I found this article and It made me think;
Speaking about the inflation problem, has anyone else noticed how it specifically seems to follow the trend that the globalists wanted to impose on the world at large. The meat prices are what gates wanted to become so expensive everyone would have to eat his manufactured and doctored meats?
There are other items that fit into the globalist wish list. There seems to be an invisible hand in the overall way we live, to insure everything comes together to inexorably move people to the NWO/Globalist agendas for the future. Including making over 6 billion people die off. Removing that many people, even the idea to remove that many people can be considered Satanic.
I believe the reason behind our decline, and it's dividing us so deeply in present day society, is by and large that most people have lost their faith in God. Even the people who still believe have lessened their expectations and basic beliefs. If we continue on with this trend, we will be responsible for the total destruction of society as we know it.
What is being spoon fed to, and forced on us, is our own belief system of a society following the intent of the Ten Commandments, as the moral basis for a workable society.
Our traditional beliefs about love, hate, compassion, morality, integrity, and helping, have been distorted to the point of reversing their intent, so the false definitions could be used to usher in a toxic unworkable society that would destroy any good. It would devolve society into a barberic existance like the Roman Empire at it's worst. With todays weapons of mass destruction, could wipe out humanity globally.
To prevent this, we need to bring America and the rest of the world back to the traditional time tested societal morals of behavior, belief in God, and obediance to the general rules he handed down in thje Ten Commandments.
We must reject the perverted agendas that were imposed on us through bastardizing our traditional beliefs. This is being done by the small perverted elite minority having the political/financial power to create the sociopolitical trends world wide. Trends they want to impose for their own twisted reasons, perversions, and financial benefits.