We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

In the Spirit of Thomas Paine I submit this for your approval

Unfortunately the author is unknown.I think it was the Tradesman but I am not sure, and if I'm wrong I apologise to the person who wrote it.  I for one would like to know whomever it is.

In the Spirit of Thomas Paine 
A great man once said "A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in deference to custom. But the tumult soon subsides, time makes more converts than reason."
That man was the Patriot Thomas Paine, written in the introduction to the Revolutionary Pamphlet "Common Sense". Thomas Paine and Common Sense  inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from England in 1775-76. Today we are faced with similar circumstances, not from England, but from the same elitist attitudes that prevailed in our Founding Father's Generation. It is the selfsame arrogance that always finds a home in the hearts of men and women who seek the role of leadership in a society.
In the time of Thomas Paine you will remember that there was a faction that wanted to make George Washington a King so that they could become the Kings Court? Even in the bright light of new and hard fought for independence they could not escape the mentality of hierarchy.  Now 2centuries past that war for independence, the good people of this Great Nation are grievously being oppressed by the leading political self-anointed factions.  Politicians who believe they have undoubted privilege, position, and place that supplants the merits of the common citizen, and whose superior vision and intelligence supplants 'common sense'.
The unique AMERICAN experiment, one of free people, self- governing under a Constitutional design of balanced and co-equal branches began a standard that would become the epitome of the free ideal. The idea of true republican style government has been, in every measure the example to strive for among the oppressed of mankind. Too bad our corrupt leaders don't remember their history and see it that way.
Present self-serving conditions prevail and are attacking the once known universal principle, all leaders must adhere to, in every determination, and respect the necessities and the ratified compact of a freedom loving people. For far too long a time now, the oppressors have usurped their rightful powers and laid waste to that Constitution.  The ruling elite desolate our Country and scatter it's resources having declared war on our 'natural rights', nay the God given rights of all mankind.
The direction that our Country is going must be corrected. That will only be accomplished when it becomes the concern of every man, woman, and child; to whom God, or to use the Founder's term 'Nature's God' has entitled to them.  The Creator endowed each of us with the power of feeling, a deep burning desire, to strive for the most perfect condition of self-determination we can create, with responsible strictures equally and fairly applied, devoid of oppression and rich with independent thoughts and actions geared toward Freedom to pursue their happiness.
America was founded with a belief in the Doctrine of Independence, sparked by the tyranny of an oppressive King. A system that allows the tyranny of one is always supported by a self-serving class that justifies, proliferates, and feeds off of and to the tyranny that allows its corruption. The ersatz privileged class deftly continues to thrive through changing times and politics, and in the 239 years since our inception,  has been waging its own war against our Founding principles, in order to carve out a position whereby they would re-institute the old ways of Royalty.  No longer princes or princesses, earls or knights, they are called counselors, advisors, lobbyists.
In those positions and under those titles they have many human foibles, corruptions, self-interests that work to maintain and remain in positions of power over the populace. Again, I find I must Quote Thomas Paine to explain better the differences between society and government. "Society is produced by our wants,and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. One encourages intercourse , the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher."
Allow me to clarify for our modern ears, the 'intercourse' spoken of is the inter-personal communications and the day to day interactive discourse that we conduct in our everyday lives.
We have all experienced the many blessings of a benign society in our day to day experiences, and must consider it a good thing that should be sought after by and for everyone. Government, on the other hand, is naught but a necessary structure even in it's best state, and something to be feared  and not to be tolerated, in it's worst state.
Currently we are being exposed to the worst state of burdensome and oppressive Government.  It seems deaf to our pleas for redress, non-responsive to our demands that it listens to our voice, and refuses to conform to the type of governance we want it to provide.  The existing government demands too high a price for the false sense of protection it purveys to it's people. We have gone from being free citizens, to once again the position of subjects of a hierarchy, all at the hands of a repressive and selfish government of ruling class that routinely usurps their Constitutional powers.  
The necessary checks and balances are ignored by the elected Congress, the usurpations go unchallenged in fact, and lip serviced in fact, if not ourselves then who will demand we return to our founding principles and restore the Constitution that defines that which rightfully belong to free people?
It falls on us, in this generation, to restore that government. We are called upon to be the catalyst, to remind on another of what was originally intended, and to strive to be and then remain the same patriots our founders chose to be.  We must be bound together in a common cause to restore that which will benefit all, equally; or we will fail before we begin in our endeavors to re-ignite the patriotic urges that were extant to form our Republic. It will require for each of us the will to overcome the ennui and self aggrandizement that our elected officials have fallen prey to.  Only in that higher purpose can we force oppressive government back on the righteous path.  Only then can that long forgotten America be restored to all the promise we once stood for.  Once again, we must all do our part.
The current 'usurper in chief' with purposeful pattern has overstepped his Constitutional restrictions, and rightful enumerated powers delegated to the presidential office by the congress. However, the Congress has repeatedly abandoned it's duty as well.  It is infiltrated by the Elites who want to see it fail, by the selfish who are self-serving, by the weak who show no will and have done nothing to counteract the usurpations although before elections they promise to do so.  
