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Has Trump awakened Nixon's "Silent Majority" or the "Reagan Democrat"

The Gallup poll. December, 1979.

President Jimmy Carter — 60%. Former California Governor Ronald Reagan — 36%. So confident was Carter White House Chief of Staff Hamilton Jordan of the coming year’s presidential election that he boasted: “The American people are not going to elect a seventy-year-old, right-wing, ex-movie actor to be president.” Hamilton Jordan was a smart guy — and he was also wildly wrong. A little less than a year later the American people — ignoring that Gallup poll — elected Ronald Reagan to the presidency in a landslide — in a three-way race. Reagan won 50.8% of the vote to Carter’s 41%. Third party candidate John Anderson, a liberal Republican who had been defeated by Reagan in the GOP primaries, won a mere 6.6% of the vote. Reagan carried 44 states to Carter’s six plus the District of Columbia.

What happened? How could Reagan go from losing a Gallup poll to Carter by 24 points — then winning the actual election by almost 10 points? Answer? The emergence of what would become known to political history as “the Reagan Democrats.” Who were they? Blue collar, working class, largely Catholic and ethnic, they originally emerged in Richard Nixon’s 1968 and 1972 elections. In which Nixon referred to them as the “Silent Majority.” In 1980, angered by Carter’s handling of the economy, the feckless handling of the Iran hostage crisis, and the left-wing tilt of the Democrats, these voters — many of whom had voted for John F. Kennedy twenty years earlier — returned with a vengeance. Famously, Macomb County, Michigan, which cast 63% of its vote for JFK in 1960, turned around in 1980 and voted 66% for Reagan.

On Tuesday night of this week, Donald Trump appeared in Birch Run, Michigan in Saginaw County. Here’s the headline from the Detroit Free Press:

A lovefest for Donald Trump in Birch Run

The story begins:

BIRCH RUN, Mich. — Addressing about 2,000 very enthusiastic people at the Birch Run Expo Center, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump touched on everything from immigration, China, the military, Obamacare and his Republican opponents.

The crowd, some coming from outside of Michigan, ate it up, giving him frequent standing ovations and breaking into chants of “Trump, Trump, Trump!” and “U.S.A, U.S.A.”

The obvious question. Are Reagan Democrats returning to the center of the American political scene — this time known as Trump Democrats?

A new CNN poll in Iowa has some very revealing stats. The poll notes:

Donald Trump has a significant lead in the race to win over likely Iowa caucus-goers, according to the first CNN/ORC poll in the state this cycle. Overall, Trump tops the field with 22% and is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism. He’s most cited as the one with the best chance of winning the general election, and, by a wide margin, as the candidate most likely to change the way things work in Washington.

The poll targets Republicans only. But as in 1980 with Reagan, it doesn’t take much imagination to think that Trump’s overwhelming lead in categories like those with less than a college education or those earning less than $50,000 bodes well for his ability to win Democratic votes in considerable numbers.

A curiosity here is the reaction of Trump opponent Senator Rand Paul, who seems in his wrath at Trump to be channeling the late GOP Establishment champion President Gerald Ford. Headlines the Washington Post of a new Paul commercial attacking Trump:

New Rand Paul video basically calls Donald Trump a closet Democrat 

The Post reports:

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s presidential campaign on Wednesday released an aggressive attack video questioning business mogul Donald Trump’s conservative bona fides.

“I probably identify more as a Democrat,” Trump is shown saying in the video. “I’ve been around for a long time, and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” The words imposed on the screen as Trump speaks: “I … IDENTIFY MORE AS A DEMOCRAT.” [The all-caps are all theirs.]

Hmmm. Compare the Paul attack with this story about the 1976 GOP primary campaign in Texas between Ronald Reagan and then-President Ford. Records Reagan biographer Steven F. Hayward in the first volume of his book The Age of Reagan: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order: 1964-1980:

During the Texas campaign Reagan began using a signature line in his appeal for crossover votes: “I was a Democrat most of my life.” Ford and the Republican Establishment professed outrage. Imagine! Seeking Democratic votes! (As if a Republican could win the White House without Democratic votes.)… The idea of “Reagan Democrats” had not yet entered the political lexicon.

