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Gov. Rick Scott exposes DOJ & HS Scandalous and Possible Illegal Actions

Florida Gov. Scott was on Patriot Radio this morning and exposed a Scandalous condition concerning the DOJ and HS in regards to Illegals Voting. Gov. Scott said that Florida in checking the voter rolls had found a sampling of 2600 illegals ( secondary source; http://www2.tbo.com/news/breaking-news/2012/may/11/nearly-200000-fl...) on the active voter rolls and that about 50% of them had voted Illegally. When the evidence was presented to the DOJ and Homeland Security was asked to share their data base with Florida election officials both Federal Government entities stone walled Florida for 9 months so far, saying that Florida did not make it's case to have access for that information. Florida has removed some offenders from the rolls and the DOJ has ordered them to cease and desist. That puts Eric Holders DOJ in direct violation of several laws. It has become increasingly clear that anything we do short of removing this Cancer on the body Politic will have no effect. The DOJ issued orders for Florida to stop removing dead people from active voter rolls. Source; http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2012/06/doj-stops-florida-from...  excerpts from the article; ' In response to allegations of possible voter fraud involving dead people and foreigners who are not citizens but registered to vote anyway, Ken Detzner, the Florida Secretary of State began cleaning up the voter registration lists in his State. During this process the Secretary of State's investigators found 53,000 dead people were still registered to vote throughout the State. Detzner issued orders to have them removed from the voter rolls along with any persons identified to be non-citizens. When this news reached Washington DC, the Democratic Controlled Dept. of Justice immediately reacted and issued orders instructing Detzner to stop purging voting records. US Attorney General Eric Holder has fought against every measure that has been taken by states to insure an accurate and fraud free election.  He has ruled any form of voter ID to be illegal and now they try to intimidate states like Florida from cleaning up their voter registration lists.  One would wonder why they would stop the removal of dead people and others that were ineligible to vote unless the Democratic Party has plans on using these names and non-citizens to cast illegal votes for Obama and other Democrats.  Plans for voter fraud seem to be the only reasonable explanation of the actions of the Holder and the DOJ.' Republican Congressman accuses Holder; Source; http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2012/06/06/495894/republican-congr... ( This is a Progressive Paper by the way)  excerpt from article; By Judd Legum on Jun 6,2012 at 5:17 pm
In a letter released this afternoon, congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL) accuses Attorney Eric Holder of "supporting voter fraud in Florida; Source: http://rooney.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&..." According to Rooney, Holder is assisting in voter fraud, which is a crime, for the purpose of " aiding the President's reelection campaign".  Rooney claims Holder of " actively working to enable voter fraud and allow illegal immigrants to cast votes in the State of Florida" Last week the Dept. of Justice informed the State of Florida that the large purge of registered voters ordered by Gov. Tick Scott was illegal and should be ended. The Justice Dept cited two reasons, Source; http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2012/05/31/493367/breaking-justic...   1. the process Florida is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, 2. It violated the National Voter Registration Act because of time involved.
 More incriminating facts like the reason the time was expended was caused by the Dept. of Homeland Security in Conjunction with the DOJ had stonewalled the State of Florida's request for information for 9 months and still counting. Source; http://www.votersopinion.com/?p=5236.

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Something just sent to me by Carl LaFong on this subject; 

The Department of Justice has ORDERED Florida NOT to remove non-citizens from the state's voter rolls.  Yes, you read that right  - and you can read more sordid details here and here.


Florida's Governor, Secretary of State, and Local Supervisors of Elections are now facing enormous pressure from the Federal government, so it is incredibly important that they hear from citizens across the country, encouraging them to stand strong.

We're asking you to join us, and patriot groups across Florida, as we work together to  FLOOD the GOV with emails of support! 

Every day this week, please send a short email to Florida's Governor and Secretary of State, in support of Free and Fair elections. When you write - tell personal stories. If you have witnessed voter fraud or seen issues in the polls, write about it. If you believe maintaining accurate voter rolls should be a priority, let them know. Always be cordial and polite -remember the media will be watching.

Because of Florida's "sunshine laws" on transparency, all elected officials' emails are public documents, so the MEDIA monitors these emails. Yes, the same media folk who are busily spinning a false narrative about Florida, demonizing them for daring to uphold election integrity and trying to sway public opinion against the state. These spinsters are closely monitoring the Governor's emails, along with the emails of the Secretary of State and Supervisors of Elections, to gauge public response is. Special interests and vote fraud deniers will be out in droves; we need to FLOOD the GOVernment with emails that offset the deluge of email being sent by these groups.


Our goal is for thousands of emails to reach the inboxes of Governor Scott and Secretary Detzner, supporting Florida and encouraging them to stand strong against the Feds.


Governor Rick Scott's email: 

Secretary of State Ken Detzner's email: secretaryofstate@dos.state.fl.us


-- send emails every day --
do not remain silent!


If our elections are not truly fair, we are not truly free....

 Thank You Carl for the heads up.




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