AMERICA suffers an incursion by the destroyer from within, that sits at its lead a pseudo King who rides roughshod over the American traditional values and morals. Achieved through many decades of an established and entrenched institution of regulations in law, which no one in the other branches have used their check and balance powers to stop.
How has this happened? Consider, the powers deflected and rendered inconsequential when the 14th Amendment was enacted through the chicanery of the re-constructionist/deconstructionist Congress, then the victors of America's Civil War, the Washington insiders of the late 1800's, who deliberately mis-informed the public about conditions,  sought to empower a national government that they controlled, over any future power or sovereign standing of any individual state, with three words ' no state shall' they usurped the original Constitution and reconstructed one of their own.  
This Congress changed the rules our nation was founded on.  Forced and required the ratification of the 14th Amendment before any and every state was allowed to reunify.  The 14th amendment was an unconstitutional act, and was only made constitutional upon its own ratification.
Building upon the unbalance and the ability to check federal government growth, followed the 16th and 17th amendments, both ratified in the same year.  This triad of amendments combined to guarantee Free Reign for the ever changing politics and controlling Establishment Party Line that would decide/decides and imposes their own brand of political will, and do as they would do, while ignoring the strictures of original Constitutional Law. This new design allows the continued making of new unconstitutional law, and a federal government that serves federal government.  
Lost was the intent of serving the people, and for them conforming to Constitutional Law and equal and balanced government that respects the sovereignty of the people living in the respective states. Lost were the carefully crafted checks and balances originally meant to keep the government akin to the simplest form possible because the simpler a constructed thing is, the less liable it is to become disordered, and if it does become disordered, the simpler the repair of it will be. The checks and balances which were incorporated were also to restrict any person or group from being able to create its own fiefdom from which they could dictate terms to all others.
We now are as a people attempting to reinstate the original concepts that guided the fledgling nation into greatness on the world stage and made it the model other nations attempted to copy. The Founders in their wisdom realized that even with the checks and balances their constitutional construct for government could be rendered impotent through the machinations of men or from scientific progress and  changing times. They incorporated a method of tweaking the Constitution to allow for it to be marginally changed to keep up with those developments and yet retain its protections of the Unalienable Rights of American citizens.
 That method was deliberately made complicated and unwieldy to prevent frivolous and simple majority changes such as usually kills a Democracy. they even knew peradventure that even the elected officials would not always be trusted to work in the best interests of the people and the nation. Their answer to these challenges was the Article V of the Constitution. this allowed for both the congress to propose amendments to the Constitution but also gave the people a power over that Congress should it become intractable to the people. In fact the founders believed the majority of the power was safest when distributed among all the people with the proper checks to prevent our Republic from becoming a self defeating Democracy.
Conditions in our Nation now demand the concerted actions of the people to rectify that Intractable Congress and a President who has been acting like a member of Royalty. It falls on us to be the patriots who will do what is necessary to preserve the Republic and to remedy all the divergence from the original concept that our Founders handed down to our safekeeping in perpetuity. We are experiencing a modern round of what the Founders fought so hard to remove.
   Firstly, the Neo-Monarchical Tyranny and disabuse of a president that has designs on becoming an American King if judged by his actions so far. 
  Secondly, the Neo-Aristocratical tyranny  of members of Congress that have become Defacto American Peerage due to their longevity in positions that were originally intended to be only temporary inconveniences on the elected members for the benefit of the nation as a whole and then go back to their civilian lives. 
  Thirdly, the Republican form of government depended on the common citizens to take an active and continuous part in the control and oversight of their elected officials. this is where the people let themselves down through complacency and hedonistic pursuits.
 The Article V section of the Constitution gives us the means to rectify all of those problems that have come around again to damage the Republic and return it to a pseudo monarchy or rather an Oligarchy to use the proper term. If you look at the basics there are only two forms of government Republic and Oligarchy. We can see where the Elites in Congress have run us off the wheels of the Republic over the last hundred years by incorporating the 14th,16th,and 17th Amendments to strip us of our power over them, BUT, they have not stripped the final power we have over them.
 That power is to amend the Constitution without them having a say on what amendments we propose and that scares them to death. Why, we could propose an amendment that allowed then one term in the House and one term in the Senate. Or another one that made them unable to exempt themselves from the laws they enact. We could even propose an amendment that would let them have a retirement at 25% of their highest salary but only for the same duration as they spent in Congress. In short we could take back everything they stole for themselves and they could not do anything about it.
  However I would think that we should start by enacting the proposed 28th Amendment to repeal the 14th,16th&17th. Then we could propose a balanced budget amendment that would stop their pay if they did not pass one by the time limit prescribed. We could even pass an amendment that would require full public disclosure of a persons background who contemplated running for and Federal Office.
I doubt there would be much opposition from the various States to ratify any of those proposals. It wouldn't be like someone trying to open up the Constitution and removing say the Bill of Rights because there would be massive public opposition to something like that.  

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