreme Being, without government interference. Or they may choose not to worship at all.  The government is restricted from demonstrating any preference of one religion over any other. That is what our Founding Fathers did in response to having a religion mandated by the Crown. 

Likewise, no religion may have any part in our government.  In return, religions are not taxed since they are not "represented" in government.

Another point of fact you fail to understand, Robert, due to the above, this is NOT a Christian nation and our Constitution, laws, and courts forbid us from becoming one.  It is completely up to us to determine who, how, and what we worship. 

What you are asserting here, Bobby, is hatred, non-tolerence, and inflammatory. The particular denomination of Christianity I grew up in spoke of loving thy neighbor, love your enemies, give comfort to others, and be tolerant of those who are different.

I would ask the owner of this site to remove your diatribe as it is hate-speech and not conducive to a reasonable and constructive discourse.

Good day, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Yo forgetfulness, or better labeled, never known; it's apparent you've again lost you bearings.

Whatever the shortcomings in Bob Russel's paean to the Lord and Christianity; it was heartfelt, unifying

and well intentioned.

In contrast, your retort was predictably ignorant, shallow and bordering on the slanderous.

* Between 1530-40 England was in ecclesiastical and political turmoil because Henry Tudor

divorced his Spanish Queen, Catherine and married his mistress. Your point is what???

* The catalyst behind immigration to the New World was economic opportunity; religious freedom

being insignificant as Classical economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo detailed.

* Your assertion that "This is not a christian nation and our Constitution forbids us from becoming one" is too stupid for words. What is not permitted is the establishment of a state mandated religion.

Before your next ukase, suggest you locate your local library (it's the stone building w/the books inside) and spend a lot of quality time there, say the rest of this decade.

A closing thought. Given your grasp of history and your level of grammar and syntax; you are one of the  last persons in the world to be lecturing anyone else and wishing the Mercy of God on them. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my response and I'm sorry that I failed to make it clear that during that period in England, the King decided what religion his subjects would be.  We don't do that in this country.  Another point you failed to grasp was that our government answers to no religion.  The people may or may not have a religious affiliation - it's their choice to make.

The real world is just outside your front door, Tommy.  You should visit it once in a while.  Travel and meet new people.  Just keep in mind that everyone is different, which is how God intended to make us.  If you can't handle that, then maybe you better stay home.  

T, you stated " The government is restricted from demonstrating any preference of one religion over any other. That is what our Founding Fathers did in response to having a religion mandated by the Crown. " That is what is now assumed to be the case, but it is not exactly true.The Federal Government is prevented from LEGISLATING for or against any Religion.

Basically the original colonists from Europe were all Christians be they Protestant, Anabaptist,Catholic, Episcopalian etc. ALL Christians. Eight of the original colonies that became America had set up their own Christian religions as religions of State. The Second Amendment was created Not to be free from religion, but instead, to have freedom of choice concerning religion. The Constitution never denied religion. That and the fact that America was considered a Christian Nation founded on Christian principles going back to the beginning of the european colonizations. For a better dissertation on Religion and the founding of the American Republic see; https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel06.html

The current interpretation about religious displays would have been laughed out by the Founders simply because displays of a Religion's beliefs is not legislating. The Liberal Supreme Court that first sided with Madeline Murray O'Hare ignored that fact and actually Legislated from the bench against Religions.in their landmark decision about prayer in schools, carrying that forward to today where nothing of a religious nature can be displayed on government property.

T. I know that you will strenuously disagree with me on this, and that's ok because you are as fully entitled to your opinion as I am to mine, and by definition everyone on this site is to theirs, as long as it's not a personal attack on a member by another member. So, in regards to your asking me to delete the post as hate speech. I won't because I see it as his extremely Passionate Opinion against the hate speech and court rulings leveled against the Christian community Per Se. What he said about Islam is a Fact. Islam abuses and degrades Women,it kills LGBT people outright,it kills Jews and Christians, all of which is sanctioned in their Quran. That is hate speech when a text demands that you kill any and all who disagree with you or refuse to convert to what I consider a misanthropic and barbaric cult (that's my personal opinion) of Islam, and yet it is also protected by the 1st amendment as long as it follows our Constitutional Laws.

just because fuhrer Obama said this isn't a Christian nation doesn't make it so.  Government cannot mandate a religion to be followed but it doesn't have the right to stamp out the Christian faith because a bunch of atheists gained control.  Read the 1st Amendment carefully and note where it says government can't interfere with the "free exercise".  What you atheist liberals don't consider is how government, including schools have been impeding Christianity while mandating students participate in pagan Islamic practices.  Time to wake up, crawl out of your liberal blindfold and take a realistic look at what is happening before you find yourself at the mercy of sharia law, where you memorize the satanic verses (Koran) or get your head chopped off.  For myself, I am going to remain in the Jesus camp.


The sad fact is the Atheist Liberals do not care about what is in the Constitution. they are set to destroy all of america's morals and principles. The biggest backer behind this movement is G. Soros who said The destruction of America will be my life's greatest achievement. 




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