Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
US Patent# | Description
Filed | Issued |
US3014477 | Hypnotic Inducer (Mind Control Machine) | Carlin
1956 | 1961 |
US3060795 | Apparatus For Producing Visual Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via Movie Film) | Corrigan et al
1958 | 1962 |
US3278676 | Apparatus For Producing Visual and Auditory Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via TV) | Becker
1958 | 1966 |
US3393279 | Nervous System Excitation Device | Flanagan
1962 | 1968 |
US3563246 | Method and Apparatus For Improving Neural Performance In Human Subjects By Electrotherapy | Puharich
1967 | 1971 |
US3629521 | Hearing Systems (RF/Microwave) | Puharich
1970 | 1971 |
US3712292 | Method Of and Apparatus For Producing Swept Frequency Modulated Audio Signal Patterns For Inducing Sleep (Brain Frequencies Broadcast) | Zentmayer, Jr.
1971 | 1973 |
US3884218 | Method of Inducing and Maintaining Stages Of Sleep in the Human Being (FFR - Frequency Following Response Microwave) | Monroe
1970 | 1975 |
US3951134 | Apparatus and Method For Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves (RF/Electromagnetic Waves) | Malech
1974 | 1976 |
US4395600 | Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method (Subliminal Brainwash via Music or Other Sound) | Lundy
1980 | 1983 |
US4717343 | Method Of Changing A Person’s Behavior (Subconscious Brainwash via Video) | Densky
1986 | 1988 |
US4777529 | Auditory Subliminal Programming System (Silent Brainwash Via Music or Other Sound) | Schultz/Dolejs
1987 | 1988 |
US4834701 | Apparatus For Inducing Frequency Reduction In Brain Wave (FFR - Brain Frequencies Transmission) | Masaki
1985 | 1989 |
US4858612 | Hearing Device (Microwave Hearing) | Stocklin
1983 | 1989 |
US4877027 | Hearing System (Microwave Hearing via open air Broadcast) | Brunkan
1988 | 1989 |
US5159703 | Silent Subliminal Presentation System (aka Silent Sound - Microwave) | Lowery
1989 | 1992 |
US5356368 | Method Of and Apparatus For Inducing Desired States Of Consciousness (FFR/EEG Waveforms By Broadcast) | Monroe
1991 | 1994 |
US5774088 | Method and System For Warning Birds Of Hazards (Microwave Hearing) | Kreithen
1997 | 1998 |
US5889870 | Acoustic Heterodyne Device and Method (Ultrasound. Ventriloquist Effect.) | Norris
1996 | 1999 |
US6011991 | Communication System and Method Including Brain Wave Analysis and/or Use of Brain Activity (Remote Viewing) | Mardirossian
1998 | 2000 |
US6052336 | Apparatus and Method Of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound As A Carrier (Ultrasound) | Lowery
1998 | 2000 |
US6470214 | Method and device For Implementing The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing) | O’Loughlin/Loree
1992 | 2002 |
US6587729 | Apparatus For Audibly Communicating Speech Using The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing) | O’Loughlin/Loree
2002 | 2003 |
Tags: Embassy hit by sonic ray
This could be connected and some sort of further weponization of the basic vibratory spectrum. There are even some experiments for legitimate Medical purposes using the flicker rate of light both visible and invisible spectrums to alleviate forms of Alzheimers and Dementia symptoms. Wait until they get the idea to weaponize that research.
Look at what happen in Cuba to our Embassy. And know it just happened to our embassy in China. Seems it is all ready weaponized. At least to a small level.
I really can't comment or speculate on that one.
Most of this could explain or at least shine light on the geometrically increasing violence and serial shooters over the last 57 years.
More information was found in this article;
I wonder when the Ray Gun becomes a reality. It will replace pepper spray control unruly behavior. That will be the excuse to weaponize I bet.
New information and innovation from Japan
BMIとMKULTRA。ワシントン大学とカーネギーメロン大学の科学者がテトリスを一緒にゲームできるように3人の脳を接続w …
MKUltra with BMI. Scientists at the University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon Connect … The brains of three people to allow Tetris games together
BMI(ブレイン・マシン・インターフェイス)はCIAのMKULTRAプロジェクトだったんだ…w。BMIとMKULTRAプロジェクトかぁ。ALS患者、慶応大学医学部のBMIを使ったリハビリ、iPS細胞、「京」、ABC予想…2012年ごろ何が起きていたのかやっとわかったw。 …
The Brain Machine Interface (BMI) was a CIA MKUltra project, ...W. BMI and MKUltra project. ALS patients, rehabilitation using BMI of Keio University School of Medicine, IPs cells, "Kyo", ABC forecast... I finally understood what was happening around 2012 W. …
「テレパシーなテトリス:科学者が一緒にビデオゲームをする為に3人の脳を接続。」w 「参加者が操作を思うだけで互いに通信し全員一致でテトリスみたいなゲームをやった。」
"Telepathy Tetris: Scientists connect three brains to play video games together. "W" the participants communicated with each other just thinking about the operation and played a game like Tetris in all matches. 」
「我々の知る限り世界初の、複数の人間が協調して問題解決する為の脳と脳を直接接続できる非侵襲的なインターフェイス BrainNet を発表する。」 ワシントン大学とカーネギーメロン大学の共同チームが公開前のリリースに書いた。
"As far as we know, we are announcing a non-invasive interface brainnet that can directly connect the brain and brain to the world's first and multiple human beings working together to solve problems. The joint team at the University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon wrote the release before the public.
