We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

How concerned are you with the Islamic invasion to the USA?

I was asked this question by a founding member of another group, and I guess you could say it just ate at me. This might just make them to rethink inviting me, and ban me for ever, but I don't care. Let the facts speak for them selves.

I am very concerned with the Islamic invasion to the point that I'd like to declare a HOT war against them, but there is not enough unified support among our people to do this in an efficient manor. But in the mean time we need to challenge every action that gives them any form of rights. Why? It is their goal to eliminate Jews, Christians, and the Constitution. As an example they are pulling the teaching of our Lord from public schools, and demanding the Islamic life be taught. They are eliminating Christian Holidays, but allowing Islamic Holidays, actually they are not just allowing these unholy holidays, they are demanding them.

I have a vast library on theology from every nation in the world, and the Quran is the only one that promotes violence, rape, disrespect toward women, and the destruction and death of any one or any thing Christian.

Americans are so ignorant of history that it sends me into fits of rage. During the Crusades, the Muslims murdered men, women, and Children in their invasion of Europe. We owe a lot to the King of England, his Knights, and those of other nations that join them that literally saved the world.

Christian and Jews have never condemned or other wise tried to harm anyone. Even during the Holocaust, the Jews did what they were told by the Nazi Party and followed the teaching of God. Islamic followers are strictly male, and have an unholy and undeniable thirst for power. Any one who has researched serial killers and arsonists like I have will understand that there is a certain euphoria that comes each time they utilize their control over others.

Now many will say that the United States has harm millions, but let the facts be know. The United States has never invaded any nation for any reason other than to free them from oppression! The United States has always been the one to volunteer and save other nations being invaded by force of evil.

Many have also attempted to promote the idea that America was evil when it dropped the Atomic Bombs on Japan. Again let the facts be known. If the United States had launched an attack on Japan as they did in Europe, millions of Americans AND Japanese citizens would have died. By dropping the Atomic Bombs, the United States saved the lives of millions of Japanese citizens!

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It appears that you walked into my common sense and scripted your entire post from my brain. I couldn't have said it better. You my friend are a true and honest Patriot. Let it be known that there are many more just like you and I who hold these same ideas, reasonings and opinions. We get our morals and character from the one true and living God. The Islamic manics like soetoro/obama and his criminal minded associates will not defeat us and our nation.

God Bless and keep you my friend.


Latino Converts To Islam Procession In Brooklyn, New York

I am very concered with the Islamic invasion of the US and the US State Department is allowing thousands more Palestinians into our country! This is another example of the "Political Asylum" provisions of the immigration laws being used just to, Click Underlined Link:

Allow More immigrants Into Our Country

The Palestinians won't be happy living here and will start organising other immigrants against Americans.
I guess I am bless to have lived in Michigan a few years and have witnessed Muslims take over as much as 100% of the liquor and party stores in many small towns and villages, or how they suddenly speak their native tongue when an American walks in. And of course the hilarious results of them insulting a monster of a man and this country who they had no idea was a former Navy Seal who spoke their language. Let me tell you, they were sorry they ever came to this country. And by the way, the police refused to arrest him after witnesses told them what happened.

Do you know the first thing Muslims do when they take over a store of any kind? They brick up most if not all the windows, and install bullet proof plastic in front of the cash register. Then they drop their food inventory by about 50%, and replace it with beer, liquor, wine, and porn. That's right good ol porn, and this from such a self proclaimed holy god fearing faith.

Oh, and then there were the Muslims in Dearborn Michigan who had embezzled millions of dollars of food stamp funds and then funneled it to al-queda. It is now an established fact that many Muslims came to this country just so they could generate funds to fight their holy war. Until Obama was elected, the Feds had a pretty good grip on it, we are now loosing that grip and they are getting away with murder. Did you hear the one about the Muslim Peace Activist that murder his wife because she LOOKED at a white American? He pleaded not guilty by religious rights.

Tell you what, maybe the majority of the members here needs to take a drive through South Eastern Michigan and see first hand what the Muslims are doing to this nation. I know most will not believe me unless you see it. I-94. US 23, and I-75 are major routes into Michigan. Get out the map, fill the car with gas, and hit the road. Then come back here and give me the names and telephone numbers of the Muslims you met in Michigan that were willing to die for you!. Here is some links, check them on a regular basis:

Ch 4 News

Detroit Free Press

The Detroit News

Mich. Has Largest U.S. Muslim Population

I'm here to tell you, I've been there, done that, seen that, and am here to tell you what I saw!
Both, Islam and Christianity have committed atrocities in the name of religion. Muslims, in about every century since Mo came off the hill with his "prophecy" and Christianity hit and miss through the ages; mostly the Crusades and such. However, there are some huge differences in the two. The main difference is the genesis of the imperative of violence. In Islam the instruction to kill the infidels is right there in black and white; straight from crazy Mo himself. "Christian" atrocities are quite different. First, no where in the Bible does it instruct the reader to kill anyone; to the contrary, it teaches love and free will. The genesis of "Christian" atrocities was from man; Popes and other "men of the cloth" who claimed a higher connection to God. Keep in mind, before King James, the masses did not have free access to scripture and they just followed what the Pope or their priest called upon them to do. Men were wielding the power of the fear of God. These men who ordered murder in order to spread salvation were no better than Crazy Mo; same skin different snake.

Fortunately, at least since Martin Luther, Christianity has not put its faith in a man or a church; that is reserved for God through the Word. Islam still has its faith in the man that ordered them to kill the infidels and they still execute that order to this day. Islam is not a religion it is a cult of death. Their text is a loose paraphrase of the Old Testament with a big bag of nut job mixed in. Any religion that demands slavery and death should not be considered a religion.. Islam should not be considered a religion. It is a cult of slavery, and death. What if a "modern day saint" proclaimed a similar philosophy as crazy Mo? Religion of Cult? "Make no laws establishing religion." Is it one?
Exactly, Islam is & should be considered a threat, and a violent one at that because that's exactly what it is. It's a threat to America, as well as individual Americans. There is no such thing as a peaceful muslim...




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