We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Must Be Stopped, History Repeating Itself on Acid

Copied from "Creeping Sharia" (to see continuation, go to "Creeping Sharia"

breuil1 commented on The Mufti, Hitler and the Palestinians: The Facts.

in response to creeping:

The father of the modern Palestinian movement and his role in the Final Solution. via The Mufti, Hitler and the Palestinians: The Facts | Frontpage Mag The following article is excerpted from a paper delivered at an Israeli Knesset Forum on Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2012. The titular leader of the Palestinian Arab community in the […]

The slow infiltration of Islamic ideology is progressing very well. Little by little our freedoms are taken away to be replaced with their ideologies and sharia Law. The fact alone that we allowed one politician to be sworn in with his hand on the koran is almost reasons enough to assume that we have past something of no return. Using their writings in the form of a book called koran which advocates deaths and destruction of any one believing in the Judeo Christian values this country was founded on, makes this an unbelievable reality. How far have we allowed this country to sink into the sewer of their believes and practices that is openly known as being a foothold. Nazism which was nothing different than a form of National Socialism has been replaced by a movement which could grow into another form of government practicing atrocities far worse than the nazis ever laid upon the world during their grow into power. Again, allowing a muslim to be elected and then sworn in using the koran is a clear indication that eradication may not be possible but it is no excuse failing the attempts that a cure may be possible. Allowing their heinous rules and practices to even exists is a danger all by itself as it in reality practices to overthrow our form of government. That this crime is openly being ignored by our government is an indication of their growth and their strength.

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Crime????  HHHmmm as well as our Constitution,and Bill of Rights

Puppet in pix peering into microscope is/was pretty-boy front man -- qualified, as he passed 'Teleprompter l 0 l ' ! Please tell me you think there's a chance that, puppet or not, he'll be tried for Treason, and Crimes Against WE THE PEOPLE, Crimes Against Humanity, Violations of various USA Treaties, as well as Our Republic's Allies?!?!


This "reply" was posted by Rick Pezzner on G+ (I almost never go there and did not do so willingly today either; however, photo in post above seems to also be posted there, which is where my PC thought I should be (no, I don't believe that; some computer glitch, but a happy one, which prompted me to extend an invitation to gentleman posting comment, as well as friends & followers of like-mind, American Patriots, to come on and check out and join wtpusa!

Jeeezzzzzz, like the lottery, 'Hey, Ya Nvr Know!"!

"rick pezzner
Oct 30, 2015
A5 I wanted a solution to stop the American Government and Political Network that turned on Americans and Side steps constitutional laws crushing the American people and America's Global allies. Voters have been and are still in Control. All US states govern themselves independent of each other and their voters can vote for changes in their State. 

This White House has become a Dark House and has side stepped your rights nationalizing Your freedoms and liberty trying to force Americans into more financial hardships and to pay for All the Governments wants and their expectations leaving You with their Debt and in danger. 

This is the antidote COS

Seriously find your area's District Captain. If you have a problem contact me. I'm the current District Captain for Redmond, Kirkland, Bellevue and Woodinville WA.

Thank you, Mark Levin and Landmark Legal!

The Founding Fathers of Your Country delivered Your rights in Article-5 of the U. S. Constitution. Reclaim your Rights and Control Today!..."   (Quotation marks added by me!)




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