Just as Trump is now seen on tape saying he was a Democrat, so too was Reagan cited for the same issue. In fact, as heard here in this YouTube audio tape, there is Reagan captured singing the praises of Harry Truman in a 1948 speech endorsing Truman and also then-Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey who was running for the U.S. Senate — and would later become the 1968 Democratic nominee for president. Listening to the tape of Reagan and he sounds like nothing more than a late forties version of Barack Obama — railing against corporations and Republicans.

One is flummoxed that Senator Paul — as reported in the Los Angeles Times — was not long ago demanding that the GOP reach out to minorities — aka Democrats. Headlined the Times:


Rand Paul in Irvine says Republicans must broaden appeal to minorities

The story drove the point home:

As he traveled through Southern California on a two-day trip, Republican Sen. Rand Paul called on his party Friday to widen its outreach to minority voters, whom he said will help propel the party to victories nationwide.…

“People want know how we're going to win?” he said. “We're going to have to be different. We're going to have to be the new GOP.”…

In a brief interview with The Times before his speech, Paul, who has labeled himself a “different kind of Republican,” said his message of party outreach to minorities has resonated.…

“I don't care if it’s in an all-white evangelical church or all-Republican gathering, people need to hear it,” he said. “I’m a believer that for the Republican Party to grow, we need to be a broader, more diverse party.”

Amazing, no? On the one hand Senator Paul is demanding outreach to become a “broader, more diverse party.” When Trump does just that — like the 1976 Ford campaign and GOP Establishment suddenly Paul recoils, professing outrage at Trump’s background as a Democrat — precisely the same charge hurled at Reagan by Ford.

You can’t make this stuff up.

There is a long, long way to go in this campaign. But one suspects that Donald Trump — as was true in that blue collar, auto-making state of Michigan the other night — is in the process of demonstrating just what Ronald Reagan once demonstrated to great effect.

Namely? Namely that having once been a Democrat is in fact nothing but an asset for a potential Republican nominee for president. The kind of asset that produces landslide Republican victories.



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OH that`s right Benghazi was a protest of a video, and all those heads rolling around were just some kind of operation that went wrong or something like that. The Paris masacure was probably a batch of bad drugs or brown acid they got a hold of. Yea , and if only that jewish fellow in California kept his mouth closed Let me ask you. How many died in the hostage crisis ? It is one thing to have an opinion. It is another to attack other opinions with such leftist type bull. If your looking to prove yourself to be a donkey then fine ,I will not save you...SO CARRY ON OLE WISE ONE.

man DV ...kevin seems very angry with you to the point he mumbling gibberish

either that or hes trying to change the topic ...AGAIN...

thought we were talking about carter/iran and the dbl standard of trumps wanting to IGNORE existing law that he could use if he were POTUS to solve the problem instead he wants to play the dictator role and ban an entire religion from the country..

The political class talks down to We The People through the media, they say they feel our pain. Just wish they would own up to causing it. This election is going to be epic because of Trump waking up the silent majority. Going to be fun for the faithful conservative and tears will be dealt to the Washington elite in both parties. LOL

Just made my first effort ever to get my thoughts on the O'Reilly show on FOX.

Here is what I sent:

Trump is not my first choice Bill but I plan to vote for him anyway. He has awakened Nixon's silent majority or the Reagan democrat. Today I read the title nonvoter regardless of the name like Reagan the wave is coming.



As the elite have turned to Rubio as their candidate of choice many are starting to look at his organization on the ground in early states. What they see they don't like. it appears Rubio was running for the VP spot not president so his ground game is way behind the others like Trump and Cruz. Early state performance is key and Rubio does not appear set to challenge the two front runners. Even worse is Christie who just jumped to number two in the first in the nation state of New Hampshire.

Bush as the ground game but no voter support will the RNC try to get Bush to drop early and use his ground game to support Rubio or Christie after the first few states. The only thing for sure at the moment, with Rubios national numbers falling Bush sucking wind and Christie failing every where but NH. The RNC has a road of tears to overcome. 


