We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

 Item from America Conservative2conservative;

( suggested by Debbie )

We stop protesting in the streets and leave those left wing thugs and
whatever the others are out there are by themselves, that way the
destruction they do will all be on them and them alone.....
At our rallies, we get the proper permits and request adequate security to
allow us to hold our rally and leave at the end in a peaceful none
confrontational way.....
We do our protesting by using modern technology here on this blog and
everyone we have access to ....
By taking the high road we leave the haters to wallow in their own hatred
alone and unopposed ...
We just keep posting the truth right up to the midterm election and give
our party a major majority that will make the American Hating Democrats
left with no control over our lives ......

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M..That sounds like a very solid idea. The right groups have gotten permits. The deep state element is real. To expose it would be the cats butt...Much is coming to light of day. The truth is being seen by more and more...If we do what you say and keep the pathway for the truth to shine through clear of the fake news. We should be able to absolutely dominate the election in 2018...I am all in with you.I hope others will join us . We need a membership drive to get more people involved with the information civil war. Let the Anarchists show themselves for what they truly are..They have already crossed the line. The fake news has their backs and they know it. Trump said both sides were wrong .And that was the Truth. He got attacked by the PC police of the left wing media. The establishment RINO`s  leadership took the bait of the PC crowd to help make Trump look bad.They have exposed themselves again and WE need to point it out..We have many Patriots who are hunkered down ,ready to follow the Leaders of the liberty movement. From Bannon to Gorka , they are getting positioned for the 2018 battle. Even Sheriff Clark has now gone all in by resigning from Sheriff`s job.Any one like myself who is fully engaged in info. gathering knows what the truth of it is . Many do not engage as much still see the right and wrong of it. By knowing as I do. I can see the who, what ,where and how of it. I do what i do to make it easy for people to see what I see. I can not put it all up because I do not want to Flood the zone with True things of the issue. M has a great idea . We need to get it going. Invite people to join this site.




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