We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; http://articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/editorials-ii.html 

From; The Tradesman

Here is something from someone we have not heard from in a long time.

I have been silent for too long. 
The Tradesman:
Something I found on Twitter;
· 3h
#VIRGINIA...... “YOU JUST MADE ME A FELON!” Virginia House passes Ban on AR-15 style rifles, Suppressors & High Capacity Magazines... AND all hell breaks loose as law enforcement forces Americans out onto the street as their anger erupts
Below is one response to that twitter post, but added to, and paraphrased by me with my apologies to the original poster;
All across America, Law abiding Americans are under a vicious attack by, "oligarchic elitist puppet masters", through the political machinations of the Democratic Party. They are using Legislative and Propaganda means, via the Controlled Media to destroy us and the Constitution. If we don't get rid of them in Nov. we will lose America to Lying Socialists Elitists, who do not have Americas best interests at heart. In fact they have no American interests at heart, only their own personal interests and aggrandizement.
This ATTACK is not just happening in Virginia. It is happening in EVERY Democratic/Socialist Controlled State in the Union. To effectively start fighting back against this aggression, we can begin by starting a mass letter & postcard campaign which will 'START THE FIGHT' against the Elitists in power. It will have the added benefit of uniting political opposition, and bolstering those in power who are set against them. Unfortunately it will only be a START, and that start needs to include All the various factions and political groups who disagree with the agendas of the Democrats.
The Letters and Postcards must detail the disgust loyal law abiding Americans have for the tactics and outright corruption sponsored by the D's. In fact they need to outright condemn them. We need to use the truth against them and their "Illusion of Truth" Propaganda they want us to believe just because it is repeated over and over. That is exactly how that Propaganda works. It starts with a lie, added to that is a small truth everyone will recognize, and repeat many many times. After enough repetitions, the people associate the lie with truth in their minds. The Democrats and their hidden Masters are extremely proficient at that method of bluffing the public.
These are the same tactics and lies that the original Fascists in Italy and Germany used to suppress the outrage of honorable citizens, to be able to set up their bloody regimes. Regimes which were responsible for between 70 & 85 Million deaths. DO WE WANT THAT TO HAPPEN HERE BECAUSE OF THE DEMOCRATS? I don't think so. Rest assured, it will happen if we don't curtail the Democrats political power until they come to their senses and publicly refute their hidden masters.
All honorable Americans, no matter what their personal politics, need to band together to stop the current Elitist Democratic/Socialists, and their hidden Puppet Masters, from ever repeating what happened in WW II when Germany and Italy succumbed to the siren song of Socialism. We need to VOTE AGAINST EVERY DEMOCRAT in every Election until either their political power is forever broken, or the rational Americans who believe in our Republic, and the original Democratic Party Principles encompassed within the Constitution, change that party back to a Loyal American Party.
If we as Americans wish to preserve the Republic, and all that it stands for, we must act now to eliminate this serious threat to the Constitution and to our Liberty and Freedom.
The Tradesman

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Source; https://dailycaller.com/2020/02/12/virginia-passes-license-bill-for-aliens/

 Here is the latest addition to Virginia's intolerable abuse of political power. 

Virginia Lawmakers Vote To Allow Illegal Aliens To Obtain Driver’s Licenses. Once again Virginia is in the spotlight, and is the poster child for Democratic Party Abuses of power & trust given them by the people. THEY WILL FORCE THEIR AGENDAS ON US EVERY TIME UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW!

How much longer will the people of America allow the Democrats to Defy the Constitution and the will of the American People? How much longer will the American People sit back and be force fed the blighted agendas the Democrats want to foist on us, at the direction of hidden Puppet Masters working for the initiation of the New World Order? How long will they sit back hoping to not be enslaved by people they once trusted to protect and Defend America instead of working for it's collapse? When will the people wise up and Destroy the Democratic Party as it now has become?

This showcases what Democrat Dominated States are fast becoming as the rule not the exception;




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