"The scientist team invented a human device that can play games with just thought. The technology is still childish, but there is a possibility of amazed in the application field. 」
【2つのデバイスを使って操作するBrainNetと呼ばれる3方向の脳神経接続は、2つの脳波図(ElectroEncephaloGrams/EEGs)が「送信者」の命令を経頭蓋磁気刺激(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation/TMS)を装着した「受信者」に転送する。】
A three-way cerebral nerve connection called brainnet, which is operated using two devices, has two EEG diagrams (Electroencephalograms/EEGs) with the "sender" 's instruction to cranial magnetic stimulation (transcranial Magnetic stimulation/TMS) is transferred to the "recipient". 】
【これらのデバイスを使って3人の参加者の思考の共有と、協調してテトリス型のビデオゲームを一緒に全員一致の(as one)プレイを可能にする。困難で挫折しそうなタスクだが技術はまだ開発中である。】
The sharing of thoughts of three participants with these devices, together with the Tetris-type video game to allow the unanimous (as one) play. The technology is still in development though it is a difficult, frustrating task. 】
I see. It becomes mad science like the Parrot Truth religion when STA is done. So, the University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon University published the MKUltra to do a little decent research w
BMIとMKULTRA。ワシントン大学とカーネギーメロン大学の科学者がテトリスを一緒にゲームできるように3人の脳を接続w …
MKUltra with BMI. Scientists at the University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon Connect … The brains of three people to allow Tetris games together
BMI(ブレイン・マシン・インターフェイス)はCIAのMKULTRAプロジェクトだったんだ…w。BMIとMKULTRAプロジェクトかぁ。ALS患者、慶応大学医学部のBMIを使ったリハビリ、iPS細胞、「京」、ABC予想…2012年ごろ何が起きていたのかやっとわかったw。 …
The Brain Machine Interface (BMI) was a CIA MKUltra project, ...W. BMI and MKUltra project. ALS patients, rehabilitation using BMI of Keio University School of Medicine, IPs cells, "Kyo", ABC forecast... I finally understood what was happening around 2012 W. …
「テレパシーなテトリス:科学者が一緒にビデオゲームをする為に3人の脳を接続。」w 「参加者が操作を思うだけで互いに通信し全員一致でテトリスみたいなゲームをやった。」
"Telepathy Tetris: Scientists connect three brains to play video games together. "W" the participants communicated with each other just thinking about the operation and played a game like Tetris in all matches. 」
「我々の知る限り世界初の、複数の人間が協調して問題解決する為の脳と脳を直接接続できる非侵襲的なインターフェイス BrainNet を発表する。」 ワシントン大学とカーネギーメロン大学の共同チームが公開前のリリースに書いた。
"As far as we know, we are announcing a non-invasive interface brainnet that can directly connect the brain and brain to the world's first and multiple human beings working together to solve problems. The joint team at the University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon wrote the release before the public.
"The scientist team invented a human device that can play games with just thought. The technology is still childish, but there is a possibility of amazed in the application field. 」
【2つのデバイスを使って操作するBrainNetと呼ばれる3方向の脳神経接続は、2つの脳波図(ElectroEncephaloGrams/EEGs)が「送信者」の命令を経頭蓋磁気刺激(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation/TMS)を装着した「受信者」に転送する。】
A three-way cerebral nerve connection called brainnet, which is operated using two devices, has two EEG diagrams (Electroencephalograms/EEGs) with the "sender" 's instruction to cranial magnetic stimulation (transcranial Magnetic stimulation/TMS) is transferred to the "recipient". 】
【これらのデバイスを使って3人の参加者の思考の共有と、協調してテトリス型のビデオゲームを一緒に全員一致の(as one)プレイを可能にする。困難で挫折しそうなタスクだが技術はまだ開発中である。】
The sharing of thoughts of three participants with these devices, together with the Tetris-type video game to allow the unanimous (as one) play. The technology is still in development though it is a difficult, frustrating task. 】
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