The Edge: Trump gets 25 times more media mentions than GOP field combined

Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump smiles as he has his photograph taken with supporters after being endorsed at a regional police union meeting in Portsmouth, N.H., Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump smiles as he has his photograph taken with supporters after being endorsed at a regional police union meeting in Portsmouth, N.H., Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)


Just how much is the news media shaping the GOP primary race? In the past three days, Donald Trump’s name has been mentioned 25 times more than the rest of the Republican field combined.

The data gurus at The New Analytics Company measure “scrub” television, radio, print, internet and social media for mentions of the 2016 candidates to produce scores for each candidate that we bring you each week in The Edge.

But given this week’s absolute media meltdown over Donald Trump’s plan to refuse entry to the United States any Muslim from any country, there’s really no comparison.

So here’s a slightly different, ahem, angle on The Edge: On Monday, the day before he proposed the religious test for entry, there were 19,355 unique mentions of Trump across all media in the U.S. Way more than his rivals, but within a measurable range.

read more 



Appearing on Comedy Central Program, Mark Cuban Says What He Really Thinks About Donald Trump

“He’s like that guy who is going into a bar and he’ll say whatever it will take to get laid,” Cuban said. “Only in this case he’s not trying to f*** some girl, he’s trying to f*** the country.”


Who is this person and why the hell does this even matter?

After a bizard of attacks from the media and the elite in both parties we see a change in the headlines.
"To Democrats, Donald Trump Is No Longer a Laughing Matter"
Why the change you ask, they have come to the realization that Trump has taped a nerve with the American people. As a result they know they must find a serious way to defeat Trump. and at the moment we are seeing the beginning of a new attack. SE Coupe just hit with an article about "The No nothing Voter" I saw Friday an article about the nonvoter.
To the elite if your pro-Trump there is something wrong with you, in my view if you are pro-elite who keep selling us out there is something wrong with you. Clinton late this week started taking Trump seriously instead of laughing him off. Why you ask? Because he has started making strong headway in to the minority vote and a democrat cant win without a very large percentage of that vote.
The war is not over and as Cruz rises in the polls the guns are now aimed at him as well and they are doing everything they can to foster a war between Trump and Cruz hoping they will damage each other. Trump has reacted with several campaign speeches that are disparaging to Cruz but Cruz's response was to accuse the media of trying to push the two into a cage match and told them forget it.
Lets hope Trump does not fall pray to the media's desire, at the same time the attacks will continue and as I expect Trumps numbers will just continue to rise if our two front runners don't fall pray to the desires of the elite.  

The media is still very interested in having Trump as the republican nominee, he provides substantial revenue for the media and he still shows no real threat to overtake Hillary in the general. They have the best of both worlds. If the media and the democrats didn't want him in the race, all they would have to do is go silent on Trump in the media. Don't cover one word what he says. Without the media, he's silent and he makes no news. In order for him to get any action on the national stage, he would have to pay for the time on his own. That would take 10"s of millions of dollars every week and he is not prepared to spend that money. Yes, the media and the democrats are content with helping him get the nomination because it is still working to their favor.

At this point we continue to see constant expectations of Trumps demise, I actually fear this event if it takes place. You see this new move right by many democrats is based on the expectation that Trump will do whats right not whats political. This has awakened the silent majority and at the moment is busting a hole in the DNC's lock on the black vote. 

I am and will support a Trump Cruz ticket and hope American conservatives do not fall pray to the medias assertion that a Trump nomination means death to the party. It only means death to the Rino not the party.

God bless, and marry Christmas.  

At the very least you support a candidate legally able to hold the office.

At least your choice is more truly well known, warts and all, over a span of decades than the rest combined.

At least your choice is rational, if flawed.

How we got to this point is exactly why things will continue in that direction.

Let us hope God blesses us with reason, but then He has already presented the clear choice to attain it.

Largely it is as it always has been rejected, our history recent and distant provides the answer.




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