We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; http://www.articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/the-tradesman.html

reprinted with permission from the author;

How we got here. How we get back.

To Know how to solve the current dilemma we are faced with, we first need to know how we got to this point to know how to get back. I would say the paradigm shift started with Woodrow Wilson either wholeheartedly embracing an agenda that was forbidden by the Constitution and allowing the world moneyed powers to gain control of America's financial system to control what America would do. Or, He was duped into accepting the new monetary system that was wrested from America's Congressional control by those moneyed powers.

That was the start of America's descent into a contrived Socialistic Oriented Nation, quietly and slowly, so the people and the uncorrupted politicians would not fight against it and turn the deception around to end it. The next trick that I believe was perpetrated on the American People was the contrived Great Depression that was actually played out world wide to support the coming world war for profit, by the leading banking interests doing the same thing they did in the Napoleonic Wars, by backing both sides to make an obscene profit. Remind me later to do a piece on what money actually is and how it came into being to supplant the barter system, replacing actual tangible Wealth codified in tangible goods and foodstuffs with 'money' as the exchange medium that destroys the tangible wealth of of those durable goods.

We come next to the alleged great savior of the American Poor, FDR. FDR started the active road to socialism in America by way of initiating his many bureaucratic programs. Programs that were actually needed because of the prior stripping of actual wealth and jobs, leaving over 28% of Americans destitute and starving. Granted the programs did actually save lives, but they were secretly geared to condition young American Males to work together like they would have to do as an army. Take the Civilian Conservation Corps. It was deliberately designed along the lines of a military boot camp and base using the same types of command structure that the military uses. The men were inducted, trained to work as a team, without questioning the orders from their superiors, to complete the tasks assigned to them. The carrot was they were fed, clothed, and housed better than they had been for years before they became CCC.

World War two shifted the paradigm once again and turned the Republic into a fledgling Democracy. Even then the powers that be were calling America the Arsenal of Democracy, and it stuck in the minds and hearts of the American people. the Baby Boomer Parents Generation had totally forgotten that America was a Democratic REPUBLIC, and that it was supposed to be constrained by a written Constitution that defined what could and what could not be done by the government, or that any systemic change had to be decided by the people themselves. The Elitist/Globalist/Socialist Faction duped our Fathers generation into a self destructive curve creating a fledgling democracy out of a tried and true Republic.

After the war, the powers that be decided to blindside the Americans of the "Greatest Generation" and turn them into conquering hero greedy consumers who felt entitled. Unfortunately the baby boom generation of their progeny has been manipulated since they were born, to serve the Global Elite NWO Masters, and to be the ones who had to pay for the benefits their parents were given. The Boomers themselves most likely they won't get those same promised benefits due to the inherent greed of the elected politician class. After WWII, the powers that be who had managed to pursue a major profit from providing war materials, and the world bankers who had bankrolled both sides once again for extended profit to the extreme point that President Eisenhower cautioned the american people unsuccessfully that he left us with a tremendous Military-Industrial complex.

That complex is now known as Crony and/or State Capitalism. As we move closer to out time frame, we can see an increase in Socialistic incursions into our body politic. For Instance, take what LBJ did to create what he called "The Great Society" that catered to the slackers and the actual needy without discriminating against the able bodied who wanted a free ride, and bought/sold their votes to get it.

Move ahead through the Clinton and Reagan years in juxtaposition. Enter the first incompetent pseudo conservative and probable clandestine NWO supporter G.W. Bush and how he was manipulated by an ever stronger left leaning power structure in Congress.

Finally we have the penultimate Socialist reformer Obama who wants to "Transform America" but does not say into what.  Why does an American President want to use Czars and ignore Congress to enact his presidential agendas sans Legislative Enactment? I am surprised that he didn't call them Commissars. These are the things and actions that have brought us to the brink, and it's up to us alone in this generation to decide if we want to go over it, or to fight back and move away from it. We must find an effective way to restore our Constitutional powers back to the people if we want to survive as a Free nation dedicated to personal Liberty tempered by personal responsibility.

The proposed 28th Amendment could become a major return to the Constitutional republic, but it's weakness is; it would only have a chance of being proposed in an Article V Amendment Convention, because those in power would never propose something that would ultimately take their stolen power away and give it back to the people they stole it from.

These are my thoughts

The Tradesman 

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