We The People USA

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There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton is suffering from some illness, in addition to her mental illness, and it isn't an allergic reaction to hearing Donald Trump's voice as she claims. There are also questions about the identity and purpose of the black man who pops out of nowhere when hillary has one of her "episodes" (http://www.wnd.com/2016/09/nbc-news-hammered-for-reporting-hillarys...).   I have terrible allergy problems but don't suffer from any of the symptoms she does.  My eyes water and itch, and I often suffer from a runny or stuffy nose but I do not go into coughing fits nor do I have to have help standing or walking, and I suffered a crippling stroke 2 years ago.  Hillary obviously has some kind of severe health problem but the liar in chief and her minions, nor the lapdog media, will ever admit there is anything wrong because she is determined to put the final nail in the coffin of liberty in this nation.  Hillary is even more evil than the satan worshipping barak obama, an ineligible,  moslem non-citizen who is doing all he can to turn the U S A into a 3rd world islamic toilet.

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I applaud your ability to Tamp down your disdain for these cretins. What you're seeing is a last-ditch effort by Bill Clinton to seize power again. He doesn't care if she dies. He'll prop her up on his lap like a ventriloquist dummy. My theory is after every 500 lies she has a coughing spell.

you may be right about the rapist-in-chief but I still don't believe Osama is going to allow the election to take place.  some say he can't stop it but he can, and likely will because he thinks he is a king and wants to remain so.  I believe he will use a race riot by his pals in the certain black lives matter gang or a terrorist attack by his pals in the Islamic terror community he is importing as an excuse to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, dissolve Congress, declare himself ruler for life, and come after all of us peaceful conservative gun owners with his army of bureaukrats that are armed with hundreds of thousands of tax dollar financed full automatic rifles and trillions of hollow point bullets. If hitlery had a coughing spell after every 500 lies she would have them more often.  more likely every 1,000 or more lies.

I think they will pull something like a nuclear bomb attack or another fake economic crisis. I put nothing past them. They have the union controlled media to enforce their lies. The media must be the first thing we attack.

no evil those spawns of satan will do would surprise